(Pope) Francis: Basic Marxist or False Prophet?

As a pretty devout (though not nearly enough) Catholic it pains me to question the current Pope.  I want to take pride in him and look to him as a spiritual guide who as St. Peter’s successor, is the leader of Christ’s Church.

However, I find no leadership toward the Doctrine of the Faith from this man.  Very early on in Francis’ Papacy, he was being quoted in ways that somewhat contradict Catholic doctrine.

He seems to speak in tones not necessarily accepting, but mitigating/legitimizing the non-traditional family.  Defenders of this man say that the media is taking things out of context to support their own agenda.

Certainly not impossible.  But he never seems to get out in front of these things to publicly address contradictions and give clarification.

Francis seems to create and have comfort in shades of grey rather than being black and white about challenging issues.  This is leaving the laity confused.

One thing I do know is that grey is Satan’s favorite color.  If Satan lurked only in the darkness, we would easily run the other way.

Instead he gets to us by mixing in just enough truth (the light) with his lies to pull us in.  Francis seems to cloak his relativism in mercy.

Yes, Jesus and His Church are endlessly merciful.  However He is also very clear about right and wrong.

The truth is that the Church has been on a road toward secular relativism since the Second Vatican Council (10/11/62-12/8/65).  The Church has been slowly attempting to “get with the times”.

I would say if the Doctrine of the Faith is out-of-touch with the times, then shame on the times.  The Word of God (Jesus) is eternal.

The Jesuits (order of priests) are out in front when it comes to the liberalization of the Church.  Francis is a Jesuit (this does not mean there are no solid Jesuit priests).

I also find no coincidence in the fact that widespread sexual abuse by priests became an issue not long after Vatican II.  The seminaries became flooded with homosexuals, and the large majority of victims have been adolescent teenage boys.

This is not to suggest that sexual abuse never took place by priests before Vatican II.  But it was MUCH more an anomaly than what occurred in the decades that followed.

So back to Francis.  His interactions with world leaders have made my suspicions about him stronger.

When the Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima, one of her wishes was for the Consecration of Russia to the Sacred Heart of Mary by the Church.  I recently viewed a video on Youtube (https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=fr.+kramer+on+pope+francis+youtube&src=IE-) in which Fr. Paul Kramer reports that in 2013 Vladimir Putin met with Francis.

Putin asked about Fatima.  Francis replied, “we will not discuss Fatima”.  The leader of the Catholic Church refuses to discuss Fatima with the President of Russia?

That’s not all.  Fr. Kramer also reports that a Cardinal close to Francis told one of Putin’s men while standing under a statue of Fatima, “we will destroy Fatima”.  Chilling!

Francis also seemed to have a genuinely gushing relationship with President Barack Hussein Obama.  I can understand/support a respectful rapport between the two.

But the mutual excessive admiration is odd considering that Butcher Barry is the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history.  In addition, I never heard much from Francis regarding candidate Crooked Hillary Clinton’s position on abortion in 2016 which supported it right up to the last moments of a pregnancy.

I did however, hear him come out very strongly against President Donald J. Trump’s plan for a wall at our southern border.  Funny thing is the Vatican is surrounded by a wall (rightfully so as a lack of such security would likely lead to ISIS storming in to rape and decapitate anyone they could get their filthy hands on).

In addition, borders are mentioned throughout the Bible, even within Israel itself.  Sounds a tad hypocritical.  No?

Francis has become more and more a social justice warrior as opposed to a spiritual guide.  He speaks of the dangers of climate change, the evils of capitalism and promotes redistribution of wealth (Jesus tells us to take care of the poor out of personal kindness, but also says “the poor will always be with you”).

Yet I have not heard a ton from him about the evil that is radical Islam.  In fact, he is a proponent of Muslim “refugees” to the West.  Yup, the same “refugees” ISIS has admitted infiltrating.  This is the group proudly responsible for slitting a priest’s throat during Mass in France.

St. John Paul II spoke with first hand knowledge about the evils of communism which results in a Godless society.  Francis speaks like a globalist Marxist.  Globalism leads to One World Order which is the road to the antichrist.

Another red flag on Francis is that the normal enemies of the Church (the world) love him.  The left, the media and most non-religious people I have come across have great affection for this man yet none appear to be converting.

Jesus says in John 15:18 that “if the world hates you, keep in mind it hated Me first”.  So why does the world so love this leader of His Church?

Is Francis the antichrist or the false prophet spoken about in Revelation?  I don’t know.

But I do know they will deceive the world.  What better place for Satan to attack with his ultimate deceit than the Papacy?

I have noticed more division in the Church between traditionalists and relativists since this man took his place.  The most solid traditional priest I know claims to have real reservations about Francis and claims many bishops do also.

I hope my instincts are wrong.  God forgive me if they are.

However, I can only look the other way or rationalize this guy for so long.  He appears to be a basic misguided Marxist at best, or a false prophet at worst.  Talk soon.
