
Suggestion 4 from my HIJACKED! article on ways to survive the tyranny we patriots now face is to read.

We do not read enough in our leisure time anymore.  When I was a kid you couldn’t pay me to read.

That was partially because I was a lazy student.  It was also due to the assigned material being uninteresting.

So, I am not going to recommend a list of books outside of the Bible.  Find your interests and read books about people, places and things that grab you.

Personally I find fiction to be a waste of my time, but maybe that’s your thing.  When I began reading about 15 years ago, it quickly became one of my favorite pastimes.  A good book can take your imagination places that a movie just cannot.

Most importantly, reading keeps our minds sharp.  To live the most independent life possible from the communists who have HIJACKED! our republic is to have a sharp mind.

Television generally makes you stupid.  Video games make you even dumber.  The fact that this must be said to 40-50 year old adults today is maddening.

I suggest that you read actual physical books over kindles and electronic books.  The more independent we become from the computer the more independent we are as a people.

Reading books online gives the government more surveillance over us.  Additionally, reading on these devices is unhealthy.

The electromagnetic activity that radiates from these devices is toxic.  So why use them when they are not necessary?  The screens are terrible for your eyes, so I suggest getting yourself a pair of blue blocker glasses for when you have to use a screen; I am wearing mine as I type this article.

Based on the toxicity of these devices, I feel that even audiobooks  are actually better than electronic books.

Health aside:  holding a book, turning the pages, underlining things that you find important and making notes enhance the experience.

I am no longer on social media and have been pushing myself back to reading books.  It disgusts me to think of how many sunny hours I spent this past Summer flipping through Twitter on my phone thirsty for just a morsel of good news about an election that was already set up to be stolen with fraud.

What a waste of time!  I could have knocked down about a half dozen books in that time and leveled up a bit.

Who knows?  It may have enhanced my writing.  Talk soon.


PS:  If you read this blog there is a good chance we have similar reading interests.  Feel free to hit me up for suggestions in comments or leave your own.

Take Control of Your Health and Become Hard to Kill

Part 3 of my HIJACKED! series deals with our physicality.  A strong spiritual life is a long term prerequisite to being healthy and hard to kill.

The reason?  Stress is like rust.  It rots our bodies out over time.  The better our relationship with Jesus, the less stressed we will be as we understand that we will be given our crosses.

As I said in prior articles, it is my belief that the government-media complex, big tech, big pharma, etc. want us enslaved and/or dead.

To take control of our health, we have to improve our medical care, fitness, ability to defend ourselves and knowledge of our rights.  All of these are under assault by the elite who hate us.


Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  Seek medical advice from a professional YOU trust.  However, keep in mind that YOU are paying him.

Make sure you have the final say in your medical choices.  Don’t be bullied.  If you are unhappy with your medical professional, find a new one.

Personally, I have received my best medical care in my adult life (my pediatrician was also terrific, but that was at a time when people seemed to get into the profession for much nobler reasons) from my current integrative doctor.  This is a doctor who combines a conventional approach with a holistic one.

He is not anti-medication or anything like that but he is anti-overmedicating.  He looks to improve root causes rather than just patching symptoms with drugs.

When drugs are the order of the day, he uses compounding pharmacies over the pharmaceutical oligarchs when possible.  He also gives me plenty of say in my medical decisions.

You will not get this from most conventional family doctors.  Most are owned by big pharma.  They don’t want truly healthy patients.

Why would they?  There is little money in a healthy patient.  That’s why I don’t believe they will ever cure cancer despite the money grabs from ribbons and walks.

Curing cancer could bankrupt the industry.  I recommend reading Jay Campbell and Daniel Kelly’s book, Living A Fully Optimized Life:  How to Break Free From Sick Care Medicine Before it Kills You.

Not every recommendation will coincide with your needs, goals or budget.  However, all the information is valuable and we can all take something from it to improve our health and quality of life.


Read to learn how to eat like a man.  It is my experience that my feeling and performance are better eating animal fats, animal meats, potatoes, pasta, rice with some vegetables mixed in than trying to avoid cholesterol which in turn means avoiding testosterone.

Packaged commercial foods are loaded with soy (estrogen) and toxic chemicals.  A good rule of thumb is from Jack Lalanne who said that if God didn’t make it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.

