Throw Your Protein Shakes Away

Not too long ago, a friend of mine asked me with a semi-excited tone to his voice what I thought about the new protein shake he purchased.  That excitement turned into a disappointed giggle when I told him to throw it away.

My friend is a pretty serious weightlifter and strong as an ox.  But I knew he wasn’t going to throw it out, so I told him to give it to his girlfriend.

The shake contained soy lectin.  Soy converts to estrogen in a man’s body.

It’s tough to completely avoid soy as it is used as a cheap filler in most commercial products (and I believe the FDA is all for this because a feminized society is easier to control).  Do the best you can to avoid it.

My thing is, men drinking these shakes are doing it to increase muscle mass and strength.  Essentially, they are consuming them with the end goal of greater masculinity.

So why on earth would someone trying to be more masculine drink estrogen?  Bububut…where am I going to get enough protein?

For starters, while protein is vital for muscle growth, not everyone needs as much protein as others.  We certainly do not need the amounts that muscle magazines attempt to make us believe we need.  points out that taking in too much protein can actually hinder testosterone production.  If you have not already, I strongly recommend you read this website to learn how to eat like a man.

Soy is not the only harmful ingredient in most of these shakes.  Several contain traces of metals; most claim to have little or no sugars, but are still sweet.

How did that happen?  They contain aspartame and artificial sweeteners which have been said to cause cancer.

I am not saying these shakes will not help you get bigger and stronger; they will.  I drank them religiously for years.

But at what cost?  I am going to assume you know what foods are rich in protein.  One of the theories advocating these shakes is the idea that liquid protein is absorbed quicker than solid.

That makes sense to me.  So what’s the alternative?  Raw eggs!  Vince Gironda, a 1950s bodybuilder was a huge proponent of them.

I scramble 6 raw eggs into a glass and drink them daily.  Eh…eh isn’t that a lot of cholesterol?

Yes Nancy, it is.  And cholesterol produces testosterone in your body.  This is why many men on cholesterol medication also take ED pills.

By lowering their cholesterol, they are also lowering their testosterone.  Now, can higher cholesterol put you at greater risk of heart issues?

Conventional medicine says yes and I am in no position to argue.  However we are all going to die of something at some point.

Would you rather drop dead of a heart attack or stroke having lived the life of a strong viral man, or live longer depressed and feminized with a greater risk of cancer?

Ooooh but I am grossed out by the idea of drinking eggs.  Okay dear.  Then mix them with some whole milk, vanilla extract, honey, fruit, etc.

If you’re that mentally week that everything that goes into your mouth must taste good, mix it with whatever you like to find a taste you can bare.

So, start drinking the protein given to us by God rather then that pushed by the fitness industry which lies to you for your money.  But if you want to be stubborn, go ahead and blend that powder.

While you’re at it, go upstairs and grab some of your wife’s birth control pills to wash down with that metallic estrogen cocktail.  Talk soon.


PS:  Once again, I am not a doctor, trainer or nutritionist.  I am just a regular guy who is serious about basic fitness and has learned a lot from training hard, doing research and trial/error.  God Bless.