We Must Defend The Altar!

Catholics must defend Christ’s Altar at all costs. If that cost is prosecution, so be it. If the cost is injury to ourselves or anyone else (though we hope for neither), so be it.

If the cost is our death, so be it. If we die to protect Christ in His Tabernacle, His alter or the priest serving Mass, so be it. If we die for Christ, we become martyrs and go straight to Heaven.

Is that a call for violence? Of course not. I have preached in this blog that we cannot win the culture war with violence.

We must train for the possibility of violence while praying for none. We must not insight violence.

We must not get into violent situations over personal pride. A guy looking at you funny in a bar? Leave. There’s nothing to accomplish there.

However, if there is a hill to die on it is protecting the Lord’s Altar during the Sacrifice of the Mass. This is yet another reason altar rails should be brought back. They are one extra barrier.

I have seen Christ’s one true Church disrespected beyond the norm lately. We know Satan will always attack the Catholic Church the hardest.

At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, a sodomy celebration desecrated perhaps the most famous altar in the country at the funeral of an apparently famous prostitute. Then, pro-Palestinians took to that same Altar with a banner during Easter Vigil.

Thankfully, they were removed with little drama. I was recently at a Mass where a deranged man was acting inappropriately and was on his way to stepping on the Altar.

It was made clear to him that if he went another step, he would be physically removed. Thankfully, he left without incident.

This is not me being a tough guy. This is me telling you what must be done.

People have been disrespecting Mass for years. Enough! You know why nobody disrupts Mosques? Because they would be in immediately dealt with in far less merciful fashion than we Catholics show. That is not to say we should not me merciful.

But allowing improper behavior is not mercy. It’s actually the opposite.

Men wearing hats must be told to remove them. Parents must know that snacks and toys are unacceptable during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Transubstantiation that happens in Mass is the greatest event in the universe. It trounces a Presidential Inauguration or a supposed moon-landing.

We are of course, not looking for opportunities to throw people out of Church. We are a welcoming Church to those who come with respect.

But we Catholic men must defend Christ’s Bride the same way we would our own. Talk soon.


Do You See?

Do you see how much our government hates King Jesus Christ? It seems every time we blink, there is some other kind of celebration of sodomy or insult to the One True God.

The illegitimate administration decided this past weekend to label Easter Sunday, the most holy day of the year Transgender Day of Visibility. Designating an entire month is no longer insulting enough.

They need an whole different day for trannies. And out of the 365 days of the year (366 this year), the hair sniffer who claims to be Catholic (he should be excommunicated but is supported by the same Pope who put a Pachamama idol in St. Peter’s Basilica) chose the day of our Lord’s glorious resurrection to honor sick freaks.

Of course, this all came a week after a message was pushed that saying Christ is King (He is!) is somehow antisemitic. This is as big a lie as the idea that trannies are victims of violence.

We all know if this were the case, MSM would be reporting it to death. But when did you last hear about some freak being beaten up or abused? You don’t hear about it because it doesn’t happen.

Sources I have in the criminal justice system tell me that just about every single transvestite they come across is completely unhinged and/or violent. They assault their relatives, police, their sex partners, whoever sets them off. I sure hope Big Mike Obama does not behave that way toward his husband Barry.

The demented pedo and leftist governors who pushed this garbage hate us because we are Christ’s people. Jesus told us that if the world hated Him, it will hate us too. We just have to pick up our crosses and follow Him no matter the cost.

That brings me to the Christian public on a whole. Were you insulted by this? I mean truly insulted as if someone spit in your mother’s face.

Or was your outrage more manufactured or lukewarm? Reason I ask is I don’t see enough riteous indignation from Christians.

Duh, they would never do this to Muslims. That’s because they practice and defend their faith.

It disappoints me that a guy like Andrew Tate converted to Islam. He says it’s because Christianity has become weak.

I think Tate is thinking too much in worldly rather than eternal terms, but he has a point. If we Catholics do not at bare minimum make weekly Mass and partake in the Sacraments, let alone defend Christ’s Alter (more on that to come) we are not taking action. We make Tate dead right, plain and simple.

