Only SOME Black Lives Matter

courtesy of

You know who this guy up top is?  That’s Captain David Dorn who spent decades in law enforcement.

In the very early morning hours of June 2, Dorn responded to a burglar alarm at a friend’s pawn shop in St. Louis.  He was executed by a scumbag looter during the riots.

It’s not your fault if you never heard of him.  Not many want you to.  This hero will be chalked up to just one of those unfortunate deaths.

No televised funeral for him.  No phony eulogies from “civil  rights activists.”

Black Lives Matter will not be marching for him.  You won’t see urban murals painted of him.

Celebrities won’t virtue signal by wearing tee-shirts with his image.  Don’t look for the inept Republican Party to get the message out either.

Good thing Paul Revere wasn’t part of the GOP.  Rather than let us know The British are coming!, he would have just raised money for more horses without actually jumping on one.

Next February he will not be honored during black history month; he won’t even get a mention.  He will be tossed onto the scrap heap with Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson and Thurgood Marshall for that matter, getting the Joe Frazier Treatment.

How about George Floyd?  I bet you have heard of him.

And you should; he died tragically and unnecessarily.  I have not come across one person who defends that cop kneeling on his neck.

Everyone is pretty much in agreement.  But we still had to have protests that turned into riots.  Now everyone is getting on their knees (more on that in the next article) to honor this civil rights martyr.

His funeral was televised.  BTW-if any of you have recently lost loved ones in the last 3 months, were there proper funerals or were they banned by COVID-19 lockdowns?

George Floyd has been honored as a hero while David Dorn has been mostly ignored.  Floyd was a convicted violent felon.

Does this justify his death?  Hell no.

But does it justify his deification?  Hell no.

What you seem to have to do some digging for is to find out that this wasn’t just some guy with a counterfeit $20 bill.  He was once sentenced to five years for forcing his way into a woman’s home and robbing her.

Candace Owens has pointed out that during that incident, Floyd put a gun to the pregnant victim’s stomach.  Oh but he was in MN “turning his life around” (with counterfeit money in his pocket and drugs in his system).

So why is the fallen hero ignored while the criminal is canonized?  Simple!

Dorn was a black cop shot by a black suspect.  Floyd was the victim of a bad white cop.

So that hero gets the same treatment from the satanic media as every other black man who tragically dies at the hands of another black man.  To them and the entire left he doesn’t exist.

So, I guess only SOME black lives matter.  Talk soon.


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