Jim Crow Coming To A City Near You

The Jim Crow laws were instituted in the South by Democrats (the party of slavery) in the late 19th Century and practiced/enforced until 1965.  These laws created a racially segregated society cloaked in the fallacy of “separate but equal.”

The truth is that black designated facilities were generally far inferior to those designated to whites.  Yes, the Democrats have been playing identity politics for centuries.

This past Saturday night I attended A Night For Freedom hosted by Mike Cernovich.  The event was held at FREQNYC nightclub in the Hell’s Kitchen section of NYC.

As you all know, I have referred and linked to Cernovich quite often here as I view him to be the most effective voice in media today (alternative or mainstream).  I spoke with him twice briefly and he was a gracious host to myself and all attendees.  He was completely approachable and mingled with everyone.

The night included some political speakers, music and comedy.  The celebration of traditional America was a peaceful good time which the left attempted to shut down.

You see, FREQNYC was actually the third designated venue in 48 hours.  Cernovich, to my knowledge has yet to release the names of the first two venues who abruptly cancelled on him.  For security reasons, Cernovich didn’t release the exact venue location to his 650+ ticket buyers until a couple hours before the vent.

After accepting a deposit and signing a contract the first venue apparently cancelled citing some type of fire marshal issues.  The second venue (also with a deposit and a contract) cancelled at 1:00 AM Saturday apparently out of fear of protesters.

Do any one of you think for a second that venues in Manhattan would cancel on any controversial left-wing event?  Do you think any venue would view Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ or Black Lives Matter to be too dangerous to hold an event?

Nope.  But a more diverse group of patriots than you might think getting together to celebrate freedom is considered dangerous in the city of Teddy Roosevelt.

In the Jim Crow South, white people cowardly covered themselves in white to terrorize people who looked different from them.  They were the muscle for the Satanic Democrat Party of the time.

Today in major cities white people cowardly cover themselves in black:  some kind of ISIS knockoff to terrorize people who think differently from them.  They are some of the George Soros funded muscle for the Satanic Democrat Party of today.

I don’t see much difference between the two.  Has the violence reached the point of the 1960s?  Not yet but give it less time than you think.

Cernovich’s determination allowed the party to go on at a last minute third location.  The ANTIFA spies got wind of it in time to round up a bunch of thugs who were rolling up as I entered the club a little after 7:00 PM.

When I left a bit after 11:00 PM things were pretty quiet outside.  It was not until the next day that I read about a 56 year old partygoer who was reportedly struck and choked by a 30 year old ANTIFA scumbag who later was reported to have resisted arrest and attempted to assault police.

The victim was unconscious and required CPR from first responders.  The violence in Jim Crow times escalated as blacks began standing up for themselves and fighting back.  The same will happen in these ideological Jim Crow times when traditional America who is being silenced/censored inevitably goes on the offensive.

Of course the leftist media painted A Night For Freedom as “alt-right”, “all-white”, “far right”, “hateful”, etc.  Cernovich has long disavowed the alt-right and their apparent acceptance of Nazi trash at their events.

However, having attended this event few things jumped out at me.  Everyone was happy and smiling at the event.

People were kind and respectful to each other (even to Chelsea Manning who was in attendance).  Yes, whites represented the highest demographic but there were also blacks, Hispanics, Middle-Easterners and Asians of both genders in attendance.

Yes, there were some ethnic, gender and sexuality based jokes.  However, they were all told in gest.  The spirit of comedy is ignored in today’s Jim Crow atmosphere where right leaning comedians are censored but Bill Maher remains an HBO fixture after calling himself a “house-n****r” on his show.

The crowd was much more diverse than the almost all-white group of twisted sisters and their beta husbands and children wearing vagina hats who shut down my town that morning to scream about non-existent inequality and for the continued right to murder their babies.  It was also more diverse than the all-white ANTIFA terrorists I saw on the web Sunday morning who were so offended by a group of patriots congregating indoors.

The only difference I see between the Jim Crow South and what is developing far too regularly in our cities is that today’s separate-but-not-equal discrimination is less clearly racial and more clearly ideological.  Talk soon.




Reclaim Your Masculinity in 2018 Volume 2

…Okay, so we covered in Reclaim Your Masculinity in 2018 volume 1 ways to improve your testosterone levels naturally.  But what if you are still not happy with the way you are feeling?

You may be a good candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).  Again, I am not giving you medical advice as I am not a doctor.  I am simply making you aware of some options and letting you know what I would do/have done.

The first thing to realize is that it is your life/health and you should have huge input in what is best for you; fortunately my doctor promotes patient choice.  Many doctors want you completely dependent on them and make you forget that as the patient you are the payer, and therefore the boss.

Another thing to keep in mind is that certain numbers may work better for others than they do for you.  Some men feel terrific with a T-level of 500-600.  Personally I feel good over 1,000 and my doctor encourages such numbers.

Many doctors will stress the risks of TRT over the benefits and try to steer you away from taking action while telling you that the way you feel is just part of getting older.  Bad hips are often part of getting older too.  Anyone deterring hip replacements?