Muhammad is a false prophet and Jesus Christ is the Messiah, but Muhammad’s followers are more devout than the those of Son of The Living God.

Additionally, do you see that the Democrat Party never misses an opportunity to insult Christian values? Barring a major platform change, we cannot call ourselves Christians and vote for pro-abortion or pro-sodomy candidates.

If we do, we are in mortal sin. Do you see this? Do you see their hatred for our Lord and Savior? Do you see their hatred for you and your children?

Christ is King, now and forever. Let’s start acting like it. Talk soon.


Phones in the Gym

There is little-to-no need for phones in a gym. There may be some exceptions.

You’re on call for work or have to pick your kid up from practice and trying to get a workout in? Reasonable. Doing a straight cardio workout and hearing your personal playlist that pumps you up helps you bust through the monotony? Makes sense.

However, chatting on your earpiece as you “train” is a distraction to others. Taking selfies as you flex makes you look like a horse’s ass unless you are posing for a magazine or training for a competition.

Generally, if you are doing either of the above, someone is there to take photos of you. If you are taking a photo of yourself in the gym and most other places in life, it is frivolous and likely unnecessary.

While I respect those who don’t care what others think of them, someone who photographs himself in the gym is the epitome of one who cares deeply what others think of him. I know this from my days of having more aesthetic fitness goals in comparison to the more performance-based goals I have today.

Though even then, I could never have flexed for a selfie in the gym with a straight face. I can picture myself hearing a close friend of mine yelling at me what a tool I am.

Then there are those just chatting on Tinder or Instaface or whatever. This prolongs the time someone spends on a piece of equipment that others may be waiting for.

If you are training heavy and need 5 minutes between sets, by all means take it! Nobody is EVER annoyed by the guy dripping in sweat on the same bench for 45 minutes unless THEY feel inadequate.

However, if you are going through the motions and making your rest period 3 minutes instead of 1 to look at Suzie’s new bikini, you are an unserious person making this country more unserious than it already is by holding up the progress of serious people with serious goals attempting to maintain a polite society. In other words, please leave your phone in the car or just stay home with your jar of Vaseline.

And let me let you in on a little secret: if you have a phone in the gym, chances are you are not working hard enough. Regardless of your specific fitness goals, could you imagine bringing a phone to practice in high school?

Not only would the coach not tolerate it (who knows now?), it would be a complete distraction to your workout. Imagine checking your phone during a water break and you see a text that your girlfriend wants to break up? Practice is ruined.

I am sure many men I see on phones are texting with their wives. You can’t be unavailable for an hour as you try to become a better man? Are you consulting with her if you should move from the 10-pound dumbbells to 15s on your next set?

Some will say they have their phone to listen to music. Most gyms I have been to already have music playing.

Personally, whether training conventionally or in a combat sport, I don’t even hear the music. I am far too concerned about form, not getting injured, success or failure on a given set, technique, fatigue, pace, etc. to even think about whether or not I like the song coming from the speakers.

The only time I ever used headphones was for road work. That is why I can understand using it on the treadmill.

Bottom line: phones were not in gyms for the first 30 years of fitness culture becoming mainstream. We don’t need them. None of us are that important.

We will get more out of our training and be done sooner with the phone in the car. Talk soon.


Uni-Party on Display!

Apparently last night was the illegitimate one’s State of the Union Address. I saw some clips of this diaper-soiler barking at the American public like he always does when he is not falling down or lost on a stage or whatever.

In the clip I saw him yelling about Putin expanding into Europe if America doesn’t stop him and how he won’t back down. I’m sure the Russian President is shaking.

As this war in Ukraine continues, Russia gets stronger and the West gets weaker. But what really grabbed my attention was not the hair-sniffer yelling nonsense he probably doesn’t remember or the harlot behind him.

It was Speaker Mike Johnson nodding his head in agreement. It was obvious to me by Johnson’s body language that he supports this war.

You know that I supported Kevin McCarthy’s removal. However, Mike Johnson as a replacement did not excite me.

I was hoping for a little more holding of the justice department accountable and not to have continuing resolution after continuing resolution. Johnson is more embarrassing than McCarthy who was slimy but at least not completely beta like this guy. Like most wimps, he is obviously pro-war.

