The Prisons of Ego and Shame

courtesy of pintrest

Ego and shame are prisons and one feeds the other.  Some ego is natural and necessary; it drives us.

However when we don’t control it, it controls us.  It becomes a beast we have to constantly feed.

The result?  Inevitably bad choices which lead to shame further imprisoning us.

I remember not all that long ago how much my ego controlled me.  I wasted so much time not being productive with my freedom outside of church and the gym.

The majority of my free time was spent chasing women with varying degrees of success, drinking and feeling a lingering sense of guilt.  I was enslaving myself to my ego.

I had to keep adding to that notch count.  I had to party the hardest.  I had to stay up the latest.  God Forbid I go to bed at midnight, because so much monumental stuff happens at 3:45 AM right?

Then I would wake up feeling this shame not knowing what I said or did.  Did I start a fight?  Where is my car?  How did I get here?

The self disgust would linger till about Wednesday, then here comes the ego back just in time for another weekend of pointless debauchery.

I was living in a cyclical prison of my own ego and shame.  I was playing right into Satan’s hands by being overly prideful and then feeling guilty, sometimes not knowing exactly what for.

Around my late 30s, I began to put the extreme latent adolescent behavior aside, but I am still a work in progress.  The work never ends.

I was faced with confronting ego and shame a couple weeks ago.  A friend sent me a video of former ballplayer Aubrey Huff talking about how he stands up to mask tyranny in Southern CA while so many men are complying.

Though I troll feminism in this blog, I have to say that women on the right have shown far more courage in taking action than men and that’s a problem.

Anyway, the video fired me up.  My mask routine had been to defy in small places here and there like the carwash where I can say I left the mask in my vehicle already loaded with suds.

I would go maskless into some convenience stores that I knew didn’t push the mandate.  On top of that I just stay away from mask Nazi joints as much as possible.

I never pushed it in the supermarket because I am not supply chain independent, not even close actually.  I rationalized that I was taking my own advice to Be Brave, But Smart.

I mean I have to buy food, right?  But it was eating at me that I had to try to hit the market maskless.

I knew this was going to be a tough one.  There are hundreds of people there all pushing or complying with the mask agenda.

It was highly unlikely that anyone would back me if controversy ensued.  There was a strong possibility I would be confronted in some way; that I can basically handle.

But there was also the possibility of local cops acting as dogs for the state harassing me rather than actual criminals.  Then anxiety hit.

What caused the anxiety?  Having to face fear; then I thought to myself, you have challenged yourself in far bigger ways your entire adult life.

You can’t handle the grocery store?  Move your ass boy!

It was my ego and shame imprisoning me.  My ego didn’t want to look stupid if confronted by cops.  I didn’t want to be shamed for not following the crowd.

But the Lord says enter through the narrow gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter though it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.  (Matthew 7:13-14).

So I asked Jesus for courage, walked with purpose and did my shopping breathing unobstructed.  If someone looked at me, I stoically looked them dead in the eyes.  Otherwise my gaze was straight ahead.

I got my items and got to the checkout unmolested.  Just as I was sticking my card in the machine a store employee told me I need a mask.

I was prepared for this.  I told her I don’t wear it for health reasons, they are an essential business and cannot deny me service.  I quoted the totalitarian governor’s order from my shithole state.

She told me I could get my groceries delivered.  I told her that was not practical for me (I mean, what if I were homeless?  I couldn’t buy food?).  She then told me they would provide a face shield.  I said okay and then left.

I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment when I left the store.  Yes the face shield is a compromise of my position but if you live in a tyrannical shithole and have a better suggestion based on your own actions, please leave a comment advising.  If you have done nothing but comply, please shut the fuck up and leave no comments.

It felt similar to the days of coming out of the boxing gym with a headache and a nostril with dry blood still clinging to it.  I had confronted my fear stemming from ego and shame, then grabbed a little freedom win or lose.

That boxing gym was another chamber of truth when it came to the prisons of ego and shame.  It was in a bit of a tough neighborhood.  There was some gang activity, but very few gangbangers boxed.

You know why?  They were in prison and not the one many belonged in, but the prisons of ego and shame.

