Russia: The Left’s Boogie Man

I remember growing up as a kid in the last dozen or so years of the Cold War when the left seemed to sympathize with the Soviet Union.  They would question why we needed so many nuclear arms; we heard how terrible and scary it was that President Regan was putting arms in Space.

Television would paint Soviet civilians as sympathetic figures who were victims of bigotry from flag-waiving Americans.  The message was that the Soviet people were no different than the Keatons on Family Ties.

Eventually Regan’s ideology of peace through strength paid off.  The Berlin Wall and Eastern European communism fell.  St. John Paul II was also instrumental with his unapologetic exposition of communism as a Godless evil (as opposed to the current fraud in the Vatican).

Russia today, while far from perfect is a free market and Christianity is growing at a rapid pace.  But the left now sticks to the narrative which paints Russia as our greatest threat.  No, it’s not radical Islam, not North Korea, not Iran, not Saudi Arabia (who funded 9/11/01).  It’s Russia!

They are running with the lie that Russia “hacked the election”.  I am not saying that they did not want President Donald Trump to win; I think they did.  Vladimir Putin is a shrewd guy.

He doesn’t want war with the United States.  But, he was continuously being provoked by the beta males and twisted sisters during Iatola Barry’s second term.  This sparked Putin’s ego to flex his muscles (sometimes literally while riding horses).

I think he views Trump as a guy he can have a peaceful rapport with.  But the left cannot accept Crooked Hillary Clinton’s (who sold uranium to Russia BTW) defeat, so they de-legitimize Trump by pushing the idea that he and those around him colluded with the Russians.

If anyone has ever spoken to a Russian, they are treasonists (soon they will convince South Boston that Russia was in on the Babe Ruth trade).  As far as I ever knew, people in high places of major world powers do speak to one another.

If we are to believe the possibility that Russia hacked the DNC leading to the exposition of undisputed truths, does that qualify as “hacking the election”?  No.

Unless Russian operatives rigged the voting booths, Russia did not effect the voting.  I suspect illegal voters had a much greater role giving the popular vote to Crooked Hillary.

Even if Putin had openly campaigned for Trump, would that be any different than the Iatola from Honolulu and John Kerry openly campaigning against Bebe Netanyahu?  I am not saying Putin is to be completely trusted.  He is former KGB.

However, we have a common enemy in ISIS.  As Michael Savage ( points out in his recent books, it makes sense to have a civil relationship with Russia.  However, the left knows that the majority of the uninformed public who is caught up in pedicures and fantasy football does not really differentiate today’s Russia from the former Soviet Union.

These dips***s still associate Russia with Ivan Drago and sending innocent people to Siberia.  So it’s easy to push the lie that “Russia hacked the election”.

We saw another senatorial dog and pony show this week when former FBI Director James Comey testified.  He confirmed that Trump did NOT obstruct justice.  He also confirmed my suspicion from a prior article, that yes, he is a p***y.

In addition, he implicated himself as a felonious leaker of classified information and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a true justice obstructionist.  She pushed this coward to call the Clinton email investigation a “matter” so as to not interfere with her Arizona tarmac buddy’s wife taking her rightful place in the Oval Office.

The witch-hunt will continue when current Attorney General Jeff Sessions goes before the senate to address his supposed ties to Russia.  BTW-Mr. Sessions seems to have an awful lot of powerful felons on the left to investigate and indict.

But he seems too busy recusing himself and testifying to live up to his hard-ass reputation.  I don’t recall this type of passive behavior from Obama’s first DOJ henchman, Eric Holder!

So, why has the left found such distain for Russia/Putin as opposed to the former Soviets for who they had so much empathy?

1-Russia is white and not in line with their globalist agenda.  Putin, like Trump (but in a more cartoonish way) is also unapologetically masculine.  This is a big no-no for white men as far as the left is concerned.  Strike 1!

2-Russia is no longer the communist stronghold that the left thirsts to be.  Strike 2!

3-Growing Christianity.  The Satanic left wants God removed from society.  Possibly the most Godless civilized nation in history is no longer in line with this.  Putin also supports the traditional family.  Strike 3!

Is it not logical to wipe ISIS out side-by-side with Russia?  Not to the death cult they call the Democratic Party which quietly enjoys seeing Christians and Jews slaughtered, and not to the Republican establishment who doesn’t want to leave the money generated by more ground wars with dictators who pose no threat to us on the table.

So, the satanic left will keep telling us about this Russian boogie man until the sheep accept it.  Don’t buy into it.  Talk soon.
