The Pain of Sin

The other night I was listening to Roosh’s latest livestream and something came up about the pain of sin as we grow in our faith.

It hit home.  As I age and grow closer to Christ knowing He is this country’s only Hope, I have noticed that my sins bother me more than ever.

We are all sinners and if there was a sinners hall-of-fame I would enter on the first ballot.  I always knew I was a sinner but had a mentality growing up that my sins were not serious enough to land me in Hell.

I believed in Jesus.  I prayed.  I was not a murderer, rapist or sodomite so what did I really have to worry about?

Then in 2001, I started going back to Mass and occasional confession.  I was improving but had a long way to go.

Then I started watching EWTNFr. John Corapi’s talks really began to inspire me.

He taught me the power of the Rosary.  He taught me the importance of confession.

You see when we are in a state of mortal sin we are actually ineligible to receive Holy Communion.

This is why bishops and priests should be denying the Sacrament to abortionist politicians until they repent for their sins and publicly denounce such a genocide.

So Corapi got me to go to confession more often because I knew I needed the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior to face the challenges in my life.

BTW-if you are Catholic and don’t attend Mass on the Sabbath without a good reason, you are currently in a state of mortal sin.

I don’t say that from a high horse.  I am just informing because I know some people take Holy Communion anyway.  If you do this without the intent of going to confession at your next opportunity and without the intent to start attending Mass regularly, that is blasphemous.

I used to do it myself.  Anyway, I was going to confession more for Eucharistic eligibility than for repentance.

Nowadays as I get closer to Christ who sweat, bled and died for my sins, I feel the distance sin creates between He and I so I rush to confession out of desire to close that gap.

To be honest, this can be a real hassle.  But it makes me sin a little less.

You see Satan and his demons attach themselves to our sins.  They are like dirty cops.  They encourage us to sin with temptation, then prey on our guilt prosecuting us before God in an attempt to bring us to Hell.

They lie to us with temptation, then they lie to us with the hopelessness we feel consciously or subconsciously when we sin.

So I encourage all Christians regardless of your denomination to repent for your sins; free yourselves from that prison and come to Christ.  We cannot win this country back any other way.

Maybe some of you want to make this move but are hesitating for whatever reason.  Just throw yourself into it.

Sin is painful.  But Jesus is the good doctor who actually cures, unlike Big Pharma oligarchs.

See you in Church.  Talk soon.


4 Lies The Boomer Elite Told Us

The Baby Boomer generation did not just rebel against the prosperity created by the Greatest generation.  Their elite corrupted our minds with lies.

These lies were spewed by the education system, the media and woven into the entertainment industry.  Let’s get right to the biggest lies off the top of my head:

1-We Don’t Need Church.  God Is Everywhere.

Yes, God is everywhere.  He also commanded us to keep Holy the Sabbath.  That meant for the Jews to get to Temple on the Sabbath.

For us Christians, Jesus gave us a new Sabbath on the day of the Resurrection.  Bottom line:  we are supposed to be in Church on the Sabbath.  It’s a commandment, not a suggestion.

In a society that lives for the weekend, this means Church comes before the mall, parties, youth sports and anything else you can think of.

A lack of spiritual structure creates the fallacy  that simply saying you believe in God and being basically a decent person will get you into Heaven.  Even Satan believes, actually KNOWS God exists.  There is a reason Jesus tells us to enter through the narrow gate.

He is telling us that not everyone will enter into Eternal Life.

2-Don’t Rush Into Marriage and Children.

Terms like find yourself and play the field a little and see what’s out there are code for go out and collect a few notches before you get married.

Now granted, marriage for men is not what it used to be.  The system is rigged to financially and emotionally break men in family court with unfair divorce settlements.

So on a logical level it is important to find a woman of faith.  But you know what happens when you follow the lie from the boomers?  You live a continually sinful existence.

You always want to taste the next flavor.  You fornicate with people you have nothing in common with.  You use contraception because you know this.

You become desensitized.  You don’t just play the field.  You prolong the game.  This results in prolonged adolescents.  This leads to a far lower birthrate.

This is why I am in my mid-40s and childless.  There was a time when people married young in this country.

Many married as virgins or their first sexual partner.  Having numerous notches was not the norm for family people.

Is the divorce rate higher now or then?  What about the birthrate?  Are we having more American babies or less?

The people migrating to this country:  say what you will about whether they belong here or not but they sure do have more children than the average American.  Is God Blessing them for multiplying?

3-Patriotism Is Goofy.

I would never advise patriots to join today’s HIJACKED! military.  However, it was not always this way.

Self structure and discipline have been my strong suits after being engrained in me from high school wrestling.

If anyone was made for doing at least some time in the military it was me.  However, my generation was dissuaded from such.  It was presented as being for the bottom-of-the-barrel young men who had no “better options.”

