Thank You President Trump

courtesy of The Nation

As President Donald J. Trump leaves Office the victim of massive voter fraud, I want to take the time to thank him.  No, he wasn’t perfect; far from it.

If you have read this blog for the last four-plus years you have seen me be very critical of him at times.  Some close to me even became angry at times, but I was determined to be objective despite my open bias.  I was not going to be a blind right wing version of the Obamaling pompom girls.

The President left me angry many times.  The omnibus spending bills with no funding for the wall but plenty for Planned Parenthood, firing General Flynn, separating with Steve Bannon, failing to hire MAGA people while listening to Javanka and establishment swamp creatures was maddening.

Not listening to people he was obviously aware of like Mike Cernovich and Ali Alexander about 2018 ballot harvesting being a dress rehearsal for 2020 and big-tech deplatforming prophetically cost him re-election.

Even today, the last thing I needed was to tune in for the last speech of his term to watch him well-wish the incoming frauds who have stolen our votes and Republic.

He failed to grab low-hanging fruit like acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.  His vanity caused him to take un-funny SNL mocking more seriously than his own supporters being beaten for wearing his ballcaps.

However, the good outweighed the bad.  So let’s get to some of the things he deserves thanks for.

Thank you President Trump for running.  I am old enough to remember when people wanted him as the GOP heir apparent to Ronald Reagan, not the Bush warlords.

Thank you President Trump for abandoning your business and celebrity life where you were revered and sought out for money and influence by both the right AND left.  Let’s also not forget he took no salary.

Eh…eh…well he’s rich.  He SHOULD forego the paycheck.  Shut up bitch.  Anyone who counts another man’s money tips their hand to being a jealous lazy loser.

Thank you President Trump for raising wages, job creation and bringing back the manufacturing that your America-hating predecessor claimed required a magic wand.

Thank you President Trump for crippling ISIS and taking out targeted top-of-the-food-chain terrorists without any new major ground wars.  Thank you for avoiding useless regime changes in the Middle East at the behest of the military industrial complex.

Thank for Middle East peace deals for which any other President would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.  Then again, after Barry from Honolulu got it 9 months into his first term for nothing who wants that piece of shit anyway?

Thank you for putting the US embassy to Israel in the Holy Land where it always belonged.

Thank you for pulling us from America last trade deals and the Iran nuclear giveaway.  Thank you for championing the Keystone Pipeline and fracking and making us energy independent.

Thank you for pardoning Jack Johnson.  Thank you for making us strong and feared by our enemies rather than a bowing used-to-be super power.

Thank you for tax cuts, which while not enough for my liking put a few extra duckets in my paycheck.  Thank you for never stepping down when most would after being continuously framed and falsely accused of things your political opponents were/are ACTUALLY guilty of.

I do not want to see you run again in 2024, Mr. President.  Not because I regret voting for you, but if by 2024 the MAGA movement has not produced candidates worthy of our votes and we need you at 78 and war-torn to bail America out from tyranny I don’t think we deserve it.

But for now, thank you President Donald J. Trump.

God Bless you and God Help us.  Talk soon.


PS:  The enthusiasm for Trump going forward can be greatly enhanced if he finds the courage to pardon Julian Assange before he leaves Office.  His base wants it and quite honestly, he doesn’t get elected in 2016 without some truths that Assange revealed.

What does he have to lose besides the public?  Will he show balls or try to satiate his political (GOP) enemies who will ALWAYS hate him?

PPS:  I will return to my HIJACKED! series next week.

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