They already had their tough guy reputations-some earned, some not.  That was far too valuable to put on the line in their own neighborhood by possibly taking an ass whooping in the ring, especially if it came from a white boy.

Had they tried, they would have learned the nobility of an ass-kicking.  Some probably had the talent to grab a golden gloves title.  However, most were unwilling to even experience the fatigue produced by three minutes.

So back to the market.  I had to go back the next day to get dinner to prepare.  So I walk in and immediately the stasi aggressively held up a mask growling, SIR!

I stated that I don’t wear the mask for health reasons and was told I could get a shield.  I was given one.  It’s stupid looking, but allows you to breathe oxygen.

I shopped smiling ear-to-ear.  I got strange looks.  I enjoyed it.

I snapped a picture and sent it to my lady and some friends so they could have a little fun at my expense.  I had come to the realization that fear fuels ego and shame.

That fear is of looking stupid, of failing, of standing out in a possibly negative way.  So some friends cracked on me and that’s fine.

Yes, that shield looks ridiculous!  But the mask doesn’t?  Go back to 2019.  If you saw someone shopping looking like they were auditioning for M*A*S*H*, you wouldn’t mock them in your mind?

You might even take a picture and post it on Instaface so you could have a nice gossip session with the gals.

Usually what the masses are doing and what the mainstream is pushing is pure garbage.  Deep down we tend to know this.

It is our ego and shame that cause us to go along to get along, but God gives us free will.

What is your will?  Freedom or prison?  Talk soon.


More Workplace Suggestions

Once you have committed to stop muling in the office, there are further steps you can take to avoid capitulation with feminized culture.

Any occupation in which there is a human resource department will be a feminized culture.  The sodomites and twisted sisters are placed there by those at the top to keep the culture feminized because a feminized mindset is easily controlled and manipulated.

Independent thought is mostly a masculine trait.  This is one of the reasons we need to Become a Male Led Society.

However, maybe you have worked in an organization so long that making a sudden career move would cause you more financial harm than good.

Some blogs in the “manosphere” (written mostly by people with fuck you money) have encouraged you to throw caution to the wind, tell your boss to fuck off and chase your passions.

One of my suggestions for dealing with tyranny is to Be Brave, But Smart.  In the workplace this means we follow Mike Cernovich’s advice to do our jobs efficiently, spend as little time as possible, collect our pay and use our downtime to chase what we want to become rather than watching sportsball in a man cave.

There are subtle things we can do in the workplace to take a stand against this poisoned office culture while keeping our jobs till we no longer need them.


We keep a stoic presence about us in the office.  We are even-keeled and emotionless in our facial expression combined with a masculine abundance posture.

Our smiles are saved for loved ones.  We do not give into our natural tendency to soften our tone of voice when speaking to women.

We don’t shake our heads yes when receiving orders (this is a sign of weakness when dealing with dishonest people).  We just do the job given to us.

We also don’t lose our tempter.  Stoicism alone will intimidate most women and soy-eating men who are used to everyone speaking like a kindergarten teacher for the last quarter century.

They may even accuse us of being aggressive when we adapt this stoic demeanor.  When that happens, we play dumb.

Good day or bad day, you are Mariano Rivera on the mound in the 9th.  Your expression and mood is the same in October as it is in June.

Assess Ability to Grow

If you can move up in your organization through merit, kick ass and outwork everyone.  If you are likely boxed into your present position because you are not a black transsexual, save your ass-kicking energy for your personal time.

They will never love us.  They will just continue to exploit our competence with no reward.

Don’t Socialize

This goes for in and out of the office when it comes to coworkers.  At the office, realize that constant birthday and bullshit celebrations which provide 3 days worth of sugar and soy for a 15 minute gathering are all part of the feminization culture.

It’s also an attempt to keep everyone unhealthy and compliant.  You are easier to control if you are obese (realize also that anything designed to keep you from getting up from your desk implemented as convenience is actually to weaken and control you).

Participating in these stupid “parties” is like accepting dog biscuits.  Oh thank you Master Oligarch for the chocolate cake!  What are your 7?  You have a job.  If you want a pastry go buy one instead of letting them further own you.