He is the kid who is front-and-center for every fight in the yard, even analyzing what the loser should have done but never in one. I knew he was an Israel-first Evangelical.

As constituted right now between the influence of AIPAC and similar lobbies, no politician is getting elected without a trip to pay homage at the Wailing Wall. That includes legitimate President Donald Trump, but he is still the best there is at this time.

What made my blood boil was seeing Johnson’s approval of more aggression toward Russia. Of course, none of Johnson’s children will be going off to fight.

Johnson, like many other Evangelicals likes to spout his Christianity. However, he seemingly approves of continuing to fund a Nazi sodomite who has basically criminalized the Christian Orthodox Church to fight a useless war against a nation where Christianity is growing.

BTW-the real reason Russia is such an enemy to the globalists is that they are a large powerful Christian nation. Russia has no tolerance for murdering babies or mutilating children’s genitals like every nation in the West.

The fighters in the GOP already removed one Speaker. Let’s remove another until we get it right. If the Dems win the House and cannot cheat enough to steal White House again, they have already insinuated they will not certify Trump’s election.

Johnson is not up to the task. Let’s get a man in there. Talk soon.


It’s Not About You

This article is aimed not at the atheist or non-believer. It is not aimed at Protestants. It is aimed at the Catholic who claims to be a believer but does not attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

One of the common things I have heard by Catholics who do not attend Mass is I just don’t get much out of it. Getting the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior is not much?

But I know what people are saying. Mass can be boring at times, especially if we are not coming with enthusiasm in the first place. Regardless, this is irrelevant.

God commanded us to keep holy the Sabath. It doesn’t matter what we get out of it. It only matters that God gets what He wants.

If we refuse without a valid excuse we commit mortal sin, plain and simple. I understand why Catholics have come to think the Mass is about us and our feelings.

As Vatican II watered down the message. We attend the “celebration of the Mass” rather than correctly the Sacrifice of the Mass.

There is all this laity involvement. People hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer rather than folding them in reverence pointed to Heaven.

The priest faces us rather than Christ. He sometimes thanks us for coming to Mass.

We have become like kids who get a pat on the back for expected behavior. We think life is all about us.

There is a time for fellowship and pats on the back; Mass is not it.

Many Catholics do not believe in transubstantiation. It is not driven home hard enough because some priests do not truly believe either.

It is tax season. The government hates us but we wouldn’t dare not pay our taxes by the date they tell us.

God created us, Jesus saved us. They love us. But we are willing to blow them off.

Well, the government might put me in jail if I don’t pay taxes. True! I am not recommending you evade your taxes. Only the elites can do that.

However, evading God’s Commandments may put us in Hell. Talk soon.


PS: Attendance of the Traditional Latin Mass has removed much of the boredom and going through the motions I experience at the Novus Ordo Mass. There are far less distractions because your focus is solely on Jesus the entire time, not the guitar music or the social justice prayers of the faithful that make you angry. The language barrier actually helps as you are constantly following along with the translation rather than the silliness of females on the Alter.

No Lessons Learned!

Legitimate President Donald J. Trump has learned NOTHING from his past blunders. Trump is maddening. His policies, both economic and geopolitical are exceptional.

However, he continues to support his enemies at the expense of his base and his own success. After winning in 2016, Trump surrounded himself with the swamp he vowed to drain and fired loyalists.

It cost him in governing and it allowed his second term to be stolen from him. One of the key states in the Big Steal was Michigan. Do you know who the lady pictured above is?

I know, she’s not regularly featured on Fox News dunking on Democrats as they lawlessly kick our asses. She wasn’t at the Stuper Bowl either.

That is Kristina Karamo. Karamo is a MAGA fighter who likely had her bid for Secretary of State in Michigan taken by fraud and no backing from Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel in 2022.

Yes, just like in 2018 and 2020, the Democrats were able to steal elections in 2022 with GOP establishment help. What? Did you think they got away with it and stopped?

Nah! They are going to attempt the same in 2024. The only question is if Trump can win in such a landslide that they cannot come up with enough fraud to beat him.

