We Must Defend The Altar!

Catholics must defend Christ’s Altar at all costs. If that cost is prosecution, so be it. If the cost is injury to ourselves or anyone else (though we hope for neither), so be it.

If the cost is our death, so be it. If we die to protect Christ in His Tabernacle, His alter or the priest serving Mass, so be it. If we die for Christ, we become martyrs and go straight to Heaven.

Is that a call for violence? Of course not. I have preached in this blog that we cannot win the culture war with violence.

We must train for the possibility of violence while praying for none. We must not insight violence.

We must not get into violent situations over personal pride. A guy looking at you funny in a bar? Leave. There’s nothing to accomplish there.

However, if there is a hill to die on it is protecting the Lord’s Altar during the Sacrifice of the Mass. This is yet another reason altar rails should be brought back. They are one extra barrier.

I have seen Christ’s one true Church disrespected beyond the norm lately. We know Satan will always attack the Catholic Church the hardest.

At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, a sodomy celebration desecrated perhaps the most famous altar in the country at the funeral of an apparently famous prostitute. Then, pro-Palestinians took to that same Altar with a banner during Easter Vigil.

Thankfully, they were removed with little drama. I was recently at a Mass where a deranged man was acting inappropriately and was on his way to stepping on the Altar.

It was made clear to him that if he went another step, he would be physically removed. Thankfully, he left without incident.

This is not me being a tough guy. This is me telling you what must be done.

People have been disrespecting Mass for years. Enough! You know why nobody disrupts Mosques? Because they would be in immediately dealt with in far less merciful fashion than we Catholics show. That is not to say we should not me merciful.

But allowing improper behavior is not mercy. It’s actually the opposite.

Men wearing hats must be told to remove them. Parents must know that snacks and toys are unacceptable during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Transubstantiation that happens in Mass is the greatest event in the universe. It trounces a Presidential Inauguration or a supposed moon-landing.

We are of course, not looking for opportunities to throw people out of Church. We are a welcoming Church to those who come with respect.

But we Catholic men must defend Christ’s Bride the same way we would our own. Talk soon.
