Form Like Minded Communities

Part 5 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions for dealing with today’s tyranny is to form like-minded communities.

I feel that it no longer does us any good to surround ourselves with useful idiots who are ill-informed or just foul balls who don’t see where we are heading.

Personally, I don’t really want to be around these types.  Minds that are not open to truth cannot be enlightened, at least not without Divine Intervention.

Many are finally waking up and taking the red pill.  Unfortunately, many still refuse and are sitting around masked-up waiting for Big Daddy Government to give them permission to properly breathe again.

The dilemma most of us have is that we have loved-ones who are part of the heard being lead to the slaughter.  It is now my rule that if I cannot avoid political discussions with these folks, they must be removed from my life.

This is tough because sometimes we are not just talking about friends and peers, but family.  There are people I love that are opening wide for a big mouthful of communism.

If I can’t or don’t want to completely eliminate these people from my life, they are now kept at more of an arm’s-distance.

Yes, this is harsh but probably the best piece of advice I took from Mike Cernovich’s book, Gorilla Mindset is to figure out what you want more of in life.

You then assess which people in your life bring more of what you want and closer to who/what you want to be (happiness) and which bring you less of what you want (stress/annoyance) and bring you further from who/what you want to be.

Intolerant as this may sound, like it or not we are in a cold (thankfully) civil war in this country. It’s not being fought with bullets, but rather information.

So, those with whom I fundamentally disagree must be eliminated or minimized from my interactions if they add stress.  I know some leftists who are able to keep politics at bay in our interactions.  We  can mostly agree to disagree.

However this is becoming more and more rare because everything from the weather to flu season has become politicized.  When someone tells me to stay safe, my new response is yes, from communism.

Once we clean up our circle to our liking, what’s next?

Well, what does a community do?  They COMMUNICATE!  They interact.  If you live within 10 miles of someone and never see them, you do not communicate.

Being friends on instaface and never having real interaction is not friendship.  It’s a fucking waste of time.

Liking a picture of someone’s bowl of ice cream is not communicating.  Getting together for a meal is.

Communicating solely by text without ever actually speaking is not communicating.  Buh…buh…but I am busy…

No shit Shirley!  Everyone is.  But we make time for what and who is important to us.

Add up the time you spend watching globo-homo television to your time spent on social media looking up people you don’t even like.  I guarantee if you eliminate that nonsense we all have time to visit with a family member and/or friend once per month.

I think restaurants and bars being restricted make us even more bashful about interacting.  Rather than invite people to our homes to congregate, we shy away.

This is primal fear of rejection.  If I invite people to just order a pizza and have a few cocktails in my living room, they may think that’s weird goes through our minds.

We all think like that at times.  If someone is going to find it strange that you want to socialize, what purpose do they serve in your life?  Having a likeminded community also means taking care of each other.

It means supporting the self employed driver over Uber.  It means hiring the American painter or lawn guy when possible instead of renting an illegal alien from the local train station.

It means pumping each other up with encouragement rather than tearing them down.  I like to break balls with my buddies as much as anyone.

However taking this too far leads to malicious gossip.  We are ALL guilty of it at times.  But it’s toxic behavior.

To raise our spirits in these tyrannical times, we need each other.  So let’s turn off the computer screens as much as possible and go back to being a community.

Sound good?  Talk soon.


PS:  I am currently reading Roosh’s book, American Pilgrim.  He speaks about visiting simple communities who reject modern life during his speaking tour which I attended a couple years ago.

Compare how say the Amish live to how us modern folk live.  Who do you think is more affected by the global communist tyranny we now face?  Us or them?

Who do you think is generally happier?  Us or them?

2 thoughts on “Form Like Minded Communities”

  1. Great subject,I believe leftists are the enemy,I say the minimum amount necessary to these people.Big tech with all these hand held devices ,combined with the biased media are destroying America.I’m old enough to remember life without all this high tech bullshit,things were simpler,we actually went to visit each other regularly.

    1. Exactly! And we formed far stronger bonds that way. Thanks again for taking the time Tom.

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