Men Must Lead

In a relationship or family dynamic the man has the responsibility to lead.  Unfortunately, men have been convinced that “manning up” means serving a woman’s every wish.

Happy wife, happy life.  Sound familiar?  There is truth and lie in that.  Yes, a happy woman makes life less stressful.

However, she often doesn’t realize what makes her truly happy.  She believes in her immediate thinking that getting her man to do what she wants when she wants will make her happy.

But society has duped her.  A woman who is constantly placated by her man will become less and less attracted to him until he becomes so weak in her eyes that she detests him.

It’s rooted deep in her DNA to want to be lead.  This is why women are often drawn to “a**holes” who treat them poorly.

When good honest men surrender their strength, women begin to fantasize about and be drawn to bad boys.  Felons and drummers become more attractive than the provider.

Don’t believe me?  Why do you think 50 Shades of Grey was so popular.  How many men in this country were losing an attention competition with a book a few years back?

They sense strength from a bad boy that their basically good man has failed to exhibit after being worn down trying to please.  The most important way to lead is by knowing your faith.

Leading is not yelling “shut up bitch” or being abusive.  Crack open a Bible and you will see loud and clear that a man is meant to lead in a loving but strong fashion.

He is supposed to love and cherish his wife but not let her lead.  If you are in a dating relationship based on more than JUST physicality it is a marriage audition for both parties.  Of course she should have input and is far better equipped to handle day-to-day decisions and raise children but major decisions should be finalized by the man.

In the Bible, when women lead disaster often strikes.  Examples:

1-Adam eats the apple Eve offers leading to the fall of man.

2-Samson loses his strength and his eyes trying to please Delilah.

3-John the Baptist is beheaded by King Herod at the request of his brother’s wife due to John’s (whom Herod liked) disapproval of their relationship.

I went to a men’s retreat a couple years back.  I really didn’t want to go but a priest I like leaned on me after an Ash Wednesday confession so I went.

The men there were all good guys and most were/are likely living far holier lives than me.  But as they told their journeys to Christ, they began to lose me.

The majority of them went on and on about how their wives lead them to Christ.  I heard how women are better at this than men and are the spiritual leaders of their families.

Now, thank God for these women!  Better a man come to Christ dragged by his wife than not at all.

But what happened to this country that made men so Godless?  Explains a great deal about the spiritual direction of this country.  Talk soon.
