What Will You Do With Your Tax Cut?

As you all know, though I have been critical of him at times I am an unapologetic supporter of President Donald J. Trump.  Back in December I published If You Don’t Like Your Tax Cut, Don’t Keep Your Tax Cut.

As I eluded to back then, I wasn’t throwing a parade over the plan.  Some people I trust told me it didn’t help the middle class enough and I happen to have a residence in one of the states that would benefit less.

I was taking a wait-and-see approach, but felt it was a necessary legislative victory for the President.  Last week I got my biweekly paycheck and found that there was just under $90 more in my net.

Now, would I like it to be $150 more?  Sure but I am not one of the elites like Demented Nancy Pelosi who thinks $45 per week is peanuts.

This gives me a chance to save a little more money.  If you follow any of my fitness advice and read anabolicmen.com you know that you can eat dinner like a man about 5-7 times on that.

So I am asking all my readers to comment; also pass it on to others and encourage them to comment.  Trump haters are as welcome as anyone so long as they are civil and respectful.  Those who violate this policy (Trump supporters included) will be blocked permanently.

It’s okay to dislike Trump and still agree that working people keeping some of the money they earn is a good thing.  It’s no different than admitting Osama bin Laden being whacked was a positive even if it happened on President Barack Hussein Obama’s watch.

Please tell us here at The Straight Shot what you will be doing with your extra money.  Will you spend it on 2 more 6-packs of craft beer per week?  Save it?  Invest it?  Donate it to charity?

Some of you may not be able to stomach anything associated with Donald J. Trump.  In that case I just want to remind you that you can always send it back.

If you believe the government should have more of your money to spend as they wish, possibly on entitlements for able-bodied deadbeats send your payments to:

Gifts to The United States

U.S. Dept. of the Treasury

PO Box 1328

Parkersburg, WV


I look forward to your comments.  Talk soon.


PS:  Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  Please see my article from Lent of 2017, Sacrament Over Sacrifice During Lent.



2 thoughts on “What Will You Do With Your Tax Cut?”

  1. Please note that some of you who commented here may have accidentally commented to my first article: Welcome to The Straight Shot which I linked to in my most recent article.

  2. Just hit the leave a comment icon at the bottom of the specific article. I can see why you may have clicked the link, then commented.

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