LARPing Patriotism

courtesy of

Much of today’s patriotism is simply LARPing.  For those unfamiliar with that term, LARP is acting out fantasies as if they are real life.

It’s big among incels.  You know those guys who dress up like mid-evil knights and basically play war as grown men?  That’s LARP.

So today people LARP their patriotism.  Sure they love Memorial Day and 4th of July.  But do they take even a second to think about what they are celebrating.

All they care about is sunshine and burgers & dogs and beer and fireworks.  They get to wear that awesome American flag bathing suit to the beach.

However, how many give a thought to the sacrifices made for our independence?  The way the country is going and the lack of fight against today’s Marxists makes me feel we are undeserving of Independence Day.

Those who fought for it made real sacrifice.  Several died.  Many walked away from decent lifestyles at the time to fight British tyranny whether on a battlefield or in the Continental Congress.

Galant men volunteered to take on the most powerful military in the world at the time knowing if they lost and lived they would be publicly hanged.

Today so called patriots can’t even stand up to ANTIFA.  Oh sure, they complain about the radical left.

They whisper about racial and social double standards among themselves.  But only a very few truly speak their beliefs.

The other leftist neighbors might outcast them from the block party.  The PTA might call them racist.

My favorite excuse not to speak up and be heard is Republicans don’t have time to protest.  We work!

Really?  You work every waking hour?  No days off?  No nights?

You just don’t want to walk away from your TV and movies and cocktails and sportsball.  I know, I used to be you.

I can recall what a chickenhawk I was after 9/11 in my mid 20s.  Talking shit on barstools with my fellow LARPers about how we should level the Middle East.

But how many of us signed up?  0!  We all had more important shit on our minds like our next bang, next drink, next Yankee title.

Yeah we would have gone if drafted, but we could have done far more.

Now we don’t get paid to protest like our enemies on the left and we are busy being productive.  But we do get our opportunities.

Example:  just recently there was a protest in a nearby shithole major city against the removal of a statue.  The last place I wanted to be in my spare time was this cesspool during sodomy month.

But something in my bones told me for all the shit I talk here, if I can’t take an hour train ride to support brave patriots putting themselves out there and laying it on the line I am a pussy.

I had the time.  So I had to go.

By no means was I Captain America coming to save the day.  I just went and added a body and my energy.

Sometimes that’s all it takes.  My job’s code of conduct tramples on the constitution so rather than spend $100,000 fighting them I wouldn’t hold up signs or be as boisterous as I would like.

I simply stood with these brave freedom fighters; all grassroots folk, no ConInc elected officials bothered to show.  I prayed, I cheered and I kept my eyes peeled for ANTIFA thugs.  I prayed for no confrontations but was prepared if they came.

Thankfully there was minimal leftist counter-presence and it didn’t get violent.  There was police presence (they have not been defunded yet) and there were not enough leftist thugs in the area to generate their requisite courage to act up.

Sometimes all it takes is your presence and energy along with your time.  You ever find yourself wanting to throw a party or invite people for a gathering but hesitate in fear of people not coming?

I imagine the brave men who organized this protest faced some of these same fears; only they had to face them in public, not the solitude of their living rooms.

But what told me a lot about “patriotism” in today’s USA is when I put it out to friends of mine who often complain about the destruction of society by the left.  Many of them are hard men too, not bitches.

I invited somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 men to come.  You know how many took me up on it?  0!

Now look, to be fair not everyone has to be part of my cause.  Many had legitimate reasons not to come and it was short notice.

Some had work obligations.  Some had family obligations, etc. and I understand that.  Also if you don’t live in a warm weather state, Summer months are fleeting and precious.

The last thing you want to do with your spare time is get on filthy public transportation where you are forced to wear a fear mask, go into the belly of the beast, be forced to look at sodomy flags and possibly have to fight commie scum.

But 0-for-15?  When you compare the sacrifice of a few hours to the sacrifice made by those who risked and blead and died for the nation being ripped from us, 0-15 is a tough pill for this writer to swallow; especially when they all complain about double standards and left-wing oppression.

My ears are becoming deaf to complaints that nobody wants to do anything about.

Actually, I did have one person volunteer to go.  It was a 5’1, 100+ pound immigrant-turned US citizen Army vet.

It was also my girlfriend.  She loves this country more than I do.  She gets angry when I criticize President Donald J. Trump.  She was also angry when I wouldn’t let her come with me to the protest; she won’t admit it but I think she still is.

However, part of my job as a man is to protect her and I thought there was a real possibility of violence.  She didn’t mind but I felt having her with me would require me to have 4 eyes rather than just 2.

But she has guts!  And as it has been said, guts is enough!

So, this coming 4th of July I have a challenge for my fellow Americans.  Take some time to reflect on what it took to create this country and make it once great.

Then ask yourself if you are happy with it’s current direction and the attacks from within.

Then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are willing to make some small sacrifices here and there to take a stand when the opportunity presents itself.

Are you willing?  If not, it’s okay.  Like I said, what’s important to me doesn’t have to be important to you; I will love you anyway.

Just don’t LARP.  Talk soon.



PS:  If you find Fox News outside of Tucker Carlson to be as tired as I do, check out former contributor Michelle Malkin’s podcast #MalkinLive here on YouTube while you still can (cancel culture is on the warpath).   It has been absolutely on fire!  It’s a no-holds-barred approach to taking the fight to the left and ConInc.