I see some people on the right with the audacity to think because he leads in the polls, it’s a foregone conclusion he wins in 2024. That is mind-boggling to me.

Trump must be voted for, prayed for and fasted for if he is to overcome what he is up against. The problem is he is also up against himself. That brings me back to Karamo.

In a crucial swing state that flipped around 3 AM with all other swing states in 2020, Karamo (who is a huge fighter for election integrity, so much so that she has been called a Nazi and white supremacist by the left) is being ousted as RNC Chair in Michigan. She is being replaced by RINO Pete Hoekstra.

And guess who endorsed Hoekstra at the expense of Karamo. Yup, Donald John Trump.

More Kristina Karamos are what Trump and America need in leadership spots at the state level. These are the things that matter, not pointing fingers at some demented fool who was already stupid to begin with falling off his bike or his white trash family.

I hear a lot from the people who watch The Five and other circle jerk shows believe the polls that Trump is all but sworn back in say he learned from the last time. No, he did not!

Yes, he will likely finish the wall with or without Congressional approval. Yes, the economy will likely improve along with our standing in the world if he is elected.

Yes, he may keep us out of World War III. Yes, he will protect our children.

Yes, some non-violent political prisoners will likely be pardoned. Yes, he may help save America.

But don’t look for his opponents to go to prison. Don’t look for him to be true to his base in his endorsements. This is the same guy who endorsed Mitt Romney in Utah, who has stabbed him and us at every opportunity.

Trump’s thirst for the approval of his enemies will continue to stop him from reaching his full potential as a leader. But he is still the best we’ve got.

Please! Go vote for Trump like your life and those of your children depend on it. They do.

Just realize, he has learned nothing. Talk soon.


Independent Healing

Today I am going to discuss my experience using therapeutic peptides. Before we get started, I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Seek medica advice from a professional you trust.

I am simply going to tell you what I have learned about peptides and share my personal experience. Being active, injuries occur at times; by God’s Grace my injuries have been limited. However, as we age injuries, even minor tweaks begin to hurt more and heal slower.

Even people who are in shape become more prone to injury in normal everyday functions. We become a tad less coordinated. Our agility, flexibility, etc. are not the same.

It becomes more important to stay hydrated. That means drinking in excess and getting a good workout in the next day becomes unrealistic.

But even staying hydrated, warming up properly, sleeping well, etc., if we are pushing ourselves to certain limits whether it be lifting, cardio, combat sports, whatever-some degree of injury is nearly guaranteed.

Even in our prime, it took far less time to get out of shape than into shape. As we age, our body also heals slower which means we will be on the shelf or training at a lower intensity for a longer period of time.

Then the comeback takes far longer than it used to. A major surgery can alter our fitness forever. I want to avoid surgeries completely.

There are numerous types of peptides which serve numerous purposes. There are those that fix immunity, illness, sexual intensity, cognitive ability, you name it.

The peptides I have experience with are healing peptides: BPC-157 and TB-500. These peptides can literally re-attach a biceps or achilleas tendon tear without surgery.

Are they a magic wand? Close, but not exactly. If you have a bone-on-bone situation, they are said not to help, though I would still give them a shot personally if I were in that situation.

I learned about peptides from optimization master, Jay Campbell. Jay has a multitude of material on YouTube. While I differ from his position on organized religion, he is second-to-none in his knowledge of optimization.

Now, there are some oral peptides, but they are far better injected. BPC-157 and TB-500 are natural in the gut, however we don’t process enough to quickly heal injuries.

Here is the other issue. They are available only by prescription or through a research chemical company. Good luck finding a conventional insurance doctor to prescribe these.

They want you to have the surgery, the rehab, the pain medication, the misery and loss of confidence from falling out-of-shape so you go on SSRIs so that everyone can get their financial piece.

So, unless you are fortunate enough to have the right doctor, you will have to purchase from a research company. I purchase mine from Limitless Life Noortropics.

The government and medical industry don’t like these companies because they want us sick and dependent. It is legal to purchase these products for research purposes. However, the research company cannot advise you on how to take them.

This takes work, but once I learned what I was doing it was empowering to take such control of my own wellbeing. The work does not stop at ordering the products from a research company.

