The Lie of Abortion: Satan’s Sacrament

How many times have you heard politicians and feminist dingbats talk about “women’s health rights” or “women’s right to choose”?  Right to choose what?  To murder their baby in the womb?

They like to use the word fetus because it makes the butchering sound more benign.  Some women will say “it’s my body and I can do what I want with it.”  Thing is it’s not their body.  It’s someone else’s.

Is it their body parts being sucked into a hose with a sharp cutting edge that dismembers them?  Is it their skull being jammed with a set of scissors?  Is it them being starved to death?  Is it their skin being burned?  No, those are the things that happen to the baby after she and possibly her mate decide to exercise the right to choose.

Some people will claim that they only support early-term abortion; that it’s only a pack of cells at that point.  False!

A child’s heart starts beating 18 days after conception (how many women even know they are pregnant at that point?).  At 6 weeks brain waves can be measured.  At 8 weeks the stomach, liver, kidneys, and brain are functioning; fingerprints have formed.  At 11 weeks the child breathes (fluid), swallows, digests, and has developed all body parts allowing him/her to feel pain (US Dept. of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control).

Most women I know who have had abortions claim that they felt guilt and despair/depression afterwards.  Why is that if it’s just a medical procedure to remove a pack of cells?  Have you ever met anyone who felt guilty for having a cyst or mole removed?  I haven’t.

Satan loves to convince us that we have no other option.  When we do what he wants he has us in his clutches; then he tortures us with guilt and despair.  He also loves to attack the family.  What better way than to convince God’s children that their best choice is to destroy a child in what is supposed to be the safest place on earth (the mother’s womb)?

I seriously do sympathize with anyone experiencing an unwanted pregnancy!  I have never experienced this, but have sweated it out.

Thing is, there is a tough but fair compromise that is hardly talked about anymore, and certainly not pushed by the concentration camp called Planned Parenthood.  There is a high demand for adoption of babies in this country.  There were 1,212,350 abortions in the United States in 2008 (Pro-Life Action League).  Why not put these children up for adoption?

Easy for a man to say right?  I don’t have to carry the child for 9 months, then give him/her up.  Well, what would you rather endure:  discomfort, separation anxiety, and maybe some ridicule or a lifetime of guilt and possible eternity in Hell?

Satanic cults practice orgies and gang bangs (often involving minors) with the goal of impregnating women, then performing brutal late term abortions.  If abortion is not evil, why are occultists so fond of it?

I was once watching a program on EWTN and heard a story of a priest on a plane during Lent.  The stewardess came around taking meal orders, and the priest declined as a Lenten sacrifice.  There was a young woman next to him who also declined.  Pleasantly surprised, the priest asked the woman if she was also fasting for Lent.  The woman replied that she was a witch fasting for more abortions.  Chilling!

Some would ask where the Bible states when life begins.  Fair question.  Jesus was conceived when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary after she accepted Gabriel’s (angel) message from God that she would conceive and bare a Son.

Shortly thereafter, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist.  John the Baptist jumped in his mother’s womb.  Did John the Baptist jump in the presence Jesus or a pack of cells?

I have debated this topic with women who seem to think that the newly developing fetus holds less importance because of his/her size.  Does that mean women hold less importance than men because they are generally smaller?

Some of the crazies who have bought into the lie of abortion are at the same time hypersensitive about animal rights.  They don’t want pitbulls that have maimed humans euthanized.

Let’s say someone left a puppy on my doorstep that I did not want.  Rather than take it to a shelter where it can be adopted, I dismember it and let it bleed to death or sever it’s spinal chord, then toss it in the trash.

You would rightfully say I’m a sick f**k who belongs in prison.  But it’s acceptable to do this to an innocent human being?

The left will grasp at the straws of rape and incest victims.  This is an abominable situation.  Problem is what the abortionists don’t tell you is that only 1% of American abortions are the result of this.  Another 1% are for fetal abnormalities; another 3% result from mothers’ health problems (Alan Guttmacher Institute).  So, 95% of abortions are simply a form of birth control.

Men who go along with abortion have just as much blood on their hands.  How many of us have worried about impregnating the wrong woman and thought if she has an abortion without our knowledge it takes us off the hook?  Wrong!

I have allowed my mind to go there at times and quickly check myself, then get to confession.  That thinking makes us culpable too!

Thankfully I have never been in this situation, but have in the past gone along with and even endorsed these morning after-type pills (which curiously claim not to stop an existing pregnancy).  Despicable!

Thankfully, if you are a woman who has had an abortion, or a man who has endorsed such a thing there is no sin greater than God’s mercy!  Repent, find a solid priest, make a good confession, and then be done with it.  Talk soon.


PS:  Special thanks to Vice President Mike Pence who’s presence at the March for Life yesterday forced the media to actually acknowledge it for a change.  They don’t find it as interesting as those c***s who acted like savages the weekend of the inauguration, but it’s a start.