Man Caves Are Pussy

Yup, that’s right.  If you find your man cave to be some kind of independant male paradise you are likely acting like a pussy.

Okay, maybe that’s a tad mean, but you are definitely misguided and/or beta; I don’t care if you are an MMA fighter who can take me apart.

If your leisure time in your home is relegated to little more than a corner, you are beta in your domestic mentality.

I know what you are thinking.  Uh…uh no way bro!  I eat bacon and I vote Republican and I played offensive guard in high school…and…and I sit in my man cave watching sports and jerking off to porn and I drink as much beer as I want and my wife doesn’t give me ANY crap for it; I even get to have a couple friends over occasionally so long as they are out by 10!

Of course she doesn’t dumbass.  She has free rein of about 5/6 of the house when she is not out for martini night eyeballing Billy Long Dick while you sit in your hole raising your estrogen.

I like bacon too but it never added an inch to my dick.  I like beer but the hops are estrogenic.

Habitual masturbation to internet porn destroys desire for actual sex.  Oh but I forgot.  You vote Republican.

Quick question-how many alpha Republicans have there been since Reagan?  You can count them on 2 hands.

Who is more alpha?  Crying John Boehner or Bill Clinton?  Like him or not Slick Willy did what he wanted when he wanted, even with Queen Crooked hovering around on her broom.

And don’t throw President Donald J. Trump at me.  He’s an independent with an “R” next to his name.  His own party largely despises him.

Boehner cried on TV continuously when he tried to get along with the Demoncrats and got smacked.  How about Paul Ryan?  He’s probably got a man cave too.

By the way, how often do you speak aloud in public about how much you love the President?  It’s more likely you whisper to the other beta white boy at the water cooler that you liked the State of The Union address so the twisted sisters don’t hear and run to HR.

My eyes were opened up to this a few years ago when comedian Sebastian Maniscalco did a stand-up routine (it’s called Aren’t You Embarrassed?) in which he pointed out that his father’s man cave was the house.

Funny but true.  Remember when adults watched the TV and the kids acquiesced or went somewhere to play?

Sure, some men (usually upper-middle class/wealthy) had segments of the home in the 1950s-1980s where they went for peace.  But they were called studies or dens.

They went there to review finances or read.  Yes, they read rather than watching Top 10 Dunks.

Some even had bar-like setups in the basement with pool or ping pong tables.  They were called rec-rooms.  They were usually used to entertain company or have card games, not a place to hide to watch 2 women sodomize each other with strap-ons.

Now Dad goes to a dungeon with a Heineken poster on the wall so the kids can watch their video produced by Pedomouseworld.  He can’t lay on his own couch because the dog is comfortable there licking his own balls.

I experienced both sides of this once in the same day a year or two ago.  I went to a friend’s house to pick him up, but we hung there for a few drinks first.  His dynamic was pretty traditional.  We hung in the living room.

His wife is feminine and a very gracious hostess who visited with us and even put out chips.  The kids were off doing normal healthy activities.

Then we went to another house.

I had been there before.  This guy is not beta and his wife doesn’t push him around, at least from what I have seen.

He has a beautiful home which he should be very proud of.  Nobody was home accept he and his guests.

We sat in lawn chairs watching sports in the garage.  Now granted, he wasn’t forced into this; he chose it.

Moreover, he put time into this garage.  There was a huge TV, fridge, even a stove.

But it was cold.  I think there was a space heater but we were sitting in the garage in winter coats with an entire empty house inside.

The only difference between us and a pack of stray cats was a saucer of milk and a litter box.  I wasn’t offended that we were in the garage, just puzzled.

The point is if you own or rent a home, there is a good chance you are paying for at least half of everything, likely far more.

So doesn’t it make sense to spread your wings and enjoy all of the space rather than playing clubhouse in one remote room?  Talk soon.