The peptides will arrive in powder form. I had to purchase insulin needles and bacteriostatic water or sterile water to reconstitute the peptide into liquid form for injection.

As a newbie, I went to a big box drug store and asked if they sold syringes and sterile water. A feminine man looked at me like I was asking to purchase a machine gun and assured me that they do not sell such products!

Sterile water? No way! Abortion pill? No problem!

I eventually got everything I needed. I had a shoulder injury that would not heal.

I watched some Jay Campbell videos and got to work. I got the products reconstituted and began injecting at the site of injury daily.

My shoulder improved but I only bought one batch of each peptide and I did not use them long enough, so the injury did not completely heal like I expected.

I then took Jay’s peptide master class. I highly recommend it and you can find it in this link.

Fitness expert Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes is also extremely knowledgeable about this.

Sometime later, I had extreme pain in both knees. Even doing old man type leg workouts were very painful. So, I followed Jay’s dosing and length of treatment knowledge and took BPC-157 and TB-500 for 8-12 weeks.

The results were everything I expected. My knees felt and feel much better.

I actually had a little leftover and had some biceps tendon inflammation the other day. So, I took about 3 days’ worth and injected it all in one shot. Everything now feels terrific.

Jay knows his stuff, but this was my way of doing my own research and it worked out in my favor.

I know all the reasons you are thinking not to take them. It sounds like a lot of work and money. Alright, fine.

But how much time and money do you spend buying Chinese crap at big box stores. How much time and money do you spend on booze and weed? What are you really getting out of it? Is your quality of life improving?

This improved my quality of life.

Maybe the idea of injecting yourself or the uncertainty bothers you. Maybe not knowing how much to take bothers you.

That is why I took Jay Campbell’s course. I am far more worried what a tetanus shot could do to me at this point than I am about peptide injection.

This feels safer to me than an emergency “vax” from Big Pharma.

Remember, the government and the medical industry do not want us truly strong, healthy and independent. They want us scared, unhealthy, enslaved and later dead.

Again, this is not medical advice. It is simply my experience. Maybe this is not for you.

What you do with your health is your call. Talk soon.


We Have a Problem

We have a problem on the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling, they allowed the illegitimate regime to continue to cut down razor wire at the Texas southern border. Of course, the 3 Marxist broads ruled for the left as they exclusively have.

You gotta hand it to them. The left carries out their cause regardless of what they swore to do while the right is either compromised or too busy clutching their pearls behind some false high road.

Since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, right wing judges have been under direct threat from communist thugs. Actually, it goes further back than that. I personally (I have no proof whatsoever) suspect that Justice Scalia was murdered. Who dies suddenly and no autopsy?

But suspicion aside, the DOJ has allowed these justices to be threatened outside their homes for quite some time. Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch have been rock-solid.

I have my doubts about Kavanaugh. I think they may broken him with the fake frat scandal. But let’s wait and see.

We all know Roberts is a Bush-appointed traitor. I would not be shocked if they have blackmail material on him. So, there was no surprise in his ruling for the Federal establishment.

The kick in the testicles came from Trump-appointee, Amy Barrett. No, I’m not doing that hyphenated name business.

This is why it drives me nuts that there are so few true male fighters on the right. We end up with females in leadership positions.

Yes, I like legitimate Arizona Governor Kari Lake, but I don’t want her as VP. Women were not put here by God to lead.

Barrett is a mother. Were her children threatened by communists?

This is why demons often target women and children in a household rather than the male figure. Satan uses their nurturing instinct (which is virtue) to draw them in. It is why he targeted Eve rather than Adam and used her to get to him.

I had high hopes for Barrett when she was appointed. The left seemed extremely triggered by her Catholicism during her earlier Federal appointment.

But her Catholicism COULD be part of the issue. Wait a minute, I thought this was a pro-Catholic blog…

It is. And that means we tell the truth.

The truth is that the Catholic Church is the one true Chruch. That is why it is attacked the hardest of any Christian Church by the devil.

However, those attacks have resulted in mass corruption. Catholic charities have been a major contributor to Open Borders Inc.

