Does Trump actually have similarities to Christ?

If you look close, he actually does.  While far from a pious individual, Trump speaks in plain truths that cause division between the people and those in noble places.

At the Father’s will, Jesus began His ministry at a time when those in charge of His House (The Temple) were individuals more concerned with their own agenda than bringing holiness to the people.

They demanded that the people keep with Jewish law.  Some were put to death for breaking these laws.  The high priests and teachers of the law put burdens on the people that they themselves would not and could not bare.

Jesus called out those in noble positions exposing their hypocrisies.  He reached out and connected with His people.  Sound familiar?  This caused stress and jealousy amongst the nobility.

Now, am I comparing the high priests and teachers of the law to the Democrats?  Hardly!  The Democrats are openly and proudly demonic; abortionist children of Satan with a distain for everything patriotic and decent that has made this country strong.

It is actually the Republican establishment who is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.  They are the ones who preach patriotism, traditional family, lower taxes, and Judao-Christian values.  But have they put them into action?  Have they done all they could not to fund parts of Obamacare?  No!  They don’t participate in Obamacare.  That cross is on the people who elected them.

Have they done anything potent to secure the border?  No!  Illegal aliens are not running for office and threatening their jobs.  Not yet anyway…Many Republicans actually make money off of their cheap labor enabled by a porous border.

Trump is the Frankenstein that the Republican establishment created with their impotence and “me first” agenda.  Thing is, he could also be the savior of the party and this country.

But because he embarrassed the establishment in the primary with plain talk to regular people, the Republicans would rather the people continue to be enslaved by the Democrat machine, somewhat like the Jews were to Rome.

The Republican establishment appears to be calling for his crucifixion (in terms of the election) in order to maintain politics as usual.  It’s not all that different from the high priests calling for Christ’s crucifixion after He shook up the establishment.  Talk soon.
