The Evils of Feminism

Feminism is straight out of the communist playbook. It is used to destroy the God’s natural order, the family and eventually society.

No, this is not a female-bashing article. Fr. Chad Ripperger, probably the nation’s top exorcist gave a talk regarding the poisons of feminism. It does not simply tell modern women that their priorities are out-of-whack.

It points out the complicity of men fueling this to allow for our complacency and the effeminacy we fight going back to the fall of Adam. This man fights Satan directly for a living.

One of the main ambitions of communism is the removal of God and his plan from society. That is why communists are satanic. They don’t need black robes and pentagrams.

They do the devil’s work by making you think neither he nor God exist. Enough from me. Let’s listen to the expert. Click this link.

Talk soon.


PS: Father gives several talks regarding God’s natural order regarding the family. I have found the following links to be free marriage counseling.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.