Clownery in Cooperstown

The National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY has always been the most prestigious hall of fame in sports.  The rich history and exclusiveness of it’s standards has set it apart from others like the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

While the Pro Football Hall of Fame inducts a minimum of 4 people per year, the National Baseball Hall of Fame only inducts those on the ballot who receive 75% or more of the votes by the Baseball Writers Association of America or those elected by the hall’s Veteran’s Committee.

The writers did not elect any candidates in 1945, 1946, 1950, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1971, 1996, and 2013.  This year the BBWAA elected Tim Raines, Jeff Bagwell, and Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez for enshrinement this Summer in Cooperstown.

I personally view Raines and Bagwell as borderline candidates that I would not have voted for.  Pudge had a HOF career but is tainted by PED allegations in Jose Canseco’s book, though he has never failed a drug test to public knowledge.

Say what you will about Canseco being a sideshow freak.  You’re not wrong.  However, he has shown himself to be a VERY reliable source on this topic.

In addition to those three, a version of the Veteran’s Committee has elected former Milwaukee Brewers owner and commissioner, Bud Selig.  To this, I have a huge objection.

As an owner, Selig’s club reached the postseason in 1981 (Division Series loss to the New York Yankees) and the World Series in 1982 (7 game series loss to the St. Louis Cardinals).  Those were the only Brewer playoff appearances  in his tenure.  He was also part of owner collusion from 1985-1987.

During Selig’s reign as acting commissioner/commissioner, Major League Baseball did flourish financially.  However, the game itself was damaged and he spat in the fans’ faces across three decades.

First there was the strike in 1994 which resulted in the cancellation of the postseason and late start to the 1995 season.  To bring fans back, he at the very least turned a blind eye to the fact that his players increasingly began to resemble Mr. Olympia contestants who suddenly challenged and broke sacred records.

The players formerly holding those records got by on various regimens of booze, broads, coffee, amphetamines, and cocaine.  Selig did not want to acknowledge a PED epidemic until the U.S. government began to lean on him with a series of dog and pony shows.

Suddenly, he saw the light and went on witch hunts selectively outing players who beat the testing system.  All the while, he patted himself on the back as some type of baseball Elliot Ness.

Another of his achievements included Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN with a flex schedule.  This allowed his customers to purchase tickets to Sunday afternoon games who suddenly had to attend a game that started damn near 8:30 PM for television money.

Phil Mushnick of the NY Post ( often points out how a lot of these games are advertised as “family days” with a 1:00 start where kids sometimes get to run the bases after the game.  Accept because Selig sold out for ESPN money they will run these bases at midnight Monday morning before school.

Any Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, or Phillies fan over the last 15 years has seen countless scenarios where games are played until 12:30 AM Monday in 40 degree weather when they could have been played at 1:00 PM in 65 degree weather.

Mushnick (all intelligent sports fans should read his column) also points out that Selig declared $1,000+ seats in new Yankee Stadium to be affordable.  The fact that they remain empty every night on TV tells a different truth.

These are some of Selig’s outstanding accomplishments.  I’m not even going to get into sham All-Star games that “count,” World Baseball Classics, nonsense interleague play, and the World Series often ending after All Saints Day.

Letting the top PED enabler into the HOF now sets a precedent that makes it hard to keep known PED users out.

Another injustice is the BBWAA’s apparent blackballing of Curt Schilling.  Schilling’s regular season numbers (216-146/3.87 ERA) put him on the fence.  However, his postseason numbers (11-2/2.23 ERA) put him in a class with Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson, Madison Bumgarner, etc.  Hall of fame in my book!

But don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking his regular season numbers are truly keeping him out.  Schilling’s greatest baseball sin is being an outspoken conservative.

Yes, the Stalinists have invaded the sports media every bit as much as regular media.  You see, Schilling was suspended from ESPN (the MSNBC of sports) for rightfully comparing Muslim Jihad to Nazi Germany.  He was then fired from the company for standing up for the civil rights of children to maintain their youthful innocence in public bathrooms rather than those of adults with mental disorders regarding their gender.

So, the one time beacon of sports enshrinement is now on it’s way to becoming a place that forces a life-long Yankee fan to defend Curt Schilling.  Talk soon.



Ben Carson Gets the Joe Frazier Treatment

Ben Carson along with other black conservatives on the national seen gets the same treatment from the left as Joe Frazier got when he was fighting Muhammad Ali in the 1970s.

I began noticing this during the 2012 Republican Primary when Herman Cain was leading in the polls driven mainly by the support of the supposedly “racist” Tea Party.  I have seen it again in the latest political cycle with the emergence of Ben Carson.

For those of you who don’t know, Muhammad Ali was stripped of the heavyweight championship and his boxing license in 1967 for refusal to enter the armed services.  Joe Frazier claimed the vacated title in 1968.

