Homeschool If Possible

Part 8 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions for surviving the tyranny we now face is to homeschool our children if possible.

I know this is not realistic for everyone.  Some are single parents.  Some people simply need two incomes for various reasons.  I do not have children and I know this is far easier said than done.

Unless we walk a mile in someone’s shoes, we cannot fully appreciate their struggles.  There is no doubt, however that the ideal family situation is for the man of the house to provide and for the female to make the home and raise the children.

In cases where feasible, it appears that homeschooling is now a far healthier option.  Public schools today have long removed God.

They have removed patriotism.  They have removed the truths of proper family dynamics in favor of globo-homo agendas.  They sexualize children at younger ages grooming them into deviants.

They have emasculated our boys and taught our girls that denying their nurturing nature is empowering leading both on a path to depression and misery.

For the last year, many have been essentially homeschooling their children anyway.  The teacher’s unions have acted like gangsters jockeying for no-show jobs.

Sure, there are good dedicated teachers out there; I know some.  However, the profession is being taken over by overgrown adolescents who want the summer off for $75,000-$100,000 per year.

Now they want the whole year off.  Meanwhile, our kids can no longer communicate properly.  They can’t write in script.  They can’t do math without a calculator.

There is a reason that the elite oligarchs send their kids to schools where they still use actual books and writing utensils, not just screens and keyboards.

Many are pulling their kids from the white guilt browbeating of public schools for private.

Private schools do seem to offer better academic educations.  However, many of these schools in my area are “Catholic” schools where the spiritual message is often watered down by Vatican II relativism.

Often the more elite the parochial school, the softer the doctrine.  They don’t want to offend the donor class.  Some may be on their second marriage without an annulment from the first.  Or they are afraid to speak the truth to sonny boy if he wants to use an assembly as a platform to come out of the closet.

The simpler more affordable Catholic schools are becoming a thing of the past.  However, if you can find one they are more likely to have a more traditional message from what I can see.

Regardless of the school, I assume that the children who live in communist shithole states will still be forced to wear secular burkas which according to Dr. Judy Mikovits cause intake of dangerously high levels of their own CO2 as per OCIA standards.

Most Bishops have not taken a stand against abortionist governments when it comes to wearing fear masks during Mass, so I imagine they do not on behalf of children in their classrooms either.

Many will argue that their child will not be as well socialized if they are homeschooled.  Don’t they still play sports?  Don’t they still spend time with other kids after school?

I would think there is more socialization in that than sitting in a kid prison looking like they are auditioning for a remake of MASH.

The way I see it, the healthiest learning environment for our children in this locked down aristocracy is the home if you can afford it.  Talk soon.


Build From The Ground Up Politically

Part 7 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions to survive tyranny is to build from the ground up politically.

This means playing the long game and it IS a long game.  We may not all be here to live the fruits of our labor, but part of being on the right side of this battle is to think beyond ourselves.

Though we detest the left, we must admire their tenacity.  While we chase 270 electoral votes, congressional majorities and Supreme Court seats, they do the same while also chasing every possible victory; no election or issue is too small for them.

The result?  They have essentially taken over every aspect of the culture be it politics, education, entertainment, the arts, science, even the churches.

Oh come on, how can you say those demonic people have taken over the churches?  

How many churches do you see flying LGBT flags and messages?  I see several.

Even some of those churches that don’t go so far as to fly sodomy flags still water down their message at times to avoid offending their haters on the left or the donor class.

Many are on board with Godless scientists (the same who claim butchering innocent babies is safe and humane) who claim we need possibly dubious vaccines and secular burkas.  They force us to worship in fear.

The time is right for our movement.  People are angry with the tyrannical COVID restrictions and the stealing of the White House.  For the first time, people on the right have shown up in numbers to take to the streets and make a stand.

I spoke with one of those fighters after Pence the Pussy became a traitor to Trump.  He is a lawyer considering running for Freeholder in a northeast shithole.

One of the things he said that I thoroughly agree with is that our movement needs to think small right now.

