Media Loves White Guilt

The media ignores racism that does not suit the left.  On 9/24/17, Emanuel Kidega Samson (black man who came to the US in 1996 from Sudan) committed a mass shooting at Burnett Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, TN.

Samson opened fire killing Melanie Smith (39 year old white woman) and wounded seven others. (  Hero Robert Caleb Engle confronted Samson causing Samson to wound himself. (Maya Chung, Inside Edition)

There are rumblings that this was retaliation for racist Dylann Roof’s (white man) June 17, 2015 shooting of nine black victims at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC.  However, there is a lack of confirmation at this point.

Both shooters had reportedly prayed at the churches the respective churches.  We don’t yet know for sure what Samson’s motivation was; Burnett is not an all-white church.

However when you compare the similarities of the shootings, there is a stark contrast in the amount of coverage each story received in the Roof shootings favor.  Why?  Because the media loves nothing more than white men shooting blacks.

It is in lockstep with their agenda to paint gun-toting white men as dangerous.  This is not a defense of Roof (child of Satan) but an indictment of the media.

When a black man shoots anyone (especially another black man) it is rarely leading news.  When he shoots a white person nobody goes digging for a racial narrative.

Another example of the media’s ignorance of unsuitable racism:  Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton apparently threw up a black power sign during his game Sunday.  The sports media are the biggest cowards in the country.

This is a racist gesture!  I can hear all the beta white boys.  Eh…well he is just showing racial pride.

That will be the white cuck/coward rationalization to avoid confronting black bigotry.  If someone in any similar forum threw up a white power sign, he would rightfully be branded a bigot.

Hell, if Vince McMahon created some kind of Nazi wrestling villain who threw up a white power sign the WWE would be run out of business.  But I have not heard one person in the sports media have the balls to criticize Newton.

It all boils down to the left’s white guilt agenda.  They indoctrinate us early on in school to believe we are evil slave-master descendants who must pay for their ancestors’ sins.

They don’t celebrate the white man’s contributions to civilization (plane, automobile, electricity, telephone, internet, etc.).  Instead they attempt to silence and emasculate white men.

The truth is they are largely succeeding.  Look around at most white men today.  Most white men today are slump-shouldered defeated sissies hoping to please a spoiled woman.

White masculinity is the most offensive thing in today’s society; it’s borderline criminal.  Don’t fall in line with this agenda.  Talk soon.


PS:  Just to clarify, I do not want a celebration for white people in this country.  I think celebrating people for their race is divisive.

There should be no designated months for anyone.  Yes, celebrating special Americans for their contribution to overcoming past racial injustice should be celebrated.  But let’s celebrate them as heroic Americans rather than for racial identity.

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