Coronavirus Is Here

The Coronavirus is causing all kinds of hysteria.  The left has been salivating at the markets diving hoping to pin this on President Donald J. Trump.

The right has been insecure about this causing people to say huh it’s just the flu.  Personally, I fall in with the concerned but not panicked crowd.  Mainstream media cries wolf constantly.

Every possible catastrophe is thrown at us with their constant fear mongering.  But, if you lived in the tri-state area in 2012 you saw with Sandy that every so often the wolf actually comes.

I have learned that the leftwing media is just out to get Trump at any cost.  Fox News (outside of Tucker Carlson and a select few) are Trump pompom girls, many of whom started out as never-Trumpers.

I prefer to get my news from people who while being basically Trump supporters, they are not bootlickers.  Those who think Trump can do no wrong are no different from the Obamalings who refused to admit any of St. Barry’s numerous failures.

I am going to give you some links to people I feel have given the most sound information regarding the virus and how to prepare for it.

1-Mike Cernovich

The mindset guru/journalist always has great sources.  He also has a knack for having his finger on the pulse of which way the energy is swinging.

His website has a couple articles on how to think of the virus, why it should neither be panicked about, nor taken lightly and what you can do to prepare.

2-Jay Campbell

I found Campbell through Cernovich.  He is a personal health optimization specialist.  He’s not a doctor, but knows what doctors to trust.  He also has no trust for conventional medicine (he calls it sick care).  The American healthcare industry is looking ill-prepared for what may be coming.

3-Michael Savage

Dr. Savage is a rightwing curmudgeon who was instrumental to Trump’s rise.  His borders, language and culture philosophy makes up the basics of Trump’s America First platform.  Unlike Trump cheer girl and rival Sean Hannity, Savage shows he is a true friend to the President by being supportive but critical when necessary.

Remember, cheerleaders always find a better option when times get tough.  In addition to his brilliant political insight, Savage has a background in nutrition and epidemiology.  Hence, Doctor.

Check out the podcasts on his website.  The recent ones all deal with the virus and how it can effect us and the coming election.

4-Roosh V

Another objective Trump supporter who went from pick-up artist to man-of-faith.  He is an all around smart guy who sees through the bullshit that the Satanic globalists are attempting to push.

In this podcast, he gives his take and points out how hard it is to get tested for this Coronavirus (which can be spread through a handshake) as opposed to say an HIV test (which is spread mainly through sodomy and IV drug use) or an abortion.  Warning:  the podcast is 3 hours long, but that’s about the same as the sportsball game you find time to watch, and you will get more out of it.

5-My Advice

First, pray.  This is likely a man-made virus.  But God can put a stop to it.

Wash your hands often.  Don’t touch your face.  That creates a greater opportunity to touch your nose, eyes and mouth and contract something.

Use a napkin to touch doorknobs.  Everyone touches them!

Use your head about eating out.  Everyone touches the menu.  Wash your hands after you order.  If an eatery gives you a bad gut feeling, don’t go.  That’s your soul/Holy Spirit talking.

Live life but avoid big crowds if possible.  Yes, I know St. Patrick’s Day is here.  Get together with friends at a house or smaller venue; or sit this one out.  Drunks in bars don’t cover up when they sneeze and cough.  They all want to hug, kiss and shake hands.  They are not thinking; and when you get drunk you will let your guard down.

Buhbuhbuh I just bought this awesome slutty green outfit.  What about all the kissie-face pictures I was going to post for virtual attention?

Okay doll.  Do your thing.  Taste someone else’s $12 IPA.  Stumble into the men’s room and bang some guy on the sink.  The STD test is free and available.

Hopefully it’s negative because the antibiotics from China could be on back order.  Talk soon.


PS:  I called 3 local urgent care facilities yesterday inquiring about Coronavirus testing.  Two have no test available and suggest the hospital.

One has testing but you will be triaged.  There is no believing you COULD have been exposed and getting tested so you can self-quarantine before spreading it.

Either by lack of competence or evil, the FDA and CDC have failed us.

To be objective, Trump was too slow on the draw.  2 weeks ago Japan had shut down all schools for a month.  We were still taking flights from Japan.

There should have been a 1 week warning no later than February 1 for Americans to get back here followed by a ban on international travel.  Yes, the economy would have been effected, but that has happened anyway and we are now playing defense and look lost.

The President is a master of dealing with people.  This makes him a strong leader when it comes to economics and foreign policy.  But just like any other politician, he can’t control the narrative with a virus.

That’s where his advisers come in and he is not surrounded by many who have his/our best interests at heart.  As Steve Bannon has said, the only one who can beat Trump is Trump.

If this thing spirals out of control it COULD cost him 2020.  But I doubt it will happen.  He has proven over and over again that he is the comeback kid.

I believe God has His hand on him.  Pray for the President.


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