Protect Your Children

photo courtesy of Kaleido Scope

This morning I caught a documentary on masks.  You can catch the hour-and-twenty-minute film here.

The highlights involve the obvious impairment of proper breathing masks cause along with the amount of viral and bacterial germs being shoved into people’s faces and worst of all:  the psychological effects.

Suicides are up since the implementation of mask mandates, not just in adults, not just in adolescents, but also in children.  Can you imagine the suffering involved in a child suicide?

The worst part?  Educators who are supposed to enter their field out of a love for children are enjoying the power of telling our children to get that mask above your nose!

When I published Homeschool If Possible as part of the Hijacked! series, I got some blowback from parents.  It’s understandable.

Parents pay enormous property taxes for education in return.  They don’t want to spend the day educating their kids.  On top of that, most simply cannot afford it.

If I had a school age child and the means to support a home on one income and my choices were sending my child to school to have impaired breathing for 6 hours while being told white men are evil along with receiving communist and sodomite indoctrination and being labeled a domestic terrorist for speaking up or home schooling, I would choose the latter but that’s just me.

People are triggered sometimes by the suggestion of solutions to problems.  Sometimes that is because the solution is unrealistic to them.

Sometimes it is because it requires too much human agency.  Whatever the reason, I am in no position to judge but I do care about the wellbeing of American children.

I may have a less drastic solution to your child’s mask problem.  Actually, it’s not my solution but Peggy Hall’s.  It’s a religious exemption.

God created us to breathe and interact.  Masks impair both.

Religious exemptions are not just for employer mandates, they are also for students.  Breathing is your child’s legal right, not a privilege.

Therefore, the religious exemption is not requested.  It is invoked.

It is not the government, school or anyone’s place to give what is already ours.

Go to her website: to research and purchase the paperwork for you or your child’s religious exemption from any combination of masks, shots and/or tests at places of employment or education.

I suggested this to a friend who works for a major corporation.  He purchased the exemption packet and it was accommodated.  I have also purchased it for myself preemptively, should any mandates go beyond what I find realistic.

So if your child is suffering physically, spiritually and/or psychologically from being masked, check out the website.

Maybe homeschooling is a tall order.  However, taking the time to get familiar with your rights on a website is not.

Are you willing to protect your children?  Nobody else will.  Talk soon.
