Ben Carson Gets the Joe Frazier Treatment

Ben Carson along with other black conservatives on the national seen gets the same treatment from the left as Joe Frazier got when he was fighting Muhammad Ali in the 1970s.

I began noticing this during the 2012 Republican Primary when Herman Cain was leading in the polls driven mainly by the support of the supposedly “racist” Tea Party.  I have seen it again in the latest political cycle with the emergence of Ben Carson.

For those of you who don’t know, Muhammad Ali was stripped of the heavyweight championship and his boxing license in 1967 for refusal to enter the armed services.  Joe Frazier claimed the vacated title in 1968.

In spite of his undefeated record, Frazier’s title was disputed until he beat Ali in “The Fight of the Century” in 1971.  Leading up to the fight, Frazier lobbied the Nixon administration to allow Ali to obtain a boxing license so they could fight.

He even gave Ali cash to help him stay afloat during the process.  Ali then turned around and hit Frazier with insults of being an “Uncle Tom”.  There is no greater insult by one black man to another than that.

Throughout their three-fight rivalry, Ali portrayed Frazier as the white man’s champion; he even knocked his dark complexion and features calling him a gorilla.

Frazier was actually apolitical and wanted to be everyone’s champion.  To this day, though the media doesn’t openly condone the insults, several rationalize it as Ali selling the fights.

Ali died regretting it and Frazier died without having completely let it go.

Fast forward to today.  The media, funded by the left paints anyone critical of President Barack Hussein Obama as a racist.  But, it’s always open season on black conservatives like Ben Carson.

The left now has their panties in a bunch over the appointment of Carson by President-Elect Donald Trump as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

They claim he is not qualified based on his lack of experience in such a position.  They do have a point.

However, he did come from very humble beginnings in Detroit to become one of the premier neurosurgeons in the world.  So, he knows something about succeeding in the face of adversity.

If the man can separate twins conjoined at the head, is it a stretch to think he can handle HUD?  The real problem the left has with Carson aside from him being a Trump appointee is that just like Cain in 2012, he is the wrong kind of black man for their agenda.

Guys like Carson and Cain rose above racism and adversity to become great American success stories.  However, because they preach the freedom of accountability rather than the hidden enslavement of built-in excuses and entitlement ideology, they are very dangerous to the left-wing agenda.

The left subtly paints black conservatives as somehow being “less black” because they don’t fall in line with their lies.  Their Marxist cohorts in the media are all too happy to play along.

Frazier was unsubtly painted this way by Ali, and his media worshippers were all too willing to enable this with their self-righteous rationalization that he was just selling the fights.

I had a conversation with a respected black colleague about Ben Carson during the recent campaign.  She said Carson “doesn’t even know he’s black”.

People like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Justice Clarence Thomas should be beacons to all Americans, but especially to the black community.  But the left has woven their lies so deep into this community’s minds that just like Frazier (though he’s more highly respected) these guys never really get their due acknowledgement.

While agitators like Al Sharpton and thug rappers who call fellow black Americans “n*****s and w****s” are given platforms and glorified, people like Carson get the Joe Frazier treatment.  Talk soon.
