Will America Now be Great Again?

That is the $1,000,000 question.  Let me start by thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sparing America from an evil regime who’s campaign was run by a man with apparent ties to occultists (Wikileaks).

I urge everyone who prayed for a Trump victory to spend equal time thanking God for this miraculous event.

The truth is always stronger than the lie.  Like his style and delivery or not, Trump delivered truth; the lies of the government media complex could not penetrate the plain talk that the everyman heard.

Now, to answer that $1,000,000 question:  it’s up to us!  Election Day was a major battle victory in the culture war; the secular progressive left is shaken.  We must capitalize on this victory.

I don’t believe Trump ran for president to parade around the White House, or use Air Force 1 for his personal ego tour.  His ego is huge, but he was plenty successful at stroking it before he ran.

I believe he went after this to get things done for this country.  His ego will be stroked by being a doer instead of a sayer.  He will take great satisfaction in thumbing his nose at Washington with his private sector efficiency.

I believe he will embarrass Washington at times much the way he did NY Mayor Ed Koch in the 1980s, when he rebuilt Wollman Rink quickly and under budget after the city spent years and loads of tax-payer dollars fumbling the project.

Will he be able to do everything he promised?  Doubt it!  He will be up against it, even from his own party.  But, you can bet he will expose both houses for the buffoons they are when they stand in his way.

We have elected Trump to lead us, but don’t forget he still works for us.  America seems to have forgotten that because it’s been under a soft dictatorship for the last 8 years.

Michael Savage points out in his latest NY Times Bestseller (I highly recommend this book), “Scorched Earth” that from 1968-2008, the Republicans had the White House for 28 of those 40 years.

But in that time, while the Republicans were simply chasing 270 electoral votes, the Democrats were slowly poisoning society with Marxist ideology.  They infiltrated the media, television, Hollywood, the education system, and even my beloved Catholic Church in America.  Everything has been liberalized and feminized.

I spoke in my first article of being frustrated with what society now finds acceptable.  The left took their time in the race like the tortoise to the hare.

While the Republicans were fixated on 270 and immediate power, the left created a permissive drugged up society.  Which society is easier to control:  permissive drug addict pansies, or a sober masculine one with a code of ethics?

So, what do we do to turn this tide?  I don’t have all the answers, but it starts with the individual, and then the family.  It’s done in small ways day-to-day.

If you have children, get on the school boards.  Go to meetings and don’t swallow the horses**t they sell.  Let them know you don’t want your second grader exposed to the lie that wanting to change your gender is normal.

Encourage your boys to play games like cops and robbers.  It gives them a sense of good and bad, right and wrong.  Buy them toy guns for Christmas.  I’m not saying everyone needs to raise a soldier, but encourage their respect for the military and how heroic soldiers and cops are.  Cultivate your sons’ masculinity rather than putting them on behavioral meds, and making them ashamed of it.

Buy your girls baby dolls and encourage them to be nurturing and feminine.  Show them that there is strength in that, not weakness.  Explain that cheerleading, ballet, and softball are for girls; wrestling is for boys.

Allow your kids to fail, deal with the consequences, and rebuild.  This means siding with teachers, coaches and cops unless they want to put your kid on drugs and train a junkie.

I spoke in a prior article about how the Republicans did not use the “power of the purse” to oppose Obama.  But, do we use the power of the purse?

Do we boycott these treasonist actors like Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, and many others?  Do we withhold our cash from studios who constantly make films demonizing traditional America or do we shell out $50 to make our wife or girlfriend happy for two hours?

Do we boycott Bruce Springsteen for his leftwing BS, or do we pay $200 to sit in the last row of a huge stadium bobbing our heads to some song about the working man whom he actually detests?

Do we shut off the Super Bowl when some floozie is gyrating around in a hooker outfit insulting cops, or do we cooperate and let our daughters watch?

Do we boycott television shows depicting fathers as pathetic punch lines or do we just go along with it like sheep?  Do we stop watching sports leagues that offend us by allowing thug behavior and disrespect to our flag and the cops protecting them during the game, or do we put on our jerseys and beer mug hats while we check our fantasy stats every 10 minutes?

We control all of this with our wallets.  Stop buying tickets and tuning into these trash bags, and watch how the entertainment we are offered changes.

Another thing we can do is stand up and right small wrongs.  When you see trash disrespecting innocent people or cutting lines, speak the f**k up!  When you see someone with the testicular fortitude to speak up, have his back.  Don’t leave people like that on an island.

Too many people in this country look the other way when they see an opportunity to right wrongs.  It’s a scary first step, but once you start standing up it gets easier.

Basically, it boils down to men asserting masculinity.  There is a reason that Trump and guys like Bobby Knight resinate even with their flaws.  Society is thirsting for men to act like men again.  Even feminists, if you gave them truth serum would tell you they crave masculinity.

The greatest generation, both male and female sacrificed comfort to defeat evil and prosper.  They are all gone or on the express train out.  Time for us to sacrifice a little comfort for what’s right.

Last, but not least, the most important thing we can do is practice our faith.  Joe Louis said we would win WWII because we were “on God’s side”.  Let’s get back on it.  Talk soon.


PS:  I encourage you to thank and pray for our veterans today.  Thanks to all of you for winning and defending our freedom.  God Bless.