Union vs. Management=Pro Wrestling

If you belong to a labor union you should know they are likely working on the behalf of those who collect the money, not those who pay dues.  The purpose of this article is not to tell you not to be in a union; just know they may not be truly looking out for you.

It’s a pro wrestling scam.  How so?

Let’s backtrack.  If you are a member of Generation X, pro wrestling was a big part of pop-culture at 2 points in your youth.

The first big waive was the Hulkamania era.  This was circa 1984-1989 when Hulk Hogan with the push of Vince McMahon, likely the greatest promoter in history took professional wrestling to unimaginable heights.

The second waive was circa 1997-2001.  This was the Attitude era which featured Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and kayfabe gangs like D-X and the NWO.

For this analogy we are going to center on the first waive.  During this era, pro wrestling was still sold to the public as a true competition.  Everyone accept naive children who’s parents never told them differently and toothless in-breads knew it was choreographed but this still wasn’t admitted by the industry.

Then a couple things happened which removed the mask.  First, 2 wrestlers feuding on TV:  The Iron Sheik (America hating Iranian) and Hacksaw Jim Duggan (American 2×4 carrying blue collar hero) were stopped by NJ State Police and found to have drugs in the vehicle.

What were these bitter enemies doing in the same car?  Well, they were partying on their way to the next show to “do battle.”  McMahon was furious with both; now the jig was up.

But nobody really cared.  We knew it was all scripted but loved the entertainment.  This was followed by a steroid scandal which then led to pro wrestling being billed as Sports Entertainment.

So what does this have to do with unions?  Just like when Hacksaw and the Sheik or other feuding wrestlers would celebrate backstage how they were able to work the audience into a frenzy, I am convinced for the most part that union delegates and management are in on a scam together against their members/employees.

Yes, some unions are stronger than others.  The Major League Baseball Players Association is probably the strongest in the country; they have been fairly unbreakable in recent decades.

The teachers along with police and fire unions are still strong.  However, even they are not quite what they once were.

When I started my career, I had no choice but to be in a union; I said I didn’t want to.  Management, not the union told me I had to.  I was young and dumb.

I should have known right then and there that it’s a scam.  Why does management want me in a union?  Aren’t they the opposition?

I never had much use for the union.  I only took interest at contract negotiation time; BTW-I believe these lengthy dog-and-pony shows are usually predetermined like Wrestlemania.  My management was made up of people who walked a mile in my shoes before me and treated us well so long as we performed.

I would hear about stupid petty grievances that the union always seemed to win.  I would hear about these things and wonder who had time to fight such trivial matters.

Then decent management began being pushed out in favor of people with no practical experience so they could be puppets of administration.  Management has since become semi-abusive while bending, if not breaking contracts.

Now all of a sudden, the union caves to everything and can’t win a badminton match with an amputee.  All they do now is talk shit and collect money.

In 2018, The Supreme Court ruled that membership in these unions was now optional.  The union sold this as terrible news for us; I viewed it as good news.

I am now free to leave, but I have not yet.  The reason?  It appears they and management are working the same angle.

There appears to be an agreement.  Union wins on small ticky-tack nonsense making themselves look like fighters.

Management wins on all major disputes with an arbiter of their own making it looked rigged against the union/workers.  But the union has to get something in return.

Yes, the delegates are likely on the take from politicians but I believe there is a backdoor agreement that if someone defects from the union, they will be targeted by management and driven out without representation.

So I am not telling anyone which choice they should make, just keep your eyes open.  It may be worth the dues to avoid the avalanche that can follow being a defector and everyone has their own set of circumstances.

But if the outcomes of disputes are just a little too predictable and your side always loses when it really matters, you’re likely being had.  Talk soon.
