Staying Fit During COVID-19

Now that the commie virus out of China has put us into a fiscal and personal depression we are forced to adapt.

For those of you who still rely on mainstream media, and yes that includes Fox News rather than those I linked to last week, are you convinced?

We are essentially experiencing everything Mike Cernovich warned about in January.  The result?

Supermarkets are ransacked (BTW if you support socialism, this is a nice little taste for you).   Events are cancelled.

One of the things that has affected the health conscious is the closure of gyms.  It can be depressing if you are dedicated and work hard enough for results.

Everyone knows you fall out of shape far quicker than you get into shape.  So I figured I would make a few suggestions on how to stay fit during this pandemic.

This is assuming that getting significant amounts of workout equipment in your home is not practical.  Remember these are mere suggestions.

I am not a doctor or certified trainer.  I just know how to train.

1-Turn Back the Clock

Get basic and primitive.  Be creative like prisoners are.  Don’t be afraid to experiment.  Keep in mind also that things that worked for you in the past that you may have gotten away from will work again.

Remember those P90X and Insanity DVDs that were all the rage 10 years ago?  Dust em off and get going.

I never did those workouts but from what I saw and heard about them, they may show you how hard you have NOT been working in the gym.


You can’t beat them for basic upper body strength.  Regular ones are fine but switch things up if you feel ambitious.

Want to stress the triceps?  Bring your hands and elbows in.  Want to hit some lats?  Go wide.

Adjust your angles by putting your feet on the couch.  Do clap push-ups for explosiveness.

Want a hard game?  Get a deck of cards and do the number of the card you pull.  I got that one from Ray Lewis.


If you can, set up a bar in your home.  If not, see if there is a beam or something sturdy enough to support your weight.

The grip is not ideal?  Okay, neither were the lack of boots in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.  But they found a way.

Don’t be a pussy.  Just find a solid hang and start pulling.  Shit, go to the playground and use the monkey bars.

It is likely low in germs because American kids don’t play.  Eh…eh but I might look weird.

You are weird.  Everyone is.  But ego and shame are prisons.


Another fantastic upper body compound movement.  Buh…but I don’t have parallel bars.  Well grab 2 chairs and figure it out Nancy.

4-Ab Wheel

Works entire upper body, not just abs.  Order one from Amazon.

5-Chop Wood

You know that tire you hit at the gym with a sledgehammer that makes you feel so tough?  Well that is to simulate chopping wood.  Fighters and ballplayers chopped wood in the old days for strength and conditioning.  Somehow they were rarely hurt.

6-Hill Sprints

Find the steepest hill in your area and sprint that son-of-a-bitch.  Then walk back down and go again.  Figure 3 sprints to start if you are not a regular at this.

Don’t run downhill.  It destroys your joints and does nothing for your conditioning.

7-Air Squats

Before yesterday I would have thought these were too sissy to include.  But it was a long stressful day and I was concerned about my resistance so I figured I would just do a quick 200 body weight squats and call it a day.

I was shocked how cooked my legs got.  My quads are still sore today and I back squat well over 400 lbs.  I actually stopped at 140 on the first set, rested a minute then finished the last 60.

8-Jump Squats

This plyometric squat is effective, but I don’t really recommend it if you are over 35.  It can easily blow an Achilles and the risk is just not worth the reward.

If you want to kick any of this up a notch, get a weighted vest.

As for cardio, don’t go crazy if you think you could have been exposed.  But if feeling 100%, hitting a bag is a lot more fun than using a machine.  You can also never go wrong with a jump rope.


Continue to ask our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His help.  He’s our Doctor now.

Everyone stay healthy.  God Bless.  Talk soon.