Yes, we need to take over the GOP.  The all-talk, no action traitors bought and sold by Big Tech (that means you too Jim Jordan) must go.  The neocon war mongers like Nicky Haylie must go.

We must support America first MAGA candidates in primaries ONLY.  If they lose, we write in for them or withhold our votes in the general election.

Even if that means Communist Party USA wins, we have to clean house in the Republican Party before we can truly take back the country.  Again, this is a long game.

But America first is not just for national elections.  It is for EVERY election.

It is for gubernatorial elections, state legislatures, mayoral elections, town counsels, school boards.  Shit, we must make sure our children don’t vote for indoctrinated lefties for student government.

I always pretty much blew off my town and schoolboard elections.  No more.

We must run for Office, not just the things that are obvious.  If you watch Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic, you know that Dan Schultz reports (see link here) that one of the best ways for us to take over the party is to become Committeemen.

I never even knew what this was.  You are essentially electing the electors in your state.  We saw in 2020 how important this is.

The good news is that a huge number of these seats are vacant.  MAGA people can get in these seats unopposed in many cases.

Sometimes our jobs do not allow us to run for Office.  However, they cannot stop us from becoming active concerned citizens.

We can attend our local counsel meetings and become the annoying squeaky wheels who get the grease.  Mike Cernovich tweeted something very simple but poignant about a month ago.

To paraphrase, he said that we can get more done for our side with 100 schoolboard members than we can with 100 congressmen.

Think about that.  A schoolboard member can get things changed or headed in a different direction with far less red tape than anyone in the DC swamp.  Just ask Donald Trump.

He had more impact in New York City as a private builder than he did as the leader of the free (kind of) world.

This means looking out for people in our like minded community.  Leftist lawyers were quick to defend terrorists in Guantanamo Bay a decade or so ago.

Yet now there are MAGA people sitting in custody basically with trespassing charges (I am not talking about violent people or vandals) without bail for months having trouble obtaining good representation.

They may be stuck with public defenders who are already hostile toward them.  Maybe your contribution could be doing some pro-bono or even courageous paid work for a misguided but good hearted patriot.

We also should start supporting conservative art.  Huh…huh…art!  That’s for libs.  Really tough guy?  You don’t like movies?  You don’t like music?  Do you like Norman Rockwell paintings better than statues of the Blessed Mother vandalized with human excrement?

The left funds art that promotes their cause.  Yet, Fox News never even mentioned Cernovich’s Hoaxed when it was a top seller or many similar documentaries, not even Tucker Carlson who had quite a habit last summer of paraphrasing his Twitter timeline without ever mentioning his name.

There is something all of us can contribute.  No task, no cause, no election is too small.

I mentioned in Adversity my admiration for wrestling legend Dan Gable.  What made Gable so special as a wrestler and coach was his philosophy of always outworking the opponent and fighting every second of every match for every inch of that mat.

Granted, we don’t have the elite donors that the left has.  But as Joe Louis said about the United States going up against Nazi, Germany, we will win because we are on God’s side.

It’s a long grind.  But if we combine and indominable will with the Armor of God, we can’t lose.  Talk soon.


Become a Male Led Society

Part 6 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions to survive the tyranny we patriots now face is to become a male dominated society.

I had an entire article written out with all kinds of clever bro-science.  I think I will save my words for another time and a lighter subject.  For now, we have a society to save.

What better way to back up this suggestion than with the Word of God?  Let’s see what the Bible says about the correct family dynamic:

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, of which He is the Savior.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her  to make Her holy, cleansing Her by the washing with water through the Word, and to present Her to Himself as a radiant Church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.  In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the Church-for we are members of His Body.  “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”  This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the Church.  However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Does that sound like feminist doctrine to you?  It is clear that men must lead.

That does not mean being an abusive bully.  There is little more cowardly than a man who abuses women and children.

However, it does mean being the indisputable head of the household.  It means being decisive.  It means saying no to the perverse norms of today’s sick society.

It means not being a slave to our own emotions.  It means not being a slave to our tempers and frustrations.  It means not being a slave to the temptations that are sure to come our way as we become more masculine.

It means being strong and healthy. Most of all it means leading your family to in prayer and worship.  To do this God must come first, even before them.