I can recall M*A*S*H reruns playing in the background nightly.  While the show was funny with the original cast, it mocked any character who was patriotic or gung-ho about the service.

Patriotism doesn’t begin and end with the military.  As boomers made it into power positions of media and messaging things like boy scouts went from honorable to dorky.  The result?  Most of us cannot set up a camp site or pitch a tent.

People who participated in lodges, church events and volunteer civics like the fire department or EMT services were looked at as rubes who had no interesting social life.  This resulted in a lack of community.

4-You Have To Go To College To Succeed.

As the boomers took over the education system, shop classes slowly went by the wayside to the point where they are now almost extinct.  Kids who can barely count are told to go to college.

They then go and take student loans with no intention of paying it back, take up space and cause havoc on campuses.

Middle-of-the road type students are pushed to get a useless degree which they have to get into debt to obtain and it may or may not lead to a job in their area of study.

Trade schools are not pushed.  This leads to a less masculine society and no American labor force outside the higher skilled trades like electrical, plumbing, welding, etc.

Meanwhile the colleges and universities are now full blown communist camps where any combination of straight white Christian males are vilified.  If I had a son who was not a true academic I would not encourage him to attend college and I wouldn’t pay for it if he insisted.

I was one of those middle-of-the-road kids who bought into the idea of college.  My area of study was basically like taking AP high school classes.

I learned next to nothing I use today.  My family and I basically paid tens of thousands of dollars and the best thing I learned was how to throw a ping pong ball into a solo cup.

I would have matured far sooner going from the unwoke military into a trade school.  I would not be answering to anti-freedom-of-speech bosses today and this blog would not be anonymous.

Additionally, I have numerous friends who never went to college or didn’t graduate but make significantly more money than I do.

The boomer elite knew damn well they were lying to us.  They had their plans of Godlessness, population control and feminization of society.

The elite manipulated many of our parents’ thinking and outlook.  Most parents thought they were pointing us in the right direction; they had their hearts in the right place.

They were lied to by their own generation.  Talk soon.


The Worst Generation

photo courtesy of Slate

As a Gen-Xer I often sat at family functions in awe listening to my parents, aunts and uncles talk about their childhoods.  The streets, playgrounds, parks and woods were their own safe jungles to rule like kings.

They walked miles and rode bikes to neighboring towns.  They camped out in remote areas for days; all unsupervised.

Their parents put few restraints on them outside school, dinner, chores and church.  Was the world perfect?  No.  There were still things like Jim Crow and inequities to correct.

However, people overall got along far better and black America was on an upward trajectory of entrepreneurism, home ownership, increasing wages and intact families even if not on the level of their white counterparts.

My parents were of modest means, even borderline poor.  They had far less material things than we did as kids, but their freedom and simplistic prosperity made for far more happiness.

They didn’t have microwaves or videogames.  What they had was Mom’s home cooked meals.

They had wholesome heroes like the Lone Ranger.  They didn’t need an exotic vacation to relax.  One car was good enough.

Of course I am talking about the Baby Boomer generation.  Why did they have such terrific childhoods?

Simple.  They were raised by the Greatest Generation.

The everymen and women who survived the depression only to go on and destroy a supposed Nazi Superman at 18 made a prosperous and safe environment for their huge offspring.

They also had each other.  The WWII generation followed God’s law of be fruitful and multiply.

Does this mean every family was the picture of happiness?  No way.

There were unfaithful marriages.  There were abusive households.  There was alcoholism.

I am sure many of the Eddies that knocked Hitler on his evil ass had PTSD.  They just never talked about it.  They got up and went to work everyday without complaining.

No shrink couches for those ironmen.  They went from the factory-to the barstool-to the dinner table.

But what those families were that set them apart-they were intact.  They truly stayed together for better or worse.  When the shit hit the fan, they leaned on one another.

So after the Boomers grew up in mostly prosperous homes with wholesome and healthy childhoods created by the Greatest Generation what did they do?  They rebelled against the society they benefitted from.

As the Boomers came of age, they decided they needed not just freedom but hedonism.  The generation who lied about their age to fight the Germans and Japs spawned the generation who decided they were above military service.

Service got in the way of getting high, burning bras and rolling around in Woodstock mud.  This is not to say that US involvement in Vietnam was a good thing; that’s an argument for another day.

The worst of the worst generation were the elite who spat upon and mocked our boys coming home from a jungle hell fighting an enemy they didn’t choose for an ally that didn’t appreciate them.

They then went onto turn the universities into communist breeding grounds.  Women flooded the workforce.

More and more children grew up in empty houses.  The boomers were still unhappy with the society they were creating.

So what was next?  Mass adultery and divorce.

