Do You See?

Do you see how much our government hates King Jesus Christ? It seems every time we blink, there is some other kind of celebration of sodomy or insult to the One True God.

The illegitimate administration decided this past weekend to label Easter Sunday, the most holy day of the year Transgender Day of Visibility. Designating an entire month is no longer insulting enough.

They need an whole different day for trannies. And out of the 365 days of the year (366 this year), the hair sniffer who claims to be Catholic (he should be excommunicated but is supported by the same Pope who put a Pachamama idol in St. Peter’s Basilica) chose the day of our Lord’s glorious resurrection to honor sick freaks.

Of course, this all came a week after a message was pushed that saying Christ is King (He is!) is somehow antisemitic. This is as big a lie as the idea that trannies are victims of violence.

We all know if this were the case, MSM would be reporting it to death. But when did you last hear about some freak being beaten up or abused? You don’t hear about it because it doesn’t happen.

Sources I have in the criminal justice system tell me that just about every single transvestite they come across is completely unhinged and/or violent. They assault their relatives, police, their sex partners, whoever sets them off. I sure hope Big Mike Obama does not behave that way toward his husband Barry.

The demented pedo and leftist governors who pushed this garbage hate us because we are Christ’s people. Jesus told us that if the world hated Him, it will hate us too. We just have to pick up our crosses and follow Him no matter the cost.

That brings me to the Christian public on a whole. Were you insulted by this? I mean truly insulted as if someone spit in your mother’s face.

Or was your outrage more manufactured or lukewarm? Reason I ask is I don’t see enough riteous indignation from Christians.

Duh, they would never do this to Muslims. That’s because they practice and defend their faith.

It disappoints me that a guy like Andrew Tate converted to Islam. He says it’s because Christianity has become weak.

I think Tate is thinking too much in worldly rather than eternal terms, but he has a point. If we Catholics do not at bare minimum make weekly Mass and partake in the Sacraments, let alone defend Christ’s Alter (more on that to come) we are not taking action. We make Tate dead right, plain and simple.

Muhammad is a false prophet and Jesus Christ is the Messiah, but Muhammad’s followers are more devout than the those of Son of The Living God.

Additionally, do you see that the Democrat Party never misses an opportunity to insult Christian values? Barring a major platform change, we cannot call ourselves Christians and vote for pro-abortion or pro-sodomy candidates.

If we do, we are in mortal sin. Do you see this? Do you see their hatred for our Lord and Savior? Do you see their hatred for you and your children?

Christ is King, now and forever. Let’s start acting like it. Talk soon.