When it comes to out of the office, if you are going to socialize with coworkers be 100% sure they think like you.  Build your tribe primarily outside the office.

Be a Closed Book

This one is tough for me.  I am a pretty open book by nature.  Give them NOTHING about your personal life.

Never discuss the vaccine.

How was your weekend Sean?  Good.

What did you do?  Nothing exciting.

Never tell anyone where you went on vacation unless it benefits you in some way.  They will use virus restrictions against you.

Be Litigious

If you are asked/forced to do things that violate your faith or conscience, look into filing complaints and lawsuits.

Maybe they suddenly require you to attend critical race theory.  Maybe you walk out offended.  File a complaint with HR.  If that goes no place, consult a lawyer.

We on the right are now the oppressed class.  We must adapt the techniques of those who were oppressed in the past.

These techniques take a degree of discipline.  But if practiced, people will be more hesitant to fuck with you as there will surely be far easier targets.

Many of us work for organizations that shoved the words new normal down our throats for 15 months as we turned our lives upside down making the company function.

Time to show the feminized control-based system our new normal.  Talk soon.


A Challenge to Men


courtesy of

I have a challenge to myself along with my fellow men.  The sense is that even commie tyrants in shithole states are moving toward opening more businesses back up.

This will mean more people in work sites and a little less remote work to varying degrees.  In my last article I stated that it’s time we give women the choice between chivalry and independence.

My challenge to us is to stop muling for them in the workplace.  What do I mean?

How many times have you been asked by a female in the office to use your physical strength to provide her with some degree of comfort?

How many times have you been asked to carry her files?  How many times have you been asked to move a desk making your business attire wrinkled and dusty?

How many times have you been asked to change the water cooler when you did not empty it?

Meanwhile that same HR department that requires you to wear slacks, dress shirt, shined shoes, ties and jackets bombards you with celebrations of everything non-male.

Ooh!  Let’s celebrate women’s month.  Ooh! Let’s celebrate women’s suffrage.  Ooh!  This is the anniversary of the first time a woman took a work break to pump her breast milk at the office.

Women are powerful!  Women are wonderful!  Women are all this…women all are that!  Thank God for women!  Time for another cupcake and bagel stuff our faces fest!

Hell, I have even received emails celebrating the start of the ongoing American holocaust known as Roe vs. Wade.

With all this celebrating of female empowerment I am now supposed to soak my dress shirt in my own sweat to carry boxes?

Nah!  Unless she is going to take my shirt home, wash it, iron it and starch it for me, she can show off her girl power and carry her own shit.

It’s far easier said than done.  You will be painted as weak and not a gentleman for not being a mule.  Don’t let your ego and shame imprison you.

Remember!  She is strong, powerful and independent.  Certainly she can pick up 5 measly gallons of water.

Now there can be exceptions.  There are many women who think all this women’s lib nonsense is…well, nonsense.  They conduct themselves in a feminine manor and are genuinely appreciative of your helping hand.

Maybe she privately earns the lady’s treatment by acting like a lady to you in some capacity.  However, what if a female is your ranking superior and it’s not in your job description to move furniture?

Sorry Bosslady.  Shoulder is a little stiff today.

Maybe there is a chick at work who likes to use her sexuality as bait to garner favors like this.  Maybe you are interested in her.

Telling her you are busy will actually give you a better chance of attracting her than muling.

The workplace has become absurdly feminized over the last quarter century.

Muling is enabling.  Talk soon.



PS:  check out the new Army recruitment video in this link.  I bet Putin and Xi are quaking in their wingtips intimidated by “Emma’s” two moms.

Embracing Women’s Right to Choose

courtesy of
courtesy of twitter







My whole life I have heard the promotion of women’s right to choose.  I am now embracing it.

I now fully support a woman’s right to choose.  No, no, no not the right to choose to butcher their own baby.

I think it’s long past time for women to choose between chivalry and equality.  For decades they have been living the best of both worlds.

Polite society still promotes the idea of ladies first or saving the women and children in an emergency.  I have no problem with this.

