Ready For the Draft?

courtesy of

Are you ready for the draft? No, not the sportsball league draft or the one where you fantasize about other men.

I am talking about a military draft. You see, as the globalists and NATO escalate the war in Ukraine into WWIII with your money we may find we don’t have enough soldiers.

I am not sure that Emma and the trannies and pin cushions on their 4th booster will be enough to take on Putin and whoever else he joins forces with. They drove out many strong patriots because they didn’t support the illegitimate hair sniffer or refused to be poisoned.

With the rise of independent media, the warrior class that joined up after 9/11 is now too smart to put their lives on hold for a government who hates them. If you are from a generation younger than the Baby Boomers, you never experienced a draft.

However, in the times of world wars and conflicts in Asia, they were quite common. Today’s patriot is too informed to fall for Uncle Sam’s cool hat. They will have to be forced to fight the evil Putin.

You know, that guy who promotes Christian values rather than sodomy and killing babies? Yeah, that guy we provoked into this conflict whose economy while small is thriving in comparison to where it was when Trump was in Office.

There is talk that the sniffer-in-chief will announce this week that we are sending tanks over. It has already been reported that we are training and advising troops over there. Does anyone really think that American soldiers have not already been thrown into actual combat?

Eventually as things ram up, there will not be enough to take on such a large military from a resource-rich country that actually values masculinity. I guess not enough of you blue and yellow flag waivers took President Zelensky up on his offer to go over and fight.

Since it is Winter, it may be a good time to have Junior go out and march in the snow a little to get him used to where our government just might be looking to send him soon. Yes, I know he is only 19 but he cannot bring his fuzzy pajamas that he wears every day to sociology.

Don’t send him to his physical in a dress to try to get him a Section Eight either. Nope, the Corporal Klinger routine won’t work in today’s military.

It actually may get him promoted to Sergeant. Talk soon.


The Problem We Refuse to Solve

How much better would society be if we eliminated drugs? I am talking about mind altering street drugs.

Yes, we know the bigger criminals are in the pharmaceutical industry. But let’s just talk street drugs for now. It is far simpler.

Our crime problem is mostly related to drugs. Sources I have in the criminal justice system tell me this.

Of course, when it comes to drug crime you first think of users and dealers. However, most theft-related crimes are done by people looking for drug money or merch to sell for drug money.

Many resisting arrests, eluding and assaults occur because people are either in possession of or under the influence of substances. All the money and resources we are throwing at Ukraine could destroy the drug cartels and growing fields.

Libertarians will tell you the answer is legalization of street drugs. Many states now have legalized marijuana.

How has that worked out? Is smoking marijuana occasionally in and of itself the worst thing going on in the world? No, but we now have people walking/driving around stoned all day long.

This is not your uncle’s marijuana either. Some of this stuff has such a high THC concentration that people are going into psychosis.

The streets wreak of marijuana. My sources in the justice system tell me people show up high and smelling of marijuana to court.

I personally see people openly using in public streets. If they were using alcohol in this way, they would face far more pushback from law enforcement.

I heard a report not all that long ago that legitimate President Donald J. Trump wanted to go after the cartels militarily. This idea was looked at as out-of-touch, even psychotic.

Whether Trump didn’t have the will to push forward, or he just couldn’t overcome the swamp is for another article I no longer care to write. However, does it surprise you?

The Pentagon basically defied his orders to withdraw from Afghanistan. So why would they shut down the drug trade industry?

Just like the medical industry would suffer financially if they cured cancer, eliminating drugs from our culture would bankrupt the Criminal Justice System and the addiction recovery scam industry. How many fewer judges, cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys, parole officers, probation officers, social workers, clerks at the local, county, state and federal level would this country need if drug-related or drug-induced crime were all but eliminated?

This of course will not happen. This is one reason the political class on both sides of the aisle who live in gated communities do not want a border wall.

So, knowing government doesn’t want to do anything about it and most educators these days use drugs themselves, who can make a dent? Parents can.

If you are Gen-X or older, you can recall a time when we were taught that if you used drugs, you were a loser, scumbag, criminal lowlife. Did it stop all drug use? No, but there was at least a level of fear that there was hell to pay if you were caught with drugs.

Personally, when I was in high school the idea of using drugs was out-of-the-question to me because I was afraid of facing my parents if I were caught. As I hit college and my 20s, drugs were not my vice of choice.

However, if I had enough to drink I would occasionally dabble here and there if the opportunity arose. However, every single time I did indulge in any way, I woke up with a severely guilty conscience the next day.

I never got into that lifestyle with any regularity. I credit that message that I was a scumbag if I used drugs for that conscience. Once I found out from Father John Corapi that many drugs on the streets are cursed by satanists in the trade, I basically turned my back on the possibility of such use completely.

Today, parents are practically encouraging their kids to use marijuana. You don’t think this is going to make them more apt to use harder drugs without thinking twice?

I say we bring back the druggies are lowlifes philosophy. Talk soon.


Vigano For Prisoners

courtesy of

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’  Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?  And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (Matthew:25:35-40)

Archbishop Vigano has done something neither your local bishop, nor the man sitting in the top seat of the Vatican has or likely will do.  He has called for a 3-day fast for the January 6 prisoners.

The purpose of this article is not to paint everyone sitting in confinement for convictions or accusations related to January 6, 2021 as innocent.  I don’t know the circumstances of everyone’s charges and their true actions on that day.

However, I do know that the normie public has been told a false story of people attempting to insurrect and overthrow the government.  Take a minute and think.

