Only Rosanne Held Accountable?

Well by now you all know that the reboot of Rosanne has been cancelled due to her racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett.  Before I get to my main points let me just say I was not a regular watcher of the show.

When I heard about the concept I was intrigued and tuned in for the first two episodes.  I was turned off by the preteen boy character who dressed like a girl.  I think that normalizing the sexualization of children on television is rather perverse.

Aside from that I found the humor to be forced rather than free and easy the way early episodes of the show’s first run came across.  However, I must admit I was enjoying the program’s success because it rankled the intolerant left.

For those who may not know, Rosanne Barr sent out a tweet stating that Ms. Jarrett was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.  Not nice, but I can remember when comics were a tad more protected from the PC police so they could remain funny.

But to be objective I can’t say ABC’s decision to cancel her show is unfair.  What is unfair are the network’s double standards.

ABC employs Jimmy Kimmel who has done a skit in blackface imitating NBA Hall-Of-Famer Karl Malone with intentionally poor grammar.  He has also mocked First Lady Melania Trump’s accent.  His show remains on ABC.

Joy Behar mocked Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith and called those who claim to hear Jesus mentally ill.  That’s in addition to calling home schooled children “demented.”  But you can still see Ms. Behar and her flock of cackling hens on The View everyday on ABC.

ABC’s affiliate ESPN, the MSNBC of sports continues to employ Jemele Hill after she called President Donald J. Trump a white supremacist.  Funny how as Phil Mushnick points out, she doesn’t mind being associated with a network who runs promotions with gang member rappers who refer to their fellow African Americans as n*****s, b*****s and w****s.

Yet at the same time, tennis announcer Doug Adler was dropped by ESPN for referring to Venus Williams using “guerilla (not gorilla) tactics” on the court.  Would ESPN suits ever recite these rappers’ they so welcome lyrics in public?

Let us also not forget that ESPN fired Curt Schilling for defending the rights of children to maintain their innocence in public bathrooms.  This was after being suspended for rightfully comparing radical Islam to Nazi Germany.

Let’s look at some examples of the “talent” on other networks.  Stephen Colbert remains on CBS after giving a Nazi salute on his show.  NBC’s Seth “Beta Male” Meyers referred to former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci as a “human pinkie ring” and a dropout from a doo-wop group.  He’s still on.

Bill Maher referred to himself as a “house-n****r” on his show.  You can still catch that show on HBO.

Finally, this week a busted slob I had never heard of before named Samantha Bee called First Daughter Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t” on TBS.  She also implied that Ivanka and her father have an incestuous relationship.  As of this writing she is still employed.

So what this boils down to is not defending Barr, but exposing the double standard.  Leftwing offensive speech is free speech.  Rightwing offensive speech is hate speech.

As Mike Cernovich often says, what are you going to do about it?  If you are a Rosanne fan you should boycott ABC.

Yes ladies that means General Hospital.  As for you beta couch potatoes who watch 3 hours of Sports Center every Saturday, same goes for you.

Sports Center is easy for anyone with half an IQ point to avoid but that would also mean Ohio State-Michigan on Thanksgiving weekend; also all those well-done 30-for-30s.  Personally, I will be calling TBS tomorrow to demand Ms. Bee’s removal.

If they refuse I will NEVER watch a Turner station as long as she occupies that spot.  And yes, that means playoff baseball.  BTW, where is the #MeToo movement in all this?

Like I have said before, do your small part.  If you think it makes no difference just look at these NFL owners scrambling to address the kneeling issue.

Hit them in the ratings and you hit them in the pocketbook.  Talk soon.


PS:  I was contacted by a reader who has taken on a local radical leftwing environmental group to make a safer and more enjoyable environment for his children.  He claims to have received a slight push from us here at TSS.  Congrats to him and God Bless!