Trump Must Capitalize

It was a good day in MAGA land.  The Mueller witch hunt was summarized by Attorney General William Barr showing no Russian collusion.

The Satanic media is melting down much like their father was almost 2,000 years ago on Holy Thursday knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was about to destroy sin and give His people the chance at Eternal Life.

But the news cycle lasts no more than 3 days.  President Donald J. Trump is best when he is driving that cycle rather than defending.

His base is juiced and feels vindicated but now they need some solid action by the President.  Threats and tweets just won’t do.

He needs to do 3 major things:

1-Close the border.

Don’t threaten it.  Do it.  There is an absolute crisis of people flooding in.  Many will commit voter fraud in 2020.  More importantly they threaten the working class Trump was able to pry from the donkeys in 2016.

2-Break ground on the wall.

Trump has accomplished a tremendous amount considering that he is surrounded by a swamp even in his own party and administration constantly scheming his demise.  But nobody chants about tax cuts and better trade deals during his rallies; they applaud them but what is the main thing you hear?  BUILD THAT WALL!

How powerful would a rally at the border with him talking over the sounds of machinery building a barrier of whatever kind at our Southern border?  It would be his historic signature moment.  He needs it.  We need it.


The President should pardon original backers General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone.  The base needs a sense that being loyal to Trump has benefits.

Quite honestly the President has not shown return loyalty to those persecuted for supporting him.  That goes for political allies like Flynn, Stone, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, etc. as well as those who are assaulted for wearing MAGA gear.

He should also pardon Julian Assange.  Yes Assange is a controversial figure.  But what media hasn’t/doesn’t leak classified information that they get their hands on?

We are in a cultural civil war in this country.  Assange is like the Jose Canseco of politics.  Many dislike him, but everything he has released has been true.

Did the DNC ever deny the authenticity of Wikileaks?  Fact is Trump never gets elected without that.

If Trump does these things, his base will be as enthusiastic as ever.  They will reward the loyalty with a landslide victory in 2020.

If he goes the route of trying to play it safe in a feeble attempt satiate those who will hate and attack him no matter what, the road to re-election will be very tough!  There are no guarantees he takes all those swing states again.

Florida districts are sure to find more absentee ballots in classrooms.  Wisconsin is moving toward drivers licenses for illegals; if you don’t think that is a result of Trump’s victory in 2016, think again.

The shackles of the witch hunt are off, Mr. President.  Time to capitalize.  Happy Easter everyone.  Talk soon.


PS:  Tomorrow is Good Friday.  Jesus suffered so that we can inherit Eternal Life despite our sins.

It would be nice to make a sacrifice or do something that maybe a tad unpleasant or difficult that honors Him.  Doesn’t have to be major, just something.