If you don’t like your doctor, don’t keep your doctor.  Seek out an integrative physician or anti-aging specialist.

This decision can be a big step because once you go on TRT it’s basically a lifetime commitment as exogenous testosterone will decrease your natural production.  So if you go off TRT your levels will likely be lower than before you started; that’s why I would try to improve naturally first.

Personally I was always proud that I never took steroids at a younger age when many were.  I liked that I did it “naturally” rather than taking the shortcut.  My doctor simply gave me the option to keep feeling like I was stuck in second gear or improve the way I was feeling.

I didn’t know it at the time, but my overtraining and low fat dieting was killing me and I wasn’t chasing the home run record so I decided to go on TRT.  Since then I have come to realize that I wasn’t truly natural before.

The FDA had allowed me to be poisoned with exogenous estrogen, so why not counter that with exogenous testosterone which actually belongs in my male body?  Now I am not saying that TRT has no health risks, but rest assured we will all die eventually.

Would you rather live a vital life which may or may not be shortened, or would you prefer a possibly longer life of insignificance?  Again, it’s up to you.

Some of the risks like increased chance of stroke or heart attack can be easily offset.  Testosterone can raise your red blood cell count making your blood more vicious.

That is why my doctor had me start donating blood every 8 weeks.  So, while helping myself, I am also helping others; it’s a good feeling to get a letter in the mail that your blood helped someone in a hospital.  Donating blood is actually very healthy as I have been told it’s like an oil change for your body; drinking grapefruit juice can also help with this.

TRT can also lower sperm count.  This can be mitigated with HCG.  However, TRT is NOT viable male contraception.  Different people can be affected in different ways.

The benefits to higher testosterone are increased explosiveness physically and therefore the ability to get better results from your workouts, faster recovery, better focus and memory, increased sex drive and a better overall sense of wellbeing.

TRT is taken by patches/pellets, topical gels and creams or injection.  Big pharmaceutical companies make TRT products, but with the topicals the doses are set.  Insurance generally covers this but it may get tricky if you need higher doses; it can become very expensive.

My doctor has me on gel from a compounding pharmacy.  While compounds are often not covered by insurance, the out-of-pocket costs are much less than those of the drug companies and the doctor can better control your dosage.

In addition, you are supporting small business over big pharma.  My doctor likes topicals because they are applied daily (for me in the morning) and mimic the testosterone of a young man as you are getting that morning spike everyday.

I have been fortunate enough to absorb these well (I have had better success with alcohol base gel than lipoderm cream).  Some people don’t absorb well and need injections.

Injections are taken 1-2 times per week.  While you may not get that daily spike that topicals provide, you know that it’s all getting into you.  They are also generally cheaper than topicals.

Injections are also more convenient for some as there is no risk of transfer to others.  In addition, if you take 1-2 shots per week you don’t have to drag yourself out of bed after a rough night to apply it as topicals are best applied about the same time everyday.

Again, if you are feeling well with what you are doing, I would continue.  If you can naturally raise testosterone levels to your satisfaction, great!

If not, TRT (I am not advising, just informing) can be a very successful option to reclaim your masculinity in 2018.  Talk soon.


Trump vs. Bannon is Bad For MAGA

Steve Bannon was instrumental to President Donald J. Trump’s election.  Bannon was the one of Trump’s people who most had his finger on the pulse of the forgotten man, the everyman.  That’s because he, like Trump is an extraordinary everyman.

Both Trump and Bannon are fighters who also have the intellect/instincts to take on the leftist academics in the media.  That’s why the “America First” nationalist base warms up to them.  It drove the union/factory worker to jump from the donkey to the elephant in November of 2016.

Unfortunately, Bannon’s fighting spirit can reportedly cause him to rant and be impulsive (I sympathize as someone who can get so fired up that I run my mouth a tad too much).  Like Trump, what drives him to success can at times be exactly what trips him up.

Steve Bannon f***d up in speaking with Michael Wolff for Wolff’s upcoming book about the current administration.  He has been quoted referring to a meeting Donald Trump Jr. (very popular with the base), Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner (rather unpopular with the base) took with a Russian lawyer (likely working on Clinton’s behalf) regarding possible dirt on Crooked Hillary Clinton during the campaign as “treasonist” and “unpatriotic”.

He also apparently implied that Junior doesn’t have the stomach to stand up to an investigation.  The President, in typical fashion responded aggressively and quickly attacking Bannon’s mental stability and minimizing his role in the campaign/administration.

Trump can minimize Bannon all he wants but it was Bannon who claimed on 60 Minutes (when he ate Charlie Rose’s lunch; video here) that when the Billy Bush tapes came out and some in the inner circle scattered while some advised the President-To-Be to drop out, it was Bannon who told Trump victory was 100% if he stayed in.  Why?  Bannon knew Trump’s base would stick with him as long as Trump stuck with them as he was still a better choice than Crooked Hillary.

Bannon was loyal when things got tough and Trump should remember this.  Bannon has maintained his staunch support for Trump and his agenda; it has very recently been reported that Bannon was planning to refute the quotes from Wolff but backed off after the President attacked him.

