courtesy of thecampofthesaints.org

Well straight shooters, our nation has been hijacked.  We prayed and fasted for President Donald J. Trump to stay in office.

It does not appear to be God’s Will at this time.  Does that mean He did not hear or listen to our prayers?  Absolutely not.

Our Father in Heaven has us right where He wants us.  His Plan is always the perfect plan, even if we are not immediately seeing it.

Sometimes He allows evil to have it’s hour in order to bring about a greater good.  Need an example?

Go take a good long look at a crucifix, the more graphic the better.  In fact, go watch Passion of The Christ.

God allowed His only begotten Son to be condemned by a kangaroo court (sound familiar?), tortured, humiliated and crucified spilling every drop of His Blood and Water so that we can inherit Eternal Life so long as we choose it.

BTW-Jesus prayed that this cup pass Him by the Father’s Will.  It turned out not to be the Father’s Will.

Thing is we have not been choosing Eternal Life as a society for the last 50-plus years.  It’s my belief that out of Divine Love, God is disciplining His children in order to save them/us.

Maybe that discipline involves allowing a satanic alliance of George Soros, China, tech, pharma and corporate oligarchs along with Communist Party USA to hijack our Republic with voter fraud, unjust justice, cooked medical reports and silencing of truth.

We are in tough, actually DARK times now.  There is no way around.  As Mike Cernovich often says, the only way is through.

The following is my list of ways to survive the tyranny we now encounter.  The list will be fluid; it may be added to or changed as we go forward.

I will do individual articles on each suggestion:

1-Give Yourself to Jesus Christ.

2-Be independent in thought and action.

3-Take control of your health and become hard to kill.


5-Form like-minded communities and networks.

6-Become a male-lead community.

7-Build from the ground up politically/culturally.

8-Home school if possible.

9-Be brave, but smart.

Be not afraid says the Lord.  He has given us our cross.

Now we must take it up and follow Him.  Talk soon.


2 thoughts on “HIJACKED!”

  1. The DARK times are truly coming and quickly as well,the left never falters when it comes to their agenda.It’s my belief that there is a percentage that are total communists,but there also exists the community that is just plainly uneducated.The constant attack on Trump and conservatives by the media and now censorship,have these people fooled.We are going to live through this long enough for the woke to really get woke.Hyper inflation,high unemployment,higher taxes,unchecked immigration,perhaps another pandemic,food shortages,sky high energy costs and God knows what else.The Republican Party is one in the same as the Democratic Party.There will be a new party that will be formed,maybe formed by Trump ,maybe not.The convention of the States is perhaps the last hope for our Constitution when we survive the misery of the likes of Pelosi and Schumer.🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸

    1. Thanks Tom. Great input as always. The GOP is definitely in for a rude awakening as seen with the GA runoff. You are not alone in your feeling about a third party. Personally I lean towards America First taking over the GOP. Time will tell the better course of action.

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