Still Kicking

Hello everyone.  I have recently heard some whispers from readers that they are missing regular posts.

I know I have been absent for quite some time, so I figured I would just check in briefly with you all.

First off, I have gone nowhere and am going nowhere.  As you know I push self-improvement here, and I have been working on my own self-improvement project.

Upon completion, I will back full throttle as I have much to say about many things.  Until then, keep up the fight against Satan and his global tyrannist foot soldiers.

Speaking of soldiers, as we commemorate Memorial Day, take some time to say a prayer for fallen heroes.  It’s not just about a 3-day weekend and burgers.

Though I am critical and suspicious of today’s military that embraces the globohomo agenda, the fact is what freedoms we have left were won and defended in blood.  While I don’t agree with our involvement in every conflict, the soldiers are noble.

God Bless.  Talk soon.

-Marksman Is Back

The Straight Shot is back.  Yes, after only one article in 4 months we have returned.

Where has Marksman been, you may ask.  Someone extremely close to me needed my attention giving me less time and quite honestly less desire to write.

As I have stated in the past, I have had to keep this blog anonymous.  It bothers me, but until I am financially independent of my current source of income I am forced by the Bolshevik speech police to hide behind anonymity.

I suppose that is actually a bit of a copout.  I call bullshit on a lot of things/people on this site, so I guess I better hold myself to the same standard.

The truth is, those commies only hold the power over me that I give them.  I could end these articles with my real name.

They would attempt to terminate me for speaking too many plain truths (at least as I see them), especially as a straight white Christian conservative male.  I may be able to fight them in court (spending tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers) if they did, or I may not.

But nobody is forcing me to work for them.  I guess the truth is it is not a fight I quite have the stomach/will to engage in.  At least I don’t right now.

Tending to this loved one in a very hard time has taught me a few lessons though.  You definitely find out who adds value to your life and who does not; I can luckily say I have SEVERAL that add value and I thank them (you all know who you are).

I may speak down the road more about some specifics this person went through, but not right now (to cowardly protect my anonymity).  The main message here is we are back.

One thing I have always known but not practiced enough for my liking is that you cannot worry what people think.  I advertised in my very first article that I would write about whatever is on my mind.

I did not plan to write to please an audience.  I have done a pretty good job of that.  However to again hold myself accountable, I have at times softened my words in subtle ways in the spirit of not offending.

It’s not potential readers that you worry about.  It’s family, friends, girlfriend, etc. that you don’t like to offend.

But if they don’t know where my heart is by now (and I am confident they do), when will they?  So, while my aim will never be to offend for shock value I will be pushing myself to allow a higher level of unfiltered honesty and therefore vulnerability.

My future articles will likely not be much different than they were.  Any differences will be subtle but I will be holding myself extremely accountable on the honesty front.  Talk soon.



1 Year of The Straight Shot

Well The Straight Shot is now a year old.  I have brought you articles on various topics.

I don’t claim to be unbiased on anything I write about.  Unlike main stream publications I admit total bias, though I will criticize those I support.

I have received both positive and negative feedback.  Both are welcome; I regret nothing I have written.

The only thing I apologize for is the anonymity.  It is not my preference.  But the fact is I have to make a living.

We unfortunately live in a society where human resource departments are infected with neo-feminist twisted sisters and agenda-driven homosexuals hoping to silence and emasculate straight white Christian males (or any fractional combination of the same) shaming them into slave mentality.

The cold truth is that leftist speech is promoted while right-leaning speech is muzzled.  That does not mean liberals or anyone else are not welcome here.

Disagreement creates discussion when there is no guilt or shaming.  Discussion provokes thought.

So, I encourage all my readers to comment on articles.  Criticism is welcome; through moronic or hateful rhetoric (from the left or the right) or attempts to make a mockery of this site will be blocked.

Though I will continue to stick to the idea of writing simply what is on my mind as I said in, your comments may influence my thought process.  I refuse to pander to any projected audience, but insightful comments may lead to insightful content.

I also invite my readers to share these articles with your family, friends and associates.  Feel free to link this site to your social media accounts.

I want to thank my readers for taking the time and my influences mentioned in for inspiring me to start this blog.  Special thanks also to my friend for helping design the website and my chief editor (both of whom I must also keep anonymous for now).

Most of all, thank you once again Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all that is good in this world.  Talk soon.


Welcome to The Straight Shot

So, what is this blog all about?  The answer is whatever is on my mind.  It will cover a variety of topics.  Topics will be centered on religion, politics, sports, fitness, lifestyle and society in general from the point-of-view of an old-school straight, white, Christian male who is at times frustrated with what society now finds acceptable.

Now, society today has made us the public enemy #1.  Often from the time we are toddlers, we have been indoctrinated, especially by the education system with the idea that every injustice in the world is our fault.

Some of you have fallen prey to this lie and may be thinking, “eh eh…is this a bigot blog?”.  Absolutely not, Nancy!  We are all God’s children with our own set of faults and vices that tempt us to sin; and we all at times fall to those temptations.

True bigotry is not welcome here.  I say true bigotry to differentiate from the manufactured bigotry made up by the PC Godless “progressives”.  True bigotry consists of actual hateful and discriminatory language and actions targeting certain groups.

Good, honest people of all backgrounds are welcome here.  But, just as bigotry will not be welcome, nor will PC lies and agendas like white guilt be bought into.

So, if you like truthful straight talk whether it suits your ego and what you want to hear or not, you have come to the right place.

If you are thin-skinned and easily offended, go swallow another pot-brownie, flip on the idiot box and giggle at some sitcom about some beta white boys getting bossed around by chicks out of their league.  Talk soon.


PS:  I would like to thank some people who have inspired me to create this blog and get my thoughts out there.  I don’t know these people personally, but they have influenced me and I will do my best not to be a cheap carbon copy.  I encourage my readers to check out their material if you don’t already:

Michael Savage of “The Savage Nation” and

Mike Cernovich of

Victor Pride of

Phil Mushnick at

Most of all I want to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything that remains good in this world.