5 Years of The Straight Shot

The Straight Shot is now 5 years old.  What a historic time we are living in.

In those 5 years we have seen President Donald J. Trump shake up the world with his 2016 victory.  Then we watched as the deep state stole the 2020 election with massive voter fraud enabled by a cooked up plandemic.

What’s next?  It will get worse before it gets better.

Please stop being surprised by the actions of the tyrants.  They are shameless and will stop at nothing to achieve absolute power for their master, Satan.

Knock off the Hannity-style whataboutism.  It’s boring and accomplishes nothing.  If you want to do that, call Ben Shapiro or some other cuckservative talk show.

We can win this fight, but not without Jesus Christ.  The forensic hand audits of ballots from 2020 is taking far longer than expected, but I still have hope and believe the truth will be revealed sooner or later.

My writing has evolved some over the last 5 years.  I no longer write about sports because it just does not interest me, though an occasional combat sports article is still likely.

I hope this blog has been informative, motivating and useful to my audience.  However, I do not write to an audience.  This is a therapy hobby for me first and foremost.

For that therapy to be successful, I have to open up more.  I will keep pushing myself to peel the onion deeper and allow for more vulnerability as I attempt to destroy my own ego and shame.

I would like to take the time to thank some people.  The first group is anonymous.

I first have to thank the website designer.  Next, my late first editor who is missed daily.  That brings me to my new editor; thank you-you know who you are.

I would like to thank everyone who takes the time to read my content and more so those who take the time to comment.

I would like to mention those who have commented frequently here like Ellen, Grace, Esteban and my top comment contributor of the last year, Tom.

Your comments are always appreciated, even if they are disagreeable so long as they are respectful.

I look forward to several more years of spewing straight shooting, unfiltered truth both in regard to the world as I see it and my own inventory.  Talk soon.



Is The Military Still Patriotic?

photo courtesy of Wallpaper Cave

Is the military still patriotic?  I’m sad to say at this point it is not.

People who read this along with myself have instincts to revere the military.  Some of you have served.

Most of us have family members who served and/or fought.  I have personally grown to regret not serving a few years out of high school.

Many of us will thank a vet for his or her service or welcome them home if they were deployed.  If we see a guy at a bar in uniform or it comes to our attention somehow that he is a vet, we will buy him a drink.

However, things have changed in a hurry.  Yes the military industrial complex has existed for several decades, but we always loved the soldiers.  They were the warriors who protected our freedom.

However, we have been gradually eroding the warrior class that made the US military the best fighting machine on the planet.  The Brass and eggheads started handcuffing dominance with outrageous rules of engagement.

They prolong what should be an in-and-out strike to line their pockets with the blood of our troops.  Then came the social justice and the globo-homo agenda.

How do you think this is for morale?  I am sure some just brushed this stuff off as unimportant nonsense the way we all do at our civilian jobs knowing there is a bigger end to focus on.

Then they began purging freedom loving Americans by scouring social media for supporters of the legitimate President in order to create an army more faithful to the illegitimate gong show currently on Pennsylvania Ave.

Just in case there were lifers who insisted on staying like the old Italian lady who won’t leave a neighborhood where she is no longer welcome, they mandate that all soldiers receive a “vaccine” with questionable-at-best efficacy.

Who do you think is a more likely patriotic American warrior?  Would it be an independent thinker who takes care of his own health and immunity or the sheep who without question rolls up her sleeve?

Have you seen what is going on in Australia?  Think that can’t happen here?

Who do you think will enforce such lockdowns?  It will be the cops and the military, who the right has loved and backed for so long.

All you tough guys with the NRA stickers who think your gun collection adds inches to your dicks…if the tyrants find a way to alter the Second Amendment, who do you think is coming for your guns?  Social worker?  DNC?

Nope!  It will be cops and soldiers.  Oh that’s farfetched…

More farfetched than the government telling you when you can or can’t breathe properly?

We just found out that the top military official in the country reached out to China behind the back of the legitimate and then sitting Commander-in-Chief.

Have they shown any boundaries?  Why would you expect any going forward?

Those of you close to young people considering the military as a future should ask their reasons.  If the reason is patriotism, they may want to think that through.

Sad, but seemingly true.  Talk soon.


Fuck Your Pumpkins

courtesy of memerator.net

Fuck your pumpkins.  I can’t stand this yearly nonsense.  It’s 80 degrees today with a week of Summer left (yes Summer is 6/21-9/21) and I walk up to the supermarket to find about 100 pumpkins lined up.

I mean this audience knows how I feel about Halloween, but even if you are a huge fan of Satan’s feast day what are you going to do with a pumpkin a month-and-a-half out?  It’s gonna rot!

People who think like me get angry with the stores.  Not me.  They wouldn’t be hawking pumpkins on a Summer day if the sheeple didn’t buy them.

The same people who let the oligarchs convince them that Memorial Day and Labor Day bookend Summer are the same ones who rushed out for a pumpkin soy latte last Tuesday.  They were in the fucking ocean the day before!

Be honest with yourselves for crying out loud.  Pumpkins serve no more than 3 purposes:  a pagan holiday 6 weeks away, pie and maybe seeds.

Outside that you’re jerking off to a giant squash.  Pumpkin coffee sucks.  Pumpkin iced cream sucks.  Pumpkin bread sucks too just like almost all the other half cake-half breads.

That’s right doll.  Your zucchini bread sucks, so stop pushing that shit.

We got a week of Summer left and hopefully a scorching Indian Summer.  Shit I hope you need sun block on Columbus Day.  Eventually it will turn cold and we will be dreaming about this weather, not Autumn leaves.

So until that day comes, grill as many burgers as you can.  Drink as many margaritas as you can.

Enjoy your last good tomatoes.  Get to the beach while there are no trans lifeguards and chubby rent-a-cops with bigger tits than your sister trying to act like Sipowicz as he demands you display a $12 beach pass.

Savor every morsel of Summer.  Fuck your pumpkins.  Talk soon.
