Become a Male Led Society

Part 6 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions to survive the tyranny we patriots now face is to become a male dominated society.

I had an entire article written out with all kinds of clever bro-science.  I think I will save my words for another time and a lighter subject.  For now, we have a society to save.

What better way to back up this suggestion than with the Word of God?  Let’s see what the Bible says about the correct family dynamic:

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, of which He is the Savior.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her  to make Her holy, cleansing Her by the washing with water through the Word, and to present Her to Himself as a radiant Church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.  In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the Church-for we are members of His Body.  “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”  This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the Church.  However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Does that sound like feminist doctrine to you?  It is clear that men must lead.

That does not mean being an abusive bully.  There is little more cowardly than a man who abuses women and children.

However, it does mean being the indisputable head of the household.  It means being decisive.  It means saying no to the perverse norms of today’s sick society.

It means not being a slave to our own emotions.  It means not being a slave to our tempers and frustrations.  It means not being a slave to the temptations that are sure to come our way as we become more masculine.

It means being strong and healthy. Most of all it means leading your family to in prayer and worship.  To do this God must come first, even before them.

Like it or not, a feminized society is easier to control than a masculine one.  BTW-how are all those enlightened college educated white women so offended by the Orange Man liking their new gas prices?  Congrats ladies.

Hopefully you can still afford enough gas to go to the track meet and watch Wilma, who used to be William blow by your daughter and take her scholarship to Stalin State University.

The feminist experiment has been a catastrophic disaster.  Time to get back to what works.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Become a Male Led Society”

  1. Amen and Amen! I’m in total agreement with your message, Marksman.

    The feminist experiment was a total disaster, but it was not an experiment. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the women’s liberation movement of the 70’s for two reasons. Listen up ladies. First, prior to that point in time, they could only tax half of the population’s labor. Let that set in for a moment. If a woman stayed at home, they couldn’t tax her labor. Secondly, ushering women into the workforce forced children to start “school” earlier and earlier only to be indoctrinated. Gloria Steinem admitted that the CIA funded Ms. Magazine. They used feminism to destabilize society and break down the family. IT WAS A PSYOP!

    It is not a woman’s nature to lead. We are the nurturers, the caretakers that hold the family together. The only reason women lead is because men DON’T. It’s up to men to guide and protect the family and see through the wizard’s spells. I haven’t seen any of that this past year – not on video and certainly not in my own experiences. I just watched a video of a 65 year old woman being wrestled to the ground and handcuffed in Galveston TX because she walked into a Bank of America without wearing a facial concealment device. She calmly and courageously explained that it was unlawful to insist that she wear a mask in a public accommodation. The PO insisted that the bank was private and not a public place, which is not true. Three men were waiting on line with their arms crossed wearing their facial concealment device … in a bank! Everyone was thrilled when she was arrested. I am outraged and disgusted at the sheer stupidity of this all.

    Everything that is happening is a deliberate distraction. It’s not about the orange man, the red pill v the blue pill, republicans v democrats, the stolen election, the virus, the jab, men v women, etc. It’s about DEBT and the imminent collapse of the US dollar. The central bankers and the de facto government(s) are having a field day. So, yes, men, please do lead already!

    I probably shouldn’t have written immediately after seeing that video. I apologize if my comment leans to the abrasive side. I don’t mean to. All I know is, we have willfully gone against God’s plan for us. Many women fell for the psyop. Many will die alone and full of regret. I am one of them. Much love to you, Marksman.

    1. It is a disgrace the way police are treating patriots in this country. Just like when they stood there watching Michelle Malkin and her supporters get assaulted by leftist commies during a ray FOR THE POLICE! Nothing to apologize for Grace. Good stuff.

  2. Toxic masculinity-that’s what they are teaching our kids in school.Transgender hero worship-Bruce Jenner got some kind of award for cutting his penis off,I remember when he was on wheaties boxes ,as a masculine national hero.Captain America now has a gay character in the comic book world.Blues Clues children show has subliminal gay messaging.There is a concerted effort to teach our kids being masculine is offensive,men can’t even tell a woman she looks nice today,without repercussions.I say be aware of what is being taught to your kids and what they are watching on TVand the internet.Challenge any school teacher to the death to protect your children.Be an Alpha Male,be the best husband,the best father,work without complaining,pray everyday and take your family to church on Sunday,spend time with them.Teach what a man should be through example.

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