Fauci’s Corruption?

My readers know from pervious articles that I don’t trust Dr. Anthony Fauci.  I don’t trust conventional medicine.

I believe many in the industry have their hearts in the right place, but there is a reason Jay Campbell calls conventional medicine sick care.  No, Jay is not a doctor but if you watch his podcasts you will find that there are many doctors out there who agree.

I have come over the years not to trust the FDA or the CDC.  The way they operate makes me believe they want us weak and sick.  The reason is two-fold in my opinion:

1-There is more money in curing symptoms with drugs than curing root causes.

2-Control.  A weak, sick, drug dependent society is far easier to keep under control than a strong, healthy, clear thinking one.

That is why my primary care physician is an integrative physician.  This means he combines conventional medicine (it’s not all bad) with holistic medicine.

He is the first doctor I have had since my pediatrician who seems to take measures to keep me healthy and cure root causes rather than just drugging symptoms (though he is not anti-drug, he’s anti-over drug).

During this lockdown, I have been watching a lot of Youtube.  I have come across a guy named Patrick Bet-David.  This guy interviews various interesting guests.  It’s similar to Joe Rogan, but the forum is more professional and he asks tougher questions.

This guy doesn’t seem to shill for anyone; he challenges.  The Teddy Atlas, John Alite and Alex Jones interviews are all fantastic.

Today I came across an interview Bet-David did with scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits.  It’s just under two hours long.  My biggest takeaways:

1-If people are COVID-19 positive but asymptomatic, they are not a danger to spread the virus.

2-In this God-hating world, too much truth that does not coincide with the agenda of the oligarchs will get you banned, possibly jailed.   The Bible also tells us this actually.

So click this link to watch the interview.  Tell me what you think.

Talk soon.


PS:  I believe this is likely why scientists who challenge man made global warming (yes, they exist) are not funded or given a platform.  They are actually persecuted and threatened.

People who are so far out there that they don’t matter are not persecuted.  They are ignored and/or written off.

When someone gives independent thought and it triggers the establishment because it threatens their agenda, it probably carries some degree of truth.

Union vs. Management=Pro Wrestling

If you belong to a labor union you should know they are likely working on the behalf of those who collect the money, not those who pay dues.  The purpose of this article is not to tell you not to be in a union; just know they may not be truly looking out for you.

It’s a pro wrestling scam.  How so?

Let’s backtrack.  If you are a member of Generation X, pro wrestling was a big part of pop-culture at 2 points in your youth.

The first big waive was the Hulkamania era.  This was circa 1984-1989 when Hulk Hogan with the push of Vince McMahon, likely the greatest promoter in history took professional wrestling to unimaginable heights.

The second waive was circa 1997-2001.  This was the Attitude era which featured Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and kayfabe gangs like D-X and the NWO.

For this analogy we are going to center on the first waive.  During this era, pro wrestling was still sold to the public as a true competition.  Everyone accept naive children who’s parents never told them differently and toothless in-breads knew it was choreographed but this still wasn’t admitted by the industry.

Then a couple things happened which removed the mask.  First, 2 wrestlers feuding on TV:  The Iron Sheik (America hating Iranian) and Hacksaw Jim Duggan (American 2×4 carrying blue collar hero) were stopped by NJ State Police and found to have drugs in the vehicle.

What were these bitter enemies doing in the same car?  Well, they were partying on their way to the next show to “do battle.”  McMahon was furious with both; now the jig was up.

But nobody really cared.  We knew it was all scripted but loved the entertainment.  This was followed by a steroid scandal which then led to pro wrestling being billed as Sports Entertainment.

So what does this have to do with unions?  Just like when Hacksaw and the Sheik or other feuding wrestlers would celebrate backstage how they were able to work the audience into a frenzy, I am convinced for the most part that union delegates and management are in on a scam together against their members/employees.

Yes, some unions are stronger than others.  The Major League Baseball Players Association is probably the strongest in the country; they have been fairly unbreakable in recent decades.

The teachers along with police and fire unions are still strong.  However, even they are not quite what they once were.

When I started my career, I had no choice but to be in a union; I said I didn’t want to.  Management, not the union told me I had to.  I was young and dumb.

I should have known right then and there that it’s a scam.  Why does management want me in a union?  Aren’t they the opposition?

