Still Kicking

Hello everyone.  I have recently heard some whispers from readers that they are missing regular posts.

I know I have been absent for quite some time, so I figured I would just check in briefly with you all.

First off, I have gone nowhere and am going nowhere.  As you know I push self-improvement here, and I have been working on my own self-improvement project.

Upon completion, I will back full throttle as I have much to say about many things.  Until then, keep up the fight against Satan and his global tyrannist foot soldiers.

Speaking of soldiers, as we commemorate Memorial Day, take some time to say a prayer for fallen heroes.  It’s not just about a 3-day weekend and burgers.

Though I am critical and suspicious of today’s military that embraces the globohomo agenda, the fact is what freedoms we have left were won and defended in blood.  While I don’t agree with our involvement in every conflict, the soldiers are noble.

God Bless.  Talk soon.


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