Like it or not, a feminized society is easier to control than a masculine one.  BTW-how are all those enlightened college educated white women so offended by the Orange Man liking their new gas prices?  Congrats ladies.

Hopefully you can still afford enough gas to go to the track meet and watch Wilma, who used to be William blow by your daughter and take her scholarship to Stalin State University.

The feminist experiment has been a catastrophic disaster.  Time to get back to what works.  Talk soon.


Form Like Minded Communities

Part 5 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions for dealing with today’s tyranny is to form like-minded communities.

I feel that it no longer does us any good to surround ourselves with useful idiots who are ill-informed or just foul balls who don’t see where we are heading.

Personally, I don’t really want to be around these types.  Minds that are not open to truth cannot be enlightened, at least not without Divine Intervention.

Many are finally waking up and taking the red pill.  Unfortunately, many still refuse and are sitting around masked-up waiting for Big Daddy Government to give them permission to properly breathe again.

The dilemma most of us have is that we have loved-ones who are part of the heard being lead to the slaughter.  It is now my rule that if I cannot avoid political discussions with these folks, they must be removed from my life.

This is tough because sometimes we are not just talking about friends and peers, but family.  There are people I love that are opening wide for a big mouthful of communism.

If I can’t or don’t want to completely eliminate these people from my life, they are now kept at more of an arm’s-distance.

Yes, this is harsh but probably the best piece of advice I took from Mike Cernovich’s book, Gorilla Mindset is to figure out what you want more of in life.

You then assess which people in your life bring more of what you want and closer to who/what you want to be (happiness) and which bring you less of what you want (stress/annoyance) and bring you further from who/what you want to be.

Intolerant as this may sound, like it or not we are in a cold (thankfully) civil war in this country. It’s not being fought with bullets, but rather information.

So, those with whom I fundamentally disagree must be eliminated or minimized from my interactions if they add stress.  I know some leftists who are able to keep politics at bay in our interactions.  We  can mostly agree to disagree.

However this is becoming more and more rare because everything from the weather to flu season has become politicized.  When someone tells me to stay safe, my new response is yes, from communism.

Once we clean up our circle to our liking, what’s next?

Well, what does a community do?  They COMMUNICATE!  They interact.  If you live within 10 miles of someone and never see them, you do not communicate.

Being friends on instaface and never having real interaction is not friendship.  It’s a fucking waste of time.

Liking a picture of someone’s bowl of ice cream is not communicating.  Getting together for a meal is.

Communicating solely by text without ever actually speaking is not communicating.  Buh…buh…but I am busy…

No shit Shirley!  Everyone is.  But we make time for what and who is important to us.

Add up the time you spend watching globo-homo television to your time spent on social media looking up people you don’t even like.  I guarantee if you eliminate that nonsense we all have time to visit with a family member and/or friend once per month.

I think restaurants and bars being restricted make us even more bashful about interacting.  Rather than invite people to our homes to congregate, we shy away.

This is primal fear of rejection.  If I invite people to just order a pizza and have a few cocktails in my living room, they may think that’s weird goes through our minds.

We all think like that at times.  If someone is going to find it strange that you want to socialize, what purpose do they serve in your life?  Having a likeminded community also means taking care of each other.

It means supporting the self employed driver over Uber.  It means hiring the American painter or lawn guy when possible instead of renting an illegal alien from the local train station.

It means pumping each other up with encouragement rather than tearing them down.  I like to break balls with my buddies as much as anyone.

However taking this too far leads to malicious gossip.  We are ALL guilty of it at times.  But it’s toxic behavior.

To raise our spirits in these tyrannical times, we need each other.  So let’s turn off the computer screens as much as possible and go back to being a community.

Sound good?  Talk soon.


PS:  I am currently reading Roosh’s book, American Pilgrim.  He speaks about visiting simple communities who reject modern life during his speaking tour which I attended a couple years ago.

Compare how say the Amish live to how us modern folk live.  Who do you think is more affected by the global communist tyranny we now face?  Us or them?

Who do you think is generally happier?  Us or them?