This is likely one of the reasons you rarely if ever hear a sermon about how God tells us to obey the laws of the land. Or how Jesus tells us it is not right for the dogs to eat the children’s food.

Yes, the dogs get the scraps, but our nation is being ripped from the children and the Catholic Church has been complicit in it.

That is why I encourage you to be judicious in your giving on Sunday. Note, I said judicious not stingy!

“Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.” –Deuteronomy 14:22 (NIV)

I don’t know my audience’s bills. It is not a commandment to tithe, so I can’t say it is a sin not to. I didn’t always tithe. I consider myself fortunate to be able to.

However, if you are living comfortably and put $5 in the basket, you are being stingy with God. But we MUST be judicious.

How many times have you heard about some globalist cause by some stranger instead of getting a homily? Or maybe your Bishop makes an annual appeal, then turns around and lobbies for illegal aliens to receive driver’s licenses and cancels priests who shepherd with too much hard truth.

You don’t get this kind of stuff at the Latin Mass. I avoid giving to these causes. I recommend giving to just causes. The Coalition for Canceled Priests is excellent.

Or maybe your go directly to your parish priest and give with a specific intention. Father, this is for the new roof we need. Or Father, this is for some gas and groceries. Or Father, go out and have a nice meal on me.

Back to Barrett. She is a Notre Dame alum. Notre Dame was compromised and liberalized in the early 1960s. That’s why Obama and Biden both were given honorary Doctorates despite being baby butchers.

Was Barrett indoctrinated to open borders in college? Time will tell.

Bottom line: the next Presidential election could be decided directly or indirectly by the Supreme Court. If the recent border ruling is any indication, we have a problem. Talk soon.


Truth is Hard

The truth is hard sometimes. Jesus says He is the way the truth and the life.

Jesus is all loving, but that doesn’t mean the truth always feels loving. As exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger once said, our feelings are irrelevant.

That doesn’t mean we go around saying things even if true with no regard for people’s feelings whatsoever. That’s not loving.

However, our feelings do not outweigh the greater good. Remember that!

The Church, post-Vatican II has done the faithful no favors by focusing ONLY on God’s infinite Mercy and rarely on His perfect Justice.

When I started this blog, I wanted to stress hard-hitting truth. The domain name I wanted was already taken, so I came up with The Straight Shot and pen name Marksman.

It had absolutely zero to do with guns or archery or shooting or darts. While I support the Second Amendment, I am not what you would call a “gun guy.”

It had to do with being a straight shooter (or trying to be) who digs a little deeper. I did not want to just be talking about look how bad the Democrats are! Fake tough guy Sean Hannity will be on controlled opposition Fox tonight if you like watching someone mock a real-life Peter Sellers character falling down the stairs.

Everyone says they like to hear the truth. But they prefer to hear good truths. I’m no different.

You’re a reliable friend. You have sound insights. Ah, yes…how wonderful I am!

Now, we need some of that from our closest loved ones, but too much of it from those around us can turn us the other way. I can remember several years ago a priest I was/am close to paid me a compliment.

He told me he was very impressed with me that a prime-aged single American-born man goes to Confession, Mass, prays before the Sacrament, etc. He asked if I had interest in becoming a priest.

I was taken aback because I knew I was living quite debaucherously. But I started to buy some of my own hype and got comfortable.

I thought I could live some duality of low-level bad boy and devout Catholic who comes through when it matters. To Jesus, it matters every day.

Then that same priest noticed over time that I was Confessing the exact same mortal sins week-in, week-out. Truth is I was using Confession, not as much to hold myself accountable and improve, but as some ATM machine where I Confess, go to Mass and mortally sin sometimes right afterwards.

He said to me one time after Confession that I need to change my behavior. Specifically, he said something along the lines of what good is it if you do all this praying and attending Mass and the Sacraments, but still go to Hell?

A close friend of mine parroted that exact same thing. He is not really the religious type, but we have a lot of conversations about religion, the Church, etc.

When I would try to steer him toward Christ, he would tell me I was a hypocrite because I live this excessive party life. That’s why I say, though he doesn’t call himself a believer, he is more Christian than many who call themselves Christians.