Sure, I like packaged crap.  But it’s not what I live on.  BTW-ever notice that every feast mentioned in the Bible involved a fattened animal?


To be hard to kill, you must be strong.  If you don’t do hard physical labor as an occupation, ie:  roofing, paving, etc. you must exercise to be healthy.  At minimum get on a good strength program and walk.

 The more intense you train, the more fit and mentally tougher you will become as you push through mental boundaries.


You cannot learn to fight in the weight room.  A meathead who has never been in a fight will get taken apart by an average bar brawler.

Uh…uh…I can handle myself.  Good for you!  How do you know?  Some people have been in a lot of street fights but good luck being one of those guys and keeping a job today.

Every guy thinks he can defend himself until he has to.  With the CCP virus lockdowns it is tough to truly learn to fight these days because it requires at least SOME full contact.  If you cannot spar or roll, you cannot train full contact.

As a Generation-Xer, I remember the whole karate obsession as a kid.  Between Bruce Lee, The Karate Kid and Kung Fu Theater we thought learning this stuff was like learning magic.

We all know someone who we thought was the shit because he had a black belt in taekwondo.  Thing is, he got that belt showing up with a check from Daddy and breaking boards in choreographed routines.

Then that kid later got exposed and became an ignored dork by by high school when the guy on the football team who could bench 315 became the man.

Then in 1993, the first Ultimate Fighting Championship showed us that the usually quiet 160 lbs varsity wrestler was the true badass of the school.  Why?  He was strong, athletic and trained full contact.

It’s not that karate and kung fu are bad; they will work.  However, you must train them full contact.

I remember when I started training in a boxing gym.  I was just under 230 lbs and by far the strongest guy in the club.  I thought I was going to kick ass when I looked around.

Then I got in with a 185 lbs redhaired Puerto Rican guy who kicked the dog shit out of me.  The nose bleed and loss of breath with about 2:30 still to go in round 1 showed me that strength is only a tool.

If you were a high school wrestling stud, you are a badass whether you know it or not.  By stud I mean state contender, not 10-10 on varsity.  Although even at that level you will be able to take a non-expecting drunk asshole off his feet if necessary.

Wrestling is a great self defense art but it’s not really something you are going to pick up as an adult.

I would recommend any combination of judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing and/or Muy Thai.  These are the arts that train full contact and there is a reason MMA fighters focus on them.


 I am not a “gun guy.”  I am not even going to tell you if I own a gun.  Reason?

They now have red flag laws where you can get your guns taken away without committing a crime.  So all I will say is I support your right to own them.  The 2nd Amendment essentially protects the 1st Amendment.  That is why Communist Party USA is anti-2nd Amendment.

Well, nobody is taking away MY guns huh…huh…  Really, tough guy?  Okay.

Authorities come for your guns because your SJW stepsister tells the cops she thinks you are unstable.

What are you going do?  Tell them they can’t have them?  Are they saying have a nice day and leaving?  No.  You are going to face the choice of capitulation or death.

So if you own guns don’t go bragging about them.  They don’t add inches to your dick.

I would say don’t talk about your guns at all unless you completely trust the company you’re in.

If you are the guy at the range in camo and tactical gear, you are not just a larping dork.  You are making yourself a red flag target.

Being healthy, fit, strong and able to defend yourself is key to being more independent from the oligarchs who essentially want us enslaved and/or dead.  Talk soon.


Become Independent in Thought and Action

courtesy of

The second suggestion in my HIJACKED! series is to become independent in thought and action.  I am going to walk a fine line in this article; it may be my most challenging to date.

I am going to make some suggestions on how to live as independently as possible in these tyrannical times, while at the same time not telling you how to live or what to agree with.

After all, a truly independent thinker uses gathered in formation as a tool to help form a mindset.  However an independent thinker doesn’t allow anyone, even those he enjoys reading to tell him how to think or what to agree with.

The one exception to this is following Jesus.  You can NEVER go wrong in following His every command and teaching.

And the good news is when we fail at this, His Mercy allows us to dust off the sin and start fresh.

So let’s dive in.  First off, at least for now I cannot pledge allegiance to the stars and stripes.  No, that flag has been HIJACKED! by thieves who don’t even like it.  To me it is just a beautiful memory like a lost love.