I never had much use for the union.  I only took interest at contract negotiation time; BTW-I believe these lengthy dog-and-pony shows are usually predetermined like Wrestlemania.  My management was made up of people who walked a mile in my shoes before me and treated us well so long as we performed.

I would hear about stupid petty grievances that the union always seemed to win.  I would hear about these things and wonder who had time to fight such trivial matters.

Then decent management began being pushed out in favor of people with no practical experience so they could be puppets of administration.  Management has since become semi-abusive while bending, if not breaking contracts.

Now all of a sudden, the union caves to everything and can’t win a badminton match with an amputee.  All they do now is talk shit and collect money.

In 2018, The Supreme Court ruled that membership in these unions was now optional.  The union sold this as terrible news for us; I viewed it as good news.

I am now free to leave, but I have not yet.  The reason?  It appears they and management are working the same angle.

There appears to be an agreement.  Union wins on small ticky-tack nonsense making themselves look like fighters.

Management wins on all major disputes with an arbiter of their own making it looked rigged against the union/workers.  But the union has to get something in return.

Yes, the delegates are likely on the take from politicians but I believe there is a backdoor agreement that if someone defects from the union, they will be targeted by management and driven out without representation.

So I am not telling anyone which choice they should make, just keep your eyes open.  It may be worth the dues to avoid the avalanche that can follow being a defector and everyone has their own set of circumstances.

But if the outcomes of disputes are just a little too predictable and your side always loses when it really matters, you’re likely being had.  Talk soon.


RECOGNIZE! It’s About Control, Not Safety

Unlike after 9/11, we are heavily divided as a nation during this COVID-19 pandemic. The media is feeding off this division.

Mainstream Media on the Left:

This pandemic was caused by President Donald J. Trump!  He is a racist blaming the virus on those poor Chinese Communists we so envy and propagate for.  People are dying!  Everyone MUST be on lock down as long as possible for our safety and survival!

Mainstream Media on the Right (Fox News and basic radio host):

Ugh!  It’s just hype!  It’s no different than a bad flu.  Trump is always right even though we were Never-Trump sitting in our man caves in 2015.  He has it under control.  Gimme me a T…gimme an R…

So who’s right?  My answer:  neither and both.  I am no doctor or scientist but this is how I see it:

1-This is not all hype or just a bad flu.  People ARE dying.  I had a loved one recently get out of the hospital.

However, there is also plenty of fear mongering going on.  As of March 31, 2020 at 9:30 AM, the New York City (most effected city in the country) Dept. of Health reported that the total number of COVID-19 deaths among infections with no underlying conditions was a whopping 14.

That’s right-14; I am sure the number has gone up since but that’s sure not what the news and state/local politicians are selling.

2-I said in a prior article that Trump did not get on this quickly enough.  In January, he proposed a travel ban with China; he was called a racist.

I think he should have done an executive order banning all international travel back then.  Trump will be called a racist for the rest of his life anyway.

Since then, I think he has done a good job of stabilizing the fears of intelligent people and standing up to this agenda-driven media.  I don’t agree with the stimulus bill he signed which was loaded with pork (for the Kennedy Center for example) and far more lucrative for Wall Street/banks than for small business/workers.

And that crosses party lines.  The Demoncrat-lead House wrote the bill and the GOP-lead Senate passed it 96-0.  Both parties are all about lining their own pockets.

But in Trump I see a guy who truly feels for small business and the worker and wants to end this lock down ASAP.  Eh…eh you just feel that way because you support Trump.

Okay betaboy.  I support Trump.  Biggest reason:  I believe he genuinely cares about the people.  Yes, he’s ego-driven.

But this guy was asked to and avoided running for decades.  He was a popular billionaire celebrity whom politicians from both parties sought out for money, advice and support.  Was he making his life better by becoming President?

However, these legislators, governors and mayors, mainly on the left (the same ones who told us to go ahead and celebrate Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day and have lunch in Chinatown) want to keep us locked down as long as possible.  Actually, they want it forever if they can get away with it.

They cloak this oppressive plan in SAFETY.  They are looking out for our health and well being.

Horseshit!  They are after 2 things:

1-Short Term:  kill the morale of the country and blame the virus on the President as much as possible in the hope of unseating him.  Unlikely!

