Ideology Trumps Race

In my last article I pointed out that today’s version of Jim Crow separate-but-not-equal coverage and tolerance is less clearly racial and more clearly ideological.  The left side of the room showed this during President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

If you read this blog you know I am pro-Trump but that’s irrelevant here.  If you are pro-Trump you liked the speech; if not, you probably didn’t.  I liked it but somewhere along the way we got to a point where nearly every sentence is applauded making these much longer than they really need to be.

Of course the Democrats applauded very little of what the President had to say.  This is nothing new; the Republicans were the same way with President Obama.

But there was a moment when the Democrats showed their true colors.  When Trump reported that black and Hispanic unemployment were at record lows, the donkeys who love to exploit minorities for their votes claiming themselves to be the party of the less fortunate sat sulking the same as they did the entire night.

Why is that?  Because it was Donald J. Trump delivering that message.  And it’s really not about race per say.  Yes, the left loves the tool of identity politics but that identity has to suit their agenda.

Obviously the Dems would have applauded thunderously if Barry from Honolulu was able to deliver that same message.  But let me give you a couple hypotheticals.

Let’s say Crooked Hillary Clinton was able to capitalize on a rigged Department of Justice, a media in the bag for her and the God-knows-how-many illegal votes resulting from a lack of voter ID requirements to become President.  Do you think the Democrats would have sat looking like they ate lemons if she were reporting record low unemployment for minorities?

That’s an easy one right?  They would have been touting that stat long before the address.

But let’s say Dr. Ben Carson was up there giving the State of the Union address and delivering that same message of improved black and Hispanic employment rates.  How would the left side of the room have reacted?

Probably only slightly warmer than the nasty stares that Trump received and that is only because Dr. Carson has a more gentle delivery making him slightly more palatable to his political foes.  But never forget how they attempted to belittle the Doc’s abilities both as a candidate and upon his appointment as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

You see, though the satanic left loves the divisiveness of identity politics you have to be the right kind of black, Hispanic, female or homosexual to fit their agenda.  Justice Clarence Thomas, Ted Cruz, Sara Palin and Milo Yiannopoulos are never celebrated by the mainstream like their liberal counterparts.  Instead they get the Joe Frazier treatment.

Why does the Congressional Black Caucus not celebrate rising black employment?  Why does Rep. Luis Gutierrez not celebrate rising Hispanic employment?  Because the Democrat agenda is way more important than the people they claim to represent.

They want high minority unemployment for two reasons:  1-it keeps the grievance industry robust.  2-it keeps “their people” needing them rather than realizing the empowerment of self reliance; same goes for whites.

This is why the Democrats always have been and always will be the party of slavery.  Many civil rights and community leaders follow suit.  The president pointed out 2 families whose daughters were killed by MS-13 savages on Long Island.  These families happened to be black/Hispanic.

Where was Rev. Al Sharpton to support those families?  Why did Black Lives Matter not raise hell in Suffolk County on George Soros’ dime?

Simple.  Innocent black/Hispanic young ladies slain by third world barbarians doesn’t attract the number of cameras and headlines that minorities slain by a demonic white coward and/or a sociopathic rogue cop does.

In fact there was a moment when Trump introduced a soldier who saved the life of one of his comrades.  The soldier happened to be white.  One of the MS-13 victim’s family members who happens to be black extended his hand to the soldier.

If you gave the Democrats truth serum I would bet they would tell you seeing that bothered them more than anything the President said.  Unity amongst the people racially but more importantly ideologically to the Democrats is like a Crucifix to a legion of demons.  Talk soon.


3 thoughts on “Ideology Trumps Race”

  1. Well said!!
    Nancy Pelosi turning around to give a stink eye to any democrat that clapped or stood up regardless of what the President said just shows what that party is all about. A lot of what Trump was talking about was in regards to unifiying and doing what’s best for this country. Obviously, the Democrats are all about their agenda. Their idea of the American dream is the Clintons. Get into office take a boat load of money to cater to the “special intrest” groups at any cost and live a life time of wealth while our country crumbles.

      1. One thing on Pelosi though…I hope she never retires. She is a completely demented cartoon character at this point and terrific for MAGA.

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