He’s willing to tell me hard truths that I sometimes need to hear. Sometimes being the delivery system for hard truths is tough.

I wish I could say I changed overnight after hearing these truths. It was a slow progression, and I am still striving for where I need to be.

In my last article, I linked a sermon on how many more people go to Hell than Heaven. I knew it would strike a nerve or ten.

People have a tendency to think you are writing directly about them even if you are not. Everyone loves truth that applies to others. They love positive truths that apply to them.

I knew people would think I was telling them they are specifically going to Hell if they do not improve and that I am saved. The real point is we ALL, myself included need to get closer to Christ and more active in our Faith if we are to be saved.

So, I said to myself, God wants this message out there. That’s why He brought the sermon to my attention.

The fact I felt apprehension made me know this. Usually if something strikes a little fear into us, it is worth doing.

I could have just sent it directly to those who would receive it well. Or I could link it here and offer it in mass knowing it may rub people wrong. That’s the tougher decision.

I am reminded of some things I have learned from reading Teddy Atlas’ book and watching his podcast. He knows something about hard truths.

He had to face them about himself. At times, he had to tell his fighters hard truths about themselves.

Sometimes it was that a guy was shot and needed to retire. Sometimes it was that a fighter did not have the discipline to reach his potential. Sometimes it was that he was mentally weak and therefore on some level a coward.

This often cost him financially as no fighter wants to hear these things, especially a young Mike Tyson. But Teddy always knew that Tyson was not living up to what he was portrayed to be and refused the easy road of coddling bad behavior.

His detractors will say his ego was the problem. It was sometimes about him overshadowing the fighter.

Maybe that’s a fair opinion, but can you imagine what Tyson COULD have been had he fully bought into Atlas’ taskmaster discipline and accountability?

It didn’t end at training fighters. Teddy ended up losing his job as a commentator at globo-homo ESPN for telling hard truths about fighters, officials, promoters, sanctioning bodies, etc.

I can recall a time when I cowered from speaking a hard truth. I was at a family funeral some years ago. Someone very close to me asked me if they should receive Holy Communion.

They wanted to, but knew they were not in a state of Grace at the time. I took the easy way out and said something along the lines of maybe if they make a confession to Jesus with contrition they can.

My rationale was that I did not want to make someone feel worse at an already upsetting time. But I failed this individual.

This person turned to me because I they viewed me as the most spiritually knowledgeable person in the immediate vicinity who would be likely to give a straight answer. I wilted when it mattered.

Soon after in disgust with myself, I sent emailed to this person apologizing and giving them the correct answer that they should not have received without Confession. That person Confessed and became much more dedicated to Christ afterwards, but I could have spared them a sin.

When we love someone, the ultimate desire for them should not be their health, their happiness or whether or not they like us (though of course we want those things too). It should be their ultimate salvation.

So sometimes the truth is hard, but regret is harder. So is eternity in Hell.

Remember! Our feelings don’t outweigh the greater good. Talk soon.


Broad is the Road to Destruction

Far more people are going to Hell than Heaven. How do I know? Well, for starters, Jesus tells us so in the Gospel.

Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. (Matthew 7:13)

Now, you may think: well, that was in the infancy of Christianity and Christ had yet to die for my sins.

Or you may think: well, I attend Mass every Sunday. I’m good. Maybe, maybe not.

You may also think: I don’t believe any of this. Fair enough. God gave you that choice.

The thing is we will be judged on the truth, not what we believe.

I came across a very eye-opening 30-plus minute sermon on YouTube the other day. I’m begging everyone who reads this site to listen to it in this link.

I do not write this to point fingers or judge. People use the judgment game far too much in society to justify obvious wrongdoing.

However, I NEVER judge who goes to where in the afterlife. I send this because I want as many people saved as possible, even my enemies. There is no victory in eternal damnation of our enemies accept the fleeting one for Satan and his minions.

I have enough trouble getting myself to Heaven and this made me take a look at whether or not I am doing enough. We ultimately choose Hell. Let’s not give the devil any victories that we have control over. Pray, fast, repent, Confess, receive the Sacraments.

Christ is King. Talk soon.
