Chalk One Up for The Lord

The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips exercising his religious freedom.  For those of you who don’t know, the Colorado baker found himself in a legal battle because he refused to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple.

Wherever you stand on homosexual marriage, one of this country’s foundations is freedom of worship.  There is nothing discriminatory about a man refusing to bake a custom cake for an event that violates his faith.

Had this couple walked in his shop and been denied a cupcake because they were homosexual, yes by all means they would have a legit beef.  But that was not the case.

As is often the case, it is the LGBTQ community who acts bigoted and bullyish.  As I wrote about this time last year, this movement which begs for tolerance shows none.  This is a movement who has a history of pushing away American flags, Israeli flags and “Gays for Trump” banners calling them oppressive and offensive.

Like most bully movements, they are also complete cowards.  They always target Christians, the faith that finds their behavior sinful but does not oppress them.  In fact, many pray for these people who carry heavy crosses.

They never take on Islam which has no tolerance for infidels.  Have you ever seen this community protest a Muslim event?  They dare not provoke the group that has thrown them off of roofs, stoned them to death and shot up their nightclubs.

Unsurprisingly, the Justices who ruled against the baker were Sleepy Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor.  Of course Sotomayor has admitted that those of her ilk legislate from the bench as seen here.

But the important thing is that 7 Justices ruled in favor of religious liberty.  Thank you Jesus!  Talk soon.


PS:  Congrats to the New York Yankees and Anaheim Angels for not participating in MLB’s LGBTQ celebrations.  Again, wherever you stand on these issues, what does what people do with their private parts have to do with being a baseball fan?  They are called “private” parts for a reason:  they are “PRIVATE”.

PPS:  Kudos to President Donald J. Trump.  In addition to a cooking economy, jobs and wages on the rise, ISIS crumbling, no new useless ground wars, better deals for Americans (though I’m still pissed about the budget he signed) and steps toward possible peace through strength with North Korea, he found time to pardon former Heavyweight Champion of the World Jack Johnson.  The champ was convicted for transporting women across state lines for immoral purposes.  The truth is Jack Johnson liked white women and society didn’t like that.  The supposedly racist President took the action that his predecessors on both sides of the aisle failed to.