The generation that grew up with Mom’s apple pie and Leave it to Beaver left it’s offspring with fruit rollups and MTV.  The result of that was guilt leading to spoiling kids with material items.

Then Gen-X and Millennials spoiled their kids worse and tried to be friends with them, shelter them from any Adversity whatsoever and refuse to discipline them.

What are we left with now?  A weak Godless society.

Thankfully, my mother was pretty old school.  She fought the good fight.  There are numerous Boomers I love who are terrific people.

However on a whole, a generation so vain that they gave themselves a nickname they take so much pride in did major damage to the country that was so good to them with their rebellion.

The Zoomers have quite a mess on their hands.  Are they the next great generation we don’t know about?

Time will tell.  Talk soon.


PS:  Major thanks to Jay Campbell who emailed me about my last article pointing out that polio was actually eradicated by better sanitation and hygiene, not vaccination.  Check Jay out here.

The Vax Stasi is Coming

The vaccine Stasi is coming folks.  One thing about the left:  if you pay attention, they always tell you what’s coming.

Disclaimer:  I am neither a doctor, nor a lawyer.  Seek medical and legal advice only from professionals you trust.

I know some of you are vaccinated.  Fine.  That’s a choice you made and I wish you the best; hopefully you made an informed one.

I have no criticism for you.  We cannot re-write history; we can only write the script going forward.

Personally, I am not getting the COVID vaccine under any circumstances.  The oligarchs can ban me from stores, get me fired, starve me, whatever.

I spoke in Be Brave, But Smart about basically picking battles.  Arguing with sheep coworkers at the office is a waste of time that can only jam patriots up.

However, there are certain hills I am willing to die on.  This is one of them.

In earthly terms, I believe this to be a a rushed vaccine which is not an actual vaccine.  Seven fully vaccinated people in the New York Yankee organization at one point tested positive.

I have never had to worry about catching polio because the polio vaccine is a true vaccine.  There have been numerous horror stories regarding side effects and sudden unexplained deaths of people after taking this poison.

Does that mean everyone who gets it has issues?  No.  Most people probably are fine, at least in the short term.

In biblical terms, the coming passports and restrictions associated with the vaccine sound an awful lot like the number of the beast mentioned in The Book of Revelation (there has never been a better time to get familiar with that BTW).

Is the vaccine the number of the beast?  I don’t know, probably not.  But I believe it may very well be  warm up to it.  Satan wants us used to complying.

Additionally, I have heard that there are aborted fetal cells in this gene therapy.

The problem for the Stasi is not enough people have complied.  Now they are saying we need herd immunity.

I always knew herd immunity to be mass exposure to an illness causing stronger immunity in the strong while unfortunately eliminating the weak.

This is why I encourage you all to Take Control of Your Health and Become Hard to Kill.  However, now herd immunity is being portrayed as being achieved through this rushed “vaccine.”

The scary part-that includes the children even though it has been common knowledge that kids are not generally in danger with COVID.

But Satan’s soldiers want you AND your children controlled, sick, weak, infertile and eventually dead.  When they can harm and kill children, the game has been won for these sick fucks.

So my plan if the Vax Stasi comes to my door is similar to the brave Canadian pastor’s approach in this link.  I will additionally refuse to give any stranger my name.

I will ask them what organization they are with and warn them that should they return, I will pursue trespassing charges along with lawsuits.

Where that goes, I cannot control.  All of our institutions have been corrupted.  However, I will not be willingly vaccinated.

Yes, I will die on this hill.  Talk soon.


Happy White History Month

Happy White History Month straight shooters!  Yes, you read that right.  July is white history month.

Eh…eh…that’s racist!  Really Karen?  Well, don’t blame me.  I didn’t invent it.

Nope!  It was invented by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a black man.  Does that make you feel better, Dear?

Don’t believe me?  See for yourself in this link.

But I know, the commies on the racist left will just write Jesse off as an Uncle Tom and give him the same Joe Frazier Treatment that they give all black conservatives.

Now truly in my heart-of-hearts I think all these months celebrating identity are silly, divisive and dull.  I personally don’t need my race celebrated.

However, we have been beaten over the head with celebrations of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, sodomites, women (who often beat their chest about Roe vs. Wade) and who knows what else month-in, month-out for 30 years.

Everything is celebrated accept the history of straight white Christian males.  You know, those evil monsters who created, bled and died for the freedoms, civility and culture people of all races used to enjoy.

Straight white Christian males have created the most history by a lot, both good and bad.  BTW-Jesse also coined August Men’s History Month.

So, you virtue signaling phonies on the left can stick it straight up your asses.  You started this nonsense.

We are now playing by the rules you set.  That means we take our seat at the table.

So silly as it may sound, Happy White History Month bitches!  Talk soon.