In spite of his undefeated record, Frazier’s title was disputed until he beat Ali in “The Fight of the Century” in 1971.  Leading up to the fight, Frazier lobbied the Nixon administration to allow Ali to obtain a boxing license so they could fight.

He even gave Ali cash to help him stay afloat during the process.  Ali then turned around and hit Frazier with insults of being an “Uncle Tom”.  There is no greater insult by one black man to another than that.

Throughout their three-fight rivalry, Ali portrayed Frazier as the white man’s champion; he even knocked his dark complexion and features calling him a gorilla.

Frazier was actually apolitical and wanted to be everyone’s champion.  To this day, though the media doesn’t openly condone the insults, several rationalize it as Ali selling the fights.

Ali died regretting it and Frazier died without having completely let it go.

Fast forward to today.  The media, funded by the left paints anyone critical of President Barack Hussein Obama as a racist.  But, it’s always open season on black conservatives like Ben Carson.

The left now has their panties in a bunch over the appointment of Carson by President-Elect Donald Trump as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

They claim he is not qualified based on his lack of experience in such a position.  They do have a point.

However, he did come from very humble beginnings in Detroit to become one of the premier neurosurgeons in the world.  So, he knows something about succeeding in the face of adversity.

If the man can separate twins conjoined at the head, is it a stretch to think he can handle HUD?  The real problem the left has with Carson aside from him being a Trump appointee is that just like Cain in 2012, he is the wrong kind of black man for their agenda.

Guys like Carson and Cain rose above racism and adversity to become great American success stories.  However, because they preach the freedom of accountability rather than the hidden enslavement of built-in excuses and entitlement ideology, they are very dangerous to the left-wing agenda.

The left subtly paints black conservatives as somehow being “less black” because they don’t fall in line with their lies.  Their Marxist cohorts in the media are all too happy to play along.

Frazier was unsubtly painted this way by Ali, and his media worshippers were all too willing to enable this with their self-righteous rationalization that he was just selling the fights.

I had a conversation with a respected black colleague about Ben Carson during the recent campaign.  She said Carson “doesn’t even know he’s black”.

People like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Justice Clarence Thomas should be beacons to all Americans, but especially to the black community.  But the left has woven their lies so deep into this community’s minds that just like Frazier (though he’s more highly respected) these guys never really get their due acknowledgement.

While agitators like Al Sharpton and thug rappers who call fellow black Americans “n*****s and w****s” are given platforms and glorified, people like Carson get the Joe Frazier treatment.  Talk soon.



Will America Now be Great Again?

That is the $1,000,000 question.  Let me start by thanking our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sparing America from an evil regime who’s campaign was run by a man with apparent ties to occultists (Wikileaks).

I urge everyone who prayed for a Trump victory to spend equal time thanking God for this miraculous event.

The truth is always stronger than the lie.  Like his style and delivery or not, Trump delivered truth; the lies of the government media complex could not penetrate the plain talk that the everyman heard.

Now, to answer that $1,000,000 question:  it’s up to us!  Election Day was a major battle victory in the culture war; the secular progressive left is shaken.  We must capitalize on this victory.

I don’t believe Trump ran for president to parade around the White House, or use Air Force 1 for his personal ego tour.  His ego is huge, but he was plenty successful at stroking it before he ran.

I believe he went after this to get things done for this country.  His ego will be stroked by being a doer instead of a sayer.  He will take great satisfaction in thumbing his nose at Washington with his private sector efficiency.

I believe he will embarrass Washington at times much the way he did NY Mayor Ed Koch in the 1980s, when he rebuilt Wollman Rink quickly and under budget after the city spent years and loads of tax-payer dollars fumbling the project.

Will he be able to do everything he promised?  Doubt it!  He will be up against it, even from his own party.  But, you can bet he will expose both houses for the buffoons they are when they stand in his way.

We have elected Trump to lead us, but don’t forget he still works for us.  America seems to have forgotten that because it’s been under a soft dictatorship for the last 8 years.

Michael Savage points out in his latest NY Times Bestseller (I highly recommend this book), “Scorched Earth” that from 1968-2008, the Republicans had the White House for 28 of those 40 years.

But in that time, while the Republicans were simply chasing 270 electoral votes, the Democrats were slowly poisoning society with Marxist ideology.  They infiltrated the media, television, Hollywood, the education system, and even my beloved Catholic Church in America.  Everything has been liberalized and feminized.

I spoke in my first article of being frustrated with what society now finds acceptable.  The left took their time in the race like the tortoise to the hare.

While the Republicans were fixated on 270 and immediate power, the left created a permissive drugged up society.  Which society is easier to control:  permissive drug addict pansies, or a sober masculine one with a code of ethics?

So, what do we do to turn this tide?  I don’t have all the answers, but it starts with the individual, and then the family.  It’s done in small ways day-to-day.