Polite society still promotes the idea that men should pay for the majority of meals and activities during courtship.  It is my natural instinct to grab the check.

However, if we are going to continue these customs, women must stop this equality bullshit.  On the other hand, they can be treated equally if that’s what they choose.

This means women have the same physical requirements to pass basic fitness tests as men during boot camp or police and fire tests.

This means the first one to the door goes through.  Oh you got the door slammed in your face sweetie?  Oh well.  You are equally strong and quick enough to catch the door as I am right?

This means there is ZERO reason for a woman to receive alimony in a divorce, correct?  You are strong, powerful and independent, so you should have no problem supporting yourself.

This means you split everything down the middle.  You don’t need a man right?

This means if you want to re-arrange your office you move the big heavy desk.  You don’t need Chad down the hall to help, right?  I mean you are strong, powerful and independent.  Let me hear you roar woman!

This also means if you have a few too many martinis and embarrass a man who tries to talk to you in a bar by publicly insulting him or throwing your drink on him to look cool to the gals, you are willing to accept a punch in the nose, right?

I don’t advocate violence on women; in fact, I hate it.  But in an equal society there are equal consequences.  You should be just as cautious as me about insulting someone twice my size.

Now on the other hand, there is always the choice of chivalry.  This means you get the ladies’ treatment from gentlemen.  However, this means that you act feminine.

You submit to the man rather than compete with him.  Your choice.

What will it be?  Chivalry or equality?  I think you know what the better bet is.  Talk soon.


Never A Better Time For Men

In some ways there has never been a better time in history to be a man.  Makes no sense right?

I know, I know.  There is an all-out war on masculinity.  The devil’s army is pumping our boys with xenoestrogens and medications.

They are teaching that it’s cool to wear makeup and shit.  Our most famous Olympian is now a walking circus.

Corporations and government  push more qualified men aside for women and transsexuals to satisfy quotas and/or reward harlots who fornicated their way up the ladder.

The dating scene is rough for single men as 80% of the women compete for the top 20% of men.  However, the competition for life in general has never been lighter for regular masculine men with the balls to approach women, speak hard truths and take what they want (legally of course!).

I don’t really write game articles.  I have been out of the dating scene and in a committed relationship for a while now.

Viewing things from the outside, you see stuff you miss when you’re in the game.  Sitting on my porch and driving around my northeast shithole area paints a picture of great opportunity for men willing to make basic self improvements.

I see an inordinate number of 20 and 30 something women walking dogs alone.  The dogs they walk say a lot.

It’s one extreme to the next.  You don’t see many labs and retrievers.  It’s always either a pit bull or a tiny tea cup pooch.

This tells you what she is missing or longing for.  The one with the pit bull is craving masculinity.  She wants to be protected and led.

Those with the teacup in a stroller (lunatics) want a child.  They are not getting either from Mr. Skinny-Fat with no chin, no muscle tone and bad posture.

The guy walking next to her in a mask is not giving her what her DNA makes her crave.  BTW-if a man wears a mask outside or even owns an N-95 mask for a reason other than his occupation, he is a total pussy.

I see this constantly.  This tells me that standing up straight, having an above average fitness level, breathing oxygen rather than your own CO2 and not being in debt can be a game changer.

Throwing in some reading and doing the opposite of what the mainstream says or what you hear that women want will bring you up another notch.  The media and oligarchs have been poisoning female minds for the better part of a century to deny their DNA.

Most women have no idea what they want because they have been lied to.  Yet somehow as Mike Cernovich long ago pointed out, 50 Shades of Grey sold in huge numbers because women truly want to be led.

Also, the busier we are the more attractive we are.  Even if she gets a little agitated and feels a bit neglected in the short term, she will find you more attractive if you are busy with work, fitness and/or hobbies.

One thing I will add that I heard from Roosh and agree with when it comes to marriages and long term relationships:  if she is not open to Christ, the relationship is doomed to fail in this sick society.

Staying at the top of our game is just as important for those of us married or in or on the way to such.  We must lead and stay attractive.

Remember, every woman at some point contemplates whether or not she can do better.  Let’s do our best to make it so that she cannot.

The competition has never been softer.  Talk soon.