2-Long Term:  use this to take away our freedom while telling us they are protecting us.  As they PROTECT us, they control us.  They want us indoors eating without exercise as much as possible.

They want us liquored and drugged up watching porn without fresh air and out of Church as much as possible.  The lazier and weaker we are, the easier we are to control.

And Cuomo, DeBlasio, Pelosi are not the ones I find most dangerous.  The one I find most dangerous is “expert” Anthony Fauci.

He gets up there next to Trump and talks about all these necessary measures to “flatten the curve.”  He looks the part of the apolitical science guy.

I don’t trust him.  As Roosh points out in this recent podcast, Fauci appears very chummy with demonic globalist Bill Gates.  If you don’t think Gates (one of the global oligarchs) wants us oppressed and controlled you have been asleep.

Additionally, Fauci is part of the same crew who scared 2 generations of Americans into thinking that everyone is equally at risk of catching AIDS.  These are the people who didn’t want the truth revealed that if you avoid sodomy and IV drug use, you are HIGHLY unlikely to catch AIDS.

This is who the President has around him.  Of course, that’s his own fault for choosing establishment over MAGA when he entered Office.

Personally, I think the quarantines came along far too late to really be effective.  I think they should be more targeted.  But I think we had all been exposed by mid-March.

So while I think we should still be smart and hold off on sporting events and concerts, it’s time to re-open retail and restaurants and get back to work.

We should still be pro-active and keep our hands clean and off our faces.  We should all load up on vitamins and stay home if not feeling well.

However, we can’t just keep hiding out in our homes like scared Frenchmen.  Yes, this CHINESE virus is dangerous and sometimes deadly.

As Mike Cernovich (BTW-His film Hoaxed was just banned by Amazon.  It was selling very well, showing that the oligarchs are no longer after profits but absolute power) pointed out, there is something far more deadly than COVID-19.  It’s called poverty.

Poverty leads to something even more deadly called communism.  This is Holy Week when we acknowledge that we are saved and protected by the Blood of the Lamb.  Time to show some courage as a nation.

I would love to see President Donald J. Trump address the United States of America on Easter Sunday and utter 4 words:  BACK TO WORK TOMORROW!

I will leave you with my own four.  God Bless.  Talk soon.


PS:  Watch this video of Jay Campbell discussing how to fight COVID-19 with vitamin C.  The medical industry will never push this.  There’s no money in vitamin C.

Fear and Fatigue

Fatigue makes cowards of us all.-Vince Lombardi

The above quote was made famous by legendary NFL coach Vince Lombardi.  However, it was also said and likely taken from Lt. General George S. Patton.

They are both renowned leaders so take your pick.  In one of my recent articles I gave some tips on how to keep fit during the COVID-19 shutdown.

One of the things I suggested was hill sprints.  I also said that I did air squats one day in their place because I was feeling rundown.

I have since continued those squats adding reps every week.  But those hill sprints were still looming.

I had good reason to avoid them the previous week, but last week I was healthy, strong and rested.  The weather was gorgeous for a couple days.

I had no excuse not to do those sprints.  But I didn’t want to.

I could have not done them.  I am a free grown man.  However, how could I live with myself talking shit in an anonymous blog if I didn’t get my candy ass out there and do the hardest exercise in the article?

Nope, if I avoided them they would haunt me.  I had to face what I was avoiding and throw myself into the fire.

I knew exactly which hill I was going to run.  When I used to train fairly seriously in a local boxing club, I ran once per week.

For me it was lift 3/wk, box 2/wk and that left Saturday morning to run and rest on Sunday.

You can get away with not running doing floor work in a boxing gym; you can even drag yourself through 2, MAYBE 3 rounds of sparring if you are not.

But if you want to be able to spar at a hard pace for 3+ rounds, you MUST get some running in.  Even once per week makes a difference physically and more important mentally.

I also was not slick and relaxed enough to sit back on the outside and potshot.  I could only get by on a come-forward style which meant eating some leather to get inside where I could work.

This means you are the one pushing the pace/action which means your hands, head and/or feet better be moving at all times.  In other words:  if you are not in shape you are in trouble.

I was just a gym rat with no fights sparring guys with previous or upcoming fights.  This meant I was never in with anybody less experienced than me.