To be clear, by no means am I calling for any type of insurrection or whatever other nomenclature the left is trying to pin on America-loving patriots.  I have never partaken in any violent or criminal political activity and am not advocating for such on this platform.

My personal flag is now the Gadsden flag shown above.  It is the flag of my ancestors.

Yes, I have bloodlines to Europe.  At least that is what I have been told.  I have never taken an ancestry test.

That is because I am not dumb enough to give my DNA over to some company who can sell it to a possibly corrupt organization who can then frame me for a crime.

For all I know, my bloodlines could go back to Israel as there are 10 lost tribes which God scattered amongst the Earth.  So when it comes to ancestry, I will go with what I know for sure.  I was born here in America.

Therefore, for now I pledge my allegiance first to God and second to the flag of unapologetic independence.

To think true to yourself is to act true to your beliefs, so long as they do not offend God or hurt others unjustly.  Anything beyond that is not freedom, but rather license.

Once you Give Yourself to Jesus Christ you develop a 6th sense for bullshit, most importantly your own.  You start to know that the mainstream whether it be the government media complex, Big Tech, Wall Street, Big Corporate, Big Pharma, etc. is largely lying to you.

Sure, they mix in plenty of truth; that’s how they pull you in.  It’s the same way their daddy, Satan works.

When you become a son of God you become a son of Truth.  You start to see the mainstream wants you scared.  They want you sick.  They want you weak.  They want you controlled.  They want you imprisoned for exercising your inalienable birthrights.  They want you as their slaves.  When you are no longer or not yet of use, they want you dead.

Eventually, you see that the most powerful thing you have in this world is your choices.  You choose who/what to listen to.  You choose what to buy.  You choose what to watch.

You learn that altering your true self to fit in is beta, even if you are altering your true self to fit in with what is perceived as alpha.  You realize that both ego and shame are prisons; one feeds the other.

Is watching the Super Bowl today with all the satanic promotion that funds it going to make you stronger or weaker?

To survive these dark times we must at the very least look at what is fed to us as “mainstream” with skepticism.  Then we make our choices.

Maybe these choices don’t go along with what the masses are doing.  Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  (Matthew 7:13)

Personally, I have little use for mainstream media (even those perceived as right wing) and my overall intake of news has decreased.  To stay well informed I follow War Room Pandemic and Mike Cernovich’s twitter page (though I am no longer on Twitter).

I am not a doctor and I encourage you to seek medical advice only from a professional YOU trust.  However, I often find myself doing the opposite of what the mainstream medical and mainstream fitness industries suggest and I feel strong and vibrant.

I will not get the CCP Virus vaccine.  I will not work out in a gym where I have to wear a fear mask at all times.

I will learn to hunt and camp in case the government beings to cut off or alter our food supply chains and/or removes us from our homes.  I actually dropped the ball not learning this hunting season by instead focusing my attention on a stolen election.

Don’t you think that’s just a tad extreme?  Well, let’s look at what has gone on in the past year.  Are grocery shelves as consistently abundant as they were in 2019?

Why is Bill Gates buying up so much farmland?  When other once free societies became controlled by oligarchs did it effect food supply and property?  Are you so privileged that you think it cannot happen to you?

I will wear what I want even if it is not the established straight white male uniform of the day.  Have you ever wanted to buy a certain piece of clothing or accessory, but didn’t because your peers might mock you?

That’s a sign that you SHOULD where that item.  BTW-if your boys crack on something you wear, but women compliment you on it you have leveled up.

I will go directly to company websites to purchase items online when possible rather than using Amazon.  I will go to a diner for a burger when possible rather than McDonald’s.

I will go to a Mom&Pop alternative to Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc. when possible.  I will do my best to avoid buying garbage made by Chinese slaves.  I will transition my finances to smaller banks.

Finally, I will use technology as a tool but not a lifeline.  This means transitioning from constantly having a smartphone on my person which is basically an ankle bracelet enabling constant government surveillance.  Is having the internet strapped to us at all times really strengthening us or enslaving us as a society?

Do I need a phone at all times?  Sometimes it is convenient or logical to have the ability to be reached.

But why do I need a phone while I am fishing or taking a walk?  What am I going to miss?  That text message that is being used as a substitute for meaningful communication and fellowship?

What steps will you take to reclaim your independence?  Leave a comment.  Talk soon.
