No More Comments

We are no longer taking comments here at  Not because they are not appreciated.

Ellen, Tommy, Esteban, Grace and all others who have regularly taken the time to read and comment on articles are held in high regard here.  However, as the Holy Spirit moves me, I must follow.

I started this site as a way to say what was on my mind.  I also had been reading blogs like Bold and Determined and Danger & Play which made me think maybe I could do something in that genre.

I thought I may be able to open doors with my writing to a new career or monetize this blog.  My circumstances have not allowed for that at this point, though I would be open to pursuing something with my writing should Jesus open such a door.

However, one of the numerous things I do not miss about advertising this blog on social media is the mental enslavement to the endorphin rush of likes and re-posts.  It is addicting and inspires the sin of pride.

The sin of pride leads you down the road of fear, vice, narcissism, etc.  For someone trying to strip away ego and shame, comments that stoke these fires are a stumbling block.

Additionally, trusting that new commentors are not saboteurs or deep state scum can be nerve wracking.   Rather than spend time checking on comments and deciding if the commentor can be trusted, I could be spending that time writing new material.

That brings me to another modification here at TSS.  I have been spending the last 6 years attempting to find ways to anonymously get this site out there.

At this point, if the material is not good enough that people automatically come here without being solicited, then so be it.  So, if you are one of the few who receives new posts directly, this will be the last outside the closest of close.

Anything beyond that is basically self-idolatry.

New material will still be posted regularly.  If you are a fan, please come read and feel free to spread our truth to others.

The time spent after writing an article attempting to get it out there would be better spent in other ways like prayer.  Talk soon.
