The Pain of Sin

The other night I was listening to Roosh’s latest livestream and something came up about the pain of sin as we grow in our faith.

It hit home.  As I age and grow closer to Christ knowing He is this country’s only Hope, I have noticed that my sins bother me more than ever.

We are all sinners and if there was a sinners hall-of-fame I would enter on the first ballot.  I always knew I was a sinner but had a mentality growing up that my sins were not serious enough to land me in Hell.

I believed in Jesus.  I prayed.  I was not a murderer, rapist or sodomite so what did I really have to worry about?

Then in 2001, I started going back to Mass and occasional confession.  I was improving but had a long way to go.

Then I started watching EWTNFr. John Corapi’s talks really began to inspire me.

He taught me the power of the Rosary.  He taught me the importance of confession.

You see when we are in a state of mortal sin we are actually ineligible to receive Holy Communion.

This is why bishops and priests should be denying the Sacrament to abortionist politicians until they repent for their sins and publicly denounce such a genocide.

So Corapi got me to go to confession more often because I knew I needed the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior to face the challenges in my life.

BTW-if you are Catholic and don’t attend Mass on the Sabbath without a good reason, you are currently in a state of mortal sin.

I don’t say that from a high horse.  I am just informing because I know some people take Holy Communion anyway.  If you do this without the intent of going to confession at your next opportunity and without the intent to start attending Mass regularly, that is blasphemous.

I used to do it myself.  Anyway, I was going to confession more for Eucharistic eligibility than for repentance.

Nowadays as I get closer to Christ who sweat, bled and died for my sins, I feel the distance sin creates between He and I so I rush to confession out of desire to close that gap.

To be honest, this can be a real hassle.  But it makes me sin a little less.

You see Satan and his demons attach themselves to our sins.  They are like dirty cops.  They encourage us to sin with temptation, then prey on our guilt prosecuting us before God in an attempt to bring us to Hell.

They lie to us with temptation, then they lie to us with the hopelessness we feel consciously or subconsciously when we sin.

So I encourage all Christians regardless of your denomination to repent for your sins; free yourselves from that prison and come to Christ.  We cannot win this country back any other way.

Maybe some of you want to make this move but are hesitating for whatever reason.  Just throw yourself into it.

Sin is painful.  But Jesus is the good doctor who actually cures, unlike Big Pharma oligarchs.

See you in Church.  Talk soon.