Even though Bannon left the administration, a case can be made that he was a stronger voice to it from Breitbart.  Trump also got on a nice roll in the second half of 2017.

Bannon’s mission in 2018 is to rid both houses of establishment GOP in favor of “America First” nationalist candidates.  Will this rift cause Trump to be hoodwinked by swamp rat Republicans who still despise him and want him out into supporting his own enemies from within?

Time will tell but like children in divorced families it could be the MAGA base that suffers most from this.  Talk soon.


PS:  Volume 2 of Reclaim Your Masculinity in 2018 is coming.  But I wanted to touch on this first.

Reclaim Your Masculinity In 2018

I have spoken in prior articles about the civil war brewing in this country between tradition and secular progressivism.  A big part of the progressive left’s battle plan is the war on men.

More specifically, that war is on masculinity itself as beta males who fall in line are tolerated by the left who finds unapologetic masculinity (President Donald J. Trump) to be toxic.

It started subtly and has progressed.  That’s how the left indoctrinates.  It starts with a message that women want more sensitive men (they don’t) and progresses to telling parents to let their 3 year old son dress like a girl if that makes him happy.

Don’t look to the establishment right for any help in the left’s quest to crush your masculinity.  Those double agents have sold their souls.  It’s up to us to take control.

This time last year I encouraged men to start lifting weights.  Hopefully you are doing so; if not (especially if you don’t have a physical job) it’s never too late to get started.

If traditional America wants to take back society we will need to be physically fit.  If you are over 35 and have been working out regularly, you may find that your progress has hit a wall.  This happens to everyone but when you can’t break through for months and may even be regressing, it may be a sign of diminished testosterone.

Low testosterone is an epidemic in the West today.  I am sure you have heard the adds on the radio stating that our testosterone levels are less than our fathers’ at a similar age whose levels were lower than our grandfathers’.

Why is that?  Well as we have “evolved”, fewer Americans hunt, fish, do physical work, etc.  In other words, we don’t do as many manly things as past generations did.

Hell, kids barely play without parental supervision and organization anymore.  How many 12 year olds shovel their driveway or even know how to start a lawn mower?

Combine that with fluoride in the tap water, estrogenic plastic bottled beverages, hygiene products containing xenoestrogens and almost all commercial and packaged foods being poisoned with soy, you are left with a nation of near-men.  Our lack of everyday manly activities make it necessary for us to get into the weight room and do some functional lifting.

If you suffer from any combination of constant irritability, lack of motivation, inability to find that gear in the gym and/or lack of sex drive (yeah I know you’re all fine in this department despite the fact that the drug companies are somehow raking in billions in profits from ED pills) I would go to your doctor and get your testosterone level checked.  However, if you are feeling well and vital, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Chances are if your level is over 300 (low end of “normal”), your doctor will tell you it’s fine (unless you are a woman who wants to be a man in which case you will immediately be given hormone therapy).  I wouldn’t buy it.

Some of the men who make up that “normal” range are 80 years old.  How many 18-25 year olds do you think are getting their testosterone levels checked?

Personally, I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and will discuss this more in detail in Volume 2.  Though I am happy with the results, I may not have needed it when I started in late 2012 had I known then what I know now.

I am not a doctor, so I am not giving you medical advice.  I am just telling you what I would do and/or have done if unhappy with my testosterone levels:

1-Read https://www.anabolicmen.com/.  This site will teach you how to eat like a man (as opposed to bodybuilding magazines which promote soy-laced bars and shakes) and gives all types of tips on naturally optimizing testosterone and minimizing estrogen levels.

2-Read Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich (https://www.cernovich.com/) to adapt a more pro-testosterone mindset.  You will also learn some posture techniques which will lower cortisol (stress hormone which interferes with testosterone production).  His follow-up:  MAGA Mindset is also helpful.

3-Read Atlas:  From the Streets to The Ring.  This book is highly entertaining while beating you over the head with the concept that facing fear is empowering while taking the easy way out is always a lie that will haunt you.  An empowered mindset can raise confidence and therefore testosterone.

4-I would avoid or limit marijuana use.  I never liked this drug and I don’t know whether or not it lowers testosterone but stoned men are less masculine and easier to control.

6-I would moderate alcohol consumption.  While alcohol in moderation has some health benefits, overuse (especially beer) can raise estrogen levels.

7-I would boycott sitcoms.  Almost all of them paint men as dumb**s subservient punch lines who are afraid of the women in their lives.  This can poison what we find acceptable.

8-I would get rid of the porn and save it for the real thing.  https://www.anabolicmen.com/ reports that masturbating to internet porn lowers testosterone while real sex raises it.  It’s also an absolutely satanic industry.

9-Do NOT take anabolic steroids if you are functioning properly, especially if you are under 30.  The same applies for over-the-counter pro-hormones from retailers.

If you apply the information you absorb combined with some functional lifting for six months, I would get my levels checked again and assess how I am feeling.  If things improve, that is ideal; natural is always better.

However, if you are still unhappy with your overall vitality it may be worth looking into TRT…talk soon.
