“Unplanned” Movie Review

This passed weekend I took my girlfriend to the movies.  I am not an avid moviegoer.

Some people go to the movies just for the sake of going.  I have to really want to see a film to attend.

But when we became aware that Unplanned was the story of a former director of the concentration camp they call Planned Parenthood-turned-pro lifer Abby Johnson, along with the fact that several networks were refusing to advertise it we were determined to support the film.

It was no surprise that the theater in my hometown was one of many not offering Unplanned.  After the success of Passion of The Christ and other faith-based projects the industry knows that deplatforming is the only way to stop or hinder these projects’ sure support.

The pedo-friendly elites like Disney, Hollywood in general and Amazon are now willing to turn down profits to deplatform those with whom they disagree.  But thankfully a theater near by had the guts to offer the film.

You see, the elite like those mentioned above have shown they now have so much money that their new focus is absolute power.  If that means less profits, so be it.  Gotta give them credit; they see the big picture.

If I am taking my bias out and just giving this film an objective grade I would go B.  It gets points for courage and some really powerful messages.

The lead actress Ashley Bratcher gives a solid performance as Abby Johnson who had two abortions of her own and became a Planned Parenthood director in Bryan, TX.  Johnson has a change of heart after viewing a 13-week ultrasound abortion which she was called in to assist with.

This abortion is the opening scene which literally made me squirm in my seat and my girlfriend cry.

The best performance in the film is turned in by Robia Scott as Johnson’s boss, Cheryl.  The character picks Johnson from the choir of volunteers and assistants to be her chosen protégé before going on the attack when Johnson begins to question the camp’s motives and mission.

I took from the films 3 main messages:

1-Planned Parenthood’s Goal:  ABORTION.

Planned Parenthood is not an organization looking out for women’s health and their best interests by explaining ALL options.  It is clear that abortion is their bread-and-butter; it’s their lifeline.

More abortions=more money and they will lie and do whatever they can to deter a woman from listening to other options.  Like their father Satan, they are liars and murderers from the beginning.

They also have this secret society-type atmosphere where free thought is unwelcome and people are afraid to leave.

2-Abortion is VIOLENT.

The movie received an R-rating meaning children under 17 cannot attend without being accompanied by an adult.  But as Robia Scott pointed out here, movies receive ratings based on sexual content, nudity, language and violence.

There is no graphic sexual content or nudity and I don’t recall foul language, certainly not f-words or worse.  So that only leaves violence.

Am I to assume that the Motion Picture Association of America’s (which I must believe is left-wing) stance is that abortion is violent?  If abortion is violent, it should be illegal right?

Anyway, I can’t say an R-rating is completely out of the question.  But many states allow minors to have abortions without parental consent.  Should those same children not be allowed to view the film and see the carnage?

Or would that possibly deter some from coming up with the funds for the services of the Planned Parenthood butcher shop?

3-No sin is greater than God’s Mercy.

Johnson’s biggest obstacle after leaving Planned Parenthood was not her safety or the lawsuit she faced but her guilt over her own abortions and her role in others’.  In the end she comes to the realization of His mercy and so should you if you have partaken in this (male or female) and repented.

As for why I gave the film a B, the fact is that I found some of the supporting actors to be subpar and the dialogue was a bit hokey in spots.

But what do you expect?  As conservatives have turned their backs on the arts (look how Fox News ignores Hoaxed) and allowed them to be dominated by the left, most top actors and writers are Godless commies.

Those who aren’t mainly stay quiet to keep working other than Clint Eastwood who is at the absolute top of the food chain.

However, I recommend anyone with a strong opinion on abortion (either side) see Unplanned.

If you are pro-life you should get an intimate understanding of why and the evil you’re up against.  If you are pro-abortion, view the horror and either change your stance or own all of it.

And I do mean ALL of it; every drop of human bloodshed, every piece of butchered human flesh, every dismembered little human body part not to mention the physical and emotional trauma endured by the mothers.

So, will you see it?  If not, what are you afraid of?  Talk soon.
