Fauci’s Corruption?

My readers know from pervious articles that I don’t trust Dr. Anthony Fauci.  I don’t trust conventional medicine.

I believe many in the industry have their hearts in the right place, but there is a reason Jay Campbell calls conventional medicine sick care.  No, Jay is not a doctor but if you watch his podcasts you will find that there are many doctors out there who agree.

I have come over the years not to trust the FDA or the CDC.  The way they operate makes me believe they want us weak and sick.  The reason is two-fold in my opinion:

1-There is more money in curing symptoms with drugs than curing root causes.

2-Control.  A weak, sick, drug dependent society is far easier to keep under control than a strong, healthy, clear thinking one.

That is why my primary care physician is an integrative physician.  This means he combines conventional medicine (it’s not all bad) with holistic medicine.

He is the first doctor I have had since my pediatrician who seems to take measures to keep me healthy and cure root causes rather than just drugging symptoms (though he is not anti-drug, he’s anti-over drug).

During this lockdown, I have been watching a lot of Youtube.  I have come across a guy named Patrick Bet-David.  This guy interviews various interesting guests.  It’s similar to Joe Rogan, but the forum is more professional and he asks tougher questions.

This guy doesn’t seem to shill for anyone; he challenges.  The Teddy Atlas, John Alite and Alex Jones interviews are all fantastic.

Today I came across an interview Bet-David did with scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits.  It’s just under two hours long.  My biggest takeaways:

1-If people are COVID-19 positive but asymptomatic, they are not a danger to spread the virus.

2-In this God-hating world, too much truth that does not coincide with the agenda of the oligarchs will get you banned, possibly jailed.   The Bible also tells us this actually.

So click this link to watch the interview.  Tell me what you think.

Talk soon.


PS:  I believe this is likely why scientists who challenge man made global warming (yes, they exist) are not funded or given a platform.  They are actually persecuted and threatened.

People who are so far out there that they don’t matter are not persecuted.  They are ignored and/or written off.

When someone gives independent thought and it triggers the establishment because it threatens their agenda, it probably carries some degree of truth.