Did Trump Learn Anything?

A week has passed since the acquittal of President Donald J. Trump.  I have to wonder if he learned a lesson from this ridiculous ordeal.

No, not about having conversations with leaders of corrupt nations about corruption.  That’s his job.  I don’t care that it involved a political rival.

If that disqualifies him from having such a conversation, logic would state that nobody in the House or Senate running for president had a right to vote on Trump’s removal as he is their political rival.

Just like a voter on welfare, their vote is completely tainted  from the jump by personal gain.  What the President should have learned from this is a lesson on loyalty.

As a Trump supporter I never got too fired up about this impeachment sham because I knew it was a weak case.  Even demented Nancy knew, but she caved to The Squad (the future and true power of the party of Satan).

The thing that made me sick was when gutless Mitt Romney voted to convict Trump on one of the articles of impeachment based on his faith.

Yup, his Mormon faith somehow made him miraculously jump party lines to support the agenda of Lucifer’s abortionists.  If I could go back in time I would sit out the 2008 and 2012 elections.

In hindsight I am glad Barack Hussein Obama won those elections.  Had Benedict McCain or dickless Romney fought the Iatola of Honolulu as hard as either fought Trump they would have likely been President.

But then we would have either some neocon war monger establishment Republican in Office right now, or Crooked Hillary.  Trump likely would not have run.

However, anything the cowardly Mormon from Utah does to hurt Trump politically is the President’s own damn fault.  He should have seen this coming.

After Trump endorsed Romney in 2012, Romney did everything he could (short of having the balls to actually run against him) to see to it that Trump did not get the Republican nomination.

When that didn’t work he still did not endorse his party’s candidate stating he could not get behind Trump or Queen Crooked.

But Mitt reemerged in 2018 for a vacant Utah Senate seat.  He was up against Rep. Mike Kennedy for the GOP nomination.  Kennedy’s views are far more in line with Trump’s MAGA base.  Romney already tried to screw Trump so it would be a no-brainer to endorse Kennedy right?

WRONG!  The Prez played it safe, or so he thought and endorsed Romney (swamp over MAGA).  Think he regrets that?

President Trump has accomplished a tremendous amount with an awful lot of bullshit standing in his way that no other establishment leader from either side of the isle would.  But he’s at times delinquent in showing loyalty to those loyal to him.

Instead of tweeting constantly how unfair the Mueller witchhunt and impeachment were (both atrocities), how about pardoning those being bankrupted and imprisoned by dirty cops and rigged juries for their connection to you?

Instead of complaining that the fake MSM covers you dishonestly (which has been proven), how about going on The Savage Nation or Infowars (outlets that helped you get elected)?

Instead of whining about Saturday Night Live mocking you, how about calling attention to those fired from their jobs for supporting you and your agenda too openly?  How about going to bat more for those assaulted and harassed by left wing domestic terrorists for wearing your caps?

President Trump has been treated unfairly by the media, the Justice Dept., the party of Satan and the limpdicks in his own party.

But he may have better people around him if he showed a tad more loyalty to those loyal to him.  Talk soon.


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