Back then I alternated 2 different 2 mile routes, each including a big steep hill with some occasional track sprints.  BTW-my track sprints looked more like jogs, especially when one of my buddies was at the track lapping me like I was standing still.

So for this current workout I chose one of those hills I used to include in my 2 mile runs.  As the hours then minutes drew closer I grew more nervous.

About what?!  Well, I knew a minimum of 3 hill sprints had to be done for it to feel like it counts.  I was the same way with sparring; going less than 3 rounds was a failure in my mind.

The thing was I hadn’t sprinted this hill in about a year.  I am not really in that kind of condition anymore.  The last one was really tough, but I completed the 3 sprints.  It’s not much but I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment when I was done.

It was a distant similarity to the feeling I had after a sparring session.  After a sparring session I felt like King of the World till morning.

Even if I got my ass handed to me and went home with a little blood still trickling from my nose I felt like I had just beaten Mike Tyson.

You know why?  Because I did something I was afraid to do.

Just like the hours and minutes leading to those hill sprints, I used to agonize the same way times 10 on a sparring day.

Sparring sessions in boxing gyms are very intense compared to martial arts gyms.  The coach will tell you to work with each other but once someone gets hit solid, it basically becomes a fight.

The only difference is during in-house sparring (sessions involving guys from the same gym) you generally don’t take advantage of anyone you have hurt; you back off just a little rather than try to take him out.  You also won’t (if you have respect for yourself and the other guy) hit someone if they are not set or fully paying attention.

So on those days as the time got closer I would get nervous, anxious, whatever.  These are all just mitigating adverbs for fear.

I would even look at my coworkers with resentment that they were going home to the couch and I had to go get punched.

But after the other day’s run I realized something.  It wasn’t getting hit that I was really afraid of back then.  It was fatigue.

The biggest obstacle we have in life is our own fear.  Our most common fear is looking stupid, usually through failure.

It’s the prime reason so few guys approach women.  They are afraid of getting rejected in front of people.

The most common way to look stupid in the ring is to run out of gas.  Each round is 3 minutes.

Sounds like nothing right?  Go in your mirror right now and just throw left-right 1-2 combos for 3 minutes.

See how you feel.  Three minutes can be an eternity when you are gassed.

It’s a helpless feeling to be winded :30 seconds into a round knowing you have 2:30 left and punches are coming.

Fear and fatigue usually feed each other.

The more fear you are battling, the worse your breathing is and the quicker you fatigue.  The quicker you fatigue, the more cowardly you are likely to become.

That’s why the Thrilla in Manila was so special.  Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier were on fumes in 120 degree heat and never stopped giving everything.

I remember a period in those gym days where there was about a month or so when me and 2 other guys (we were the only 3 in the gym over 200 lbs at the time) were doing round-robins a couple times per week; sometimes our coach even jumped in the mix.

One guy was preparing for a fight.  Myself and the third guy were helping him get ready but neither of us were looking to give him an inch.

The rounds increased every time.  And you know what happened?  My fear all but disappeared.

I couldn’t wait to get to the headgear on and bite down on that mouthpiece.  I started to love the smell of Vaseline on my face and the other guys’ gloves.

I was getting hit so often that my face was numb; I was in a place psychologically where I was enjoying getting hit (in the face that is; hard well-placed body shots are NEVER a good time).  I know that sounds sadistic but if you have ever partaken in a full contact fight discipline you know exactly what I am taking about.

But most importantly, as we were building rounds sharpening each other, we were getting into incredible shape.  The fatigue was becoming less and less of a factor.

Then, inevitably life got in the way.

The one guy had his bout and then took a deserved rest.  The other guy had a family and a long commute to the gym.

We still sparred but it wasn’t with the same regularity.  When you go more than a week without getting hit, the sensitivity in your nose comes back.

You are sparring less often so your fight conditioning has to suffer.  Then fear creeps back.

Yes, you face it and conquer it but I never quite got back to that same place mentally again.

So, fatigue definitely makes a coward of this writer.  Does it make one of you?

If it does, run to it to be empowered.  Don’t run from it and be haunted.  Talk soon.


PS:  I received some personal feedback on some home fitness methods that I did not included in my recent article.  Feel free to comment on what you are doing to stay fit during COVID-19.