If you have children, get on the school boards.  Go to meetings and don’t swallow the horses**t they sell.  Let them know you don’t want your second grader exposed to the lie that wanting to change your gender is normal.

Encourage your boys to play games like cops and robbers.  It gives them a sense of good and bad, right and wrong.  Buy them toy guns for Christmas.  I’m not saying everyone needs to raise a soldier, but encourage their respect for the military and how heroic soldiers and cops are.  Cultivate your sons’ masculinity rather than putting them on behavioral meds, and making them ashamed of it.

Buy your girls baby dolls and encourage them to be nurturing and feminine.  Show them that there is strength in that, not weakness.  Explain that cheerleading, ballet, and softball are for girls; wrestling is for boys.

Allow your kids to fail, deal with the consequences, and rebuild.  This means siding with teachers, coaches and cops unless they want to put your kid on drugs and train a junkie.

I spoke in a prior article about how the Republicans did not use the “power of the purse” to oppose Obama.  But, do we use the power of the purse?

Do we boycott these treasonist actors like Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, and many others?  Do we withhold our cash from studios who constantly make films demonizing traditional America or do we shell out $50 to make our wife or girlfriend happy for two hours?

Do we boycott Bruce Springsteen for his leftwing BS, or do we pay $200 to sit in the last row of a huge stadium bobbing our heads to some song about the working man whom he actually detests?

Do we shut off the Super Bowl when some floozie is gyrating around in a hooker outfit insulting cops, or do we cooperate and let our daughters watch?

Do we boycott television shows depicting fathers as pathetic punch lines or do we just go along with it like sheep?  Do we stop watching sports leagues that offend us by allowing thug behavior and disrespect to our flag and the cops protecting them during the game, or do we put on our jerseys and beer mug hats while we check our fantasy stats every 10 minutes?

We control all of this with our wallets.  Stop buying tickets and tuning into these trash bags, and watch how the entertainment we are offered changes.

Another thing we can do is stand up and right small wrongs.  When you see trash disrespecting innocent people or cutting lines, speak the f**k up!  When you see someone with the testicular fortitude to speak up, have his back.  Don’t leave people like that on an island.

Too many people in this country look the other way when they see an opportunity to right wrongs.  It’s a scary first step, but once you start standing up it gets easier.

Basically, it boils down to men asserting masculinity.  There is a reason that Trump and guys like Bobby Knight resinate even with their flaws.  Society is thirsting for men to act like men again.  Even feminists, if you gave them truth serum would tell you they crave masculinity.

The greatest generation, both male and female sacrificed comfort to defeat evil and prosper.  They are all gone or on the express train out.  Time for us to sacrifice a little comfort for what’s right.

Last, but not least, the most important thing we can do is practice our faith.  Joe Louis said we would win WWII because we were “on God’s side”.  Let’s get back on it.  Talk soon.


PS:  I encourage you to thank and pray for our veterans today.  Thanks to all of you for winning and defending our freedom.  God Bless.

Does Trump actually have similarities to Christ?

If you look close, he actually does.  While far from a pious individual, Trump speaks in plain truths that cause division between the people and those in noble places.

At the Father’s will, Jesus began His ministry at a time when those in charge of His House (The Temple) were individuals more concerned with their own agenda than bringing holiness to the people.

They demanded that the people keep with Jewish law.  Some were put to death for breaking these laws.  The high priests and teachers of the law put burdens on the people that they themselves would not and could not bare.

Jesus called out those in noble positions exposing their hypocrisies.  He reached out and connected with His people.  Sound familiar?  This caused stress and jealousy amongst the nobility.

Now, am I comparing the high priests and teachers of the law to the Democrats?  Hardly!  The Democrats are openly and proudly demonic; abortionist children of Satan with a distain for everything patriotic and decent that has made this country strong.

It is actually the Republican establishment who is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.  They are the ones who preach patriotism, traditional family, lower taxes, and Judao-Christian values.  But have they put them into action?  Have they done all they could not to fund parts of Obamacare?  No!  They don’t participate in Obamacare.  That cross is on the people who elected them.

Have they done anything potent to secure the border?  No!  Illegal aliens are not running for office and threatening their jobs.  Not yet anyway…Many Republicans actually make money off of their cheap labor enabled by a porous border.

Trump is the Frankenstein that the Republican establishment created with their impotence and “me first” agenda.  Thing is, he could also be the savior of the party and this country.

But because he embarrassed the establishment in the primary with plain talk to regular people, the Republicans would rather the people continue to be enslaved by the Democrat machine, somewhat like the Jews were to Rome.

The Republican establishment appears to be calling for his crucifixion (in terms of the election) in order to maintain politics as usual.  It’s not all that different from the high priests calling for Christ’s crucifixion after He shook up the establishment.  Talk soon.
