See Hoaxed in 2019

This past weekend I attended a private screening of Mike Cernovich’s new documentary film, Hoaxed.  The documentary is about fake news.

By now we all are familiar with the term “fake news.”  Hoaxed reveals how fake news has been responsible for American lives by fueling support for both wars in Iraq which were sold on lies.

It exposes how the news is for the most part a machine for the left.  It points out how the news made a major progression to the left from 1958-1970.

It exposes how the left uses the news to spread their propaganda.  That includes not just spreading their own lies but also censoring and lying about those with the courage to expose these lies or challenge their narrative.

The film shows how nearly all major totalitarian societies used propaganda, lies and censorship as tools for control.

For those of you who don’t know who Cernovich is, he is a blogger turned mindset author turned independent journalist turned all of the above.  If you read this site you know I link to him often.

He has broken several major stories like the Susan Rice unmasking scandal, the John Conyers story (through BuzzFeed) that the former congressman settled a sexual harassment case with taxpayer funds causing his resignation (Cernovich reports that there are hundreds more unsealed congressional suits settled with taxpayer funds).

He also has an active lawsuit to uncover blacked out court records regarding convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.  This is just to name a few of Cernovich’s major truth expositions and crusades.

Of course you will not hear much mention of him in mainstream media (Fox News included) because they are highly threatened by him.  If they do report on him he is usually referred to as an alt-right (he has disavowed and separated himself from the alt-right on numerous occasions) conspiracy theorist.

They associate him more with “Pizzagate” than the major stories he has broken.  Cernovich addresses “Pizzagate” in Hoaxed also.

For those of you who think this film is simply right-wing counter propaganda think again.  The film shows how the Black Lives Matter movement has also been lied about and exploited to fuel fear and paranoia in order to divide and conquer us.

The film was followed by another A Night for Freedom event which I will talk about in my next article.  Talk soon.


PS:  Hoaxed has not been officially released yet.  In the meantime there is a Hoaxed book available on Amazon.  I have not gotten to it yet but will review it when I do.