What were they overthrowing the government with?  Flags?

Did some wannabe army men show up with guns?  I don’t know.  Maybe.  However, the photos and footage I have seen don’t depict that to be anywhere close to the majority.

Who was killed that day?  Not members of the government (thankfully), but rather unarmed protesters Rosanne Boyland and Ashlie Babbitt.

Did some people do some bad acts?  Did anyone assault a cop or destroy property?  I have little doubt some did.

However, many if not the majority have been charged with non-violent felonies and/or misdemeanors.  There are prisoners awaiting trial or plea who have been sitting for up to nearly 2 years without bail or release.

If you live in a state with bail reform, you can find violent felons and pedophiles being let out for new arrests after a day or so.  Violent protesters on Inauguration Day 2017 were not dealt with in such a way, nor were ANTIFA and BLM terrorists in every major city from the Summer of 2020.

But rather than go on and on about double standards, I will get to the point.  People in this country are supposed to be given speedy trials, due process and a punishment fitting their crime.

I have heard reports that at points, these January 6 prisoners have been denied basic human rights like getting outside, grooming and have been beaten by guards.  Prisons and jails are dangerous places because dangerous people are incarcerated.

They are not supposed to be dangerous because of the staff, at least not in this country.  These people were called to the nation’s capital by legitimate President Donald J. Trump to protest a stolen election.

Of course, that President was too busy pardoning rappers to pardon the non-violent offenders.  Make no mistake.  He did not call for violence or chaos.

He called for people to protest peacefully and patriotically.  Many who entered the building on that day thought they were allowed in.  The doors were open swinging out with police watching them in some footage.

There is even footage of protesters speaking casually with police.  Is that an insurrection?

The main point is, some of those charged for events that day are being treated worse than Guantanamo Bay prisoners.  Lawyers were lined up to represent Guantanamo prisoners.

Many of the J6 prisoners are represented by public defenders already hostile to them.  Even the man who called them down to defend his presidency seems to have little reverence for them.

Put yourself in their shoes a minute.  Well, I would never do what they did you may say.  Fair enough.

Have you ever driven drunk?  Almost everyone has.

Let’s just say you got pulled over and the arresting Officer is cocky and decides to bait you by saying something about your mother or wife.  You have a few in you and you blast him in the jaw.

You are 40 and have no record, but now you assaulted a Police Officer.  You now sit in jail awaiting your case to move for a year.  The entire jury pool are PBA donors.

Is this the norm?  No, but is it that far-fetched?

How many movies have you seen where a basically good soldier gets frustrated and punches out a bad superior officer before being sent to the stockade?  Hollywood is not nearly as creative as you think.

My point is, corruption can cause normally decent people to act out-of-character, especially if they are provoked and feel justified.  Remember, it’s just a story till it happens to you.

I found out about this fast a day late, but I am doing my own 3 days.  Will you?  Maybe fasting is not for you.

Will you pray for them?  How about an Our Father?  Will you throw in a Hail Mary?  How about a Glory Be?  A Prayer to St. Michael for good measure?  A Rosary would be tremendous; they need it.

Even if you have allowed yourself to hate these people, do you call yourself a Christian?  Jesus says to pray for our enemies.

Whatever we do for the least of our brothers, we do for Christ.  Talk soon.


Why Get So Angry?

I realized something about myself this morning.  As I am driving to the gym to begin what I mentally find to be my hardest training cycle of the year, I realized something about my attitude that may be a mistake.

I was in the car driving.  I see a white man who epitomizes our weak western culture.

He is likely in his 40s wearing a sportsball sweatshirt and gym shorts.  All indications show he has no plans of going to the gym as he is obese and carrying a giant soda.

His face is buried in his phone as he crosses a very busy street with a high population of illegal aliens.  He is not looking where is going.

My guess is he is reading sportsball stats for his league where he fantasizes about superior men living superior lives rather than fantasizing about any type of personal superiority.  Those thoughts would be too scary as they require action rather than analysis alone.

He could easily be hit by a car.  If an opportunistic individual grabbed his $1,000 phone out of his hand, he is unlikely to catch up to the assailant.

Even if he could, he would be even more unlikely to have the guts to take back his stolen property.  Calling the cops would be his only hope.

His lack of attention to his surroundings would make it highly unlikely he could ID any potential perp.  Besides, the cops will want to get back to their patrol cars ASAP so they can text their gumars instead of doing an actual investigation.

I often see kids now wearing shorts in the winter.  I wonder why their parents who likely sent them for an experimental shot for a disease they were not in danger of to begin with don’t make them wear pants.  Now I see that they are likely just imitating Daddy Beta.

I often find myself in disgust when I look at other men in public, whether it be the full estrogenic in a mask who voted for a pedo, or the sports dunce who voted for Trump, but still thinks it is patriotic to back-duh-blue and post Go Ukraine! on Instaface.

The guy I saw today strikes me as the latter.  I think I get so frustrated because these men make it so much more difficult for us straight shooters to take stands against tyranny with their compliance.

But then, I realized something.  These are also the guys making life easier on those of us who can do more than 10 push-ups and properly dress ourselves.

So, I don’t know.  Maybe if we cannot convert these mutts, we can use them to make ourselves look way above average.

Maybe my distain for weak men is not in line with my own advice.  Is the stress it causes good for my blood pressure and overall mood?  It would seem not.

Is it making me anymore productive?  Not sure.

It did get me to write the first article of 2023.  Talk soon.
