Is The Military Still Patriotic?

photo courtesy of Wallpaper Cave

Is the military still patriotic?  I’m sad to say at this point it is not.

People who read this along with myself have instincts to revere the military.  Some of you have served.

Most of us have family members who served and/or fought.  I have personally grown to regret not serving a few years out of high school.

Many of us will thank a vet for his or her service or welcome them home if they were deployed.  If we see a guy at a bar in uniform or it comes to our attention somehow that he is a vet, we will buy him a drink.

However, things have changed in a hurry.  Yes the military industrial complex has existed for several decades, but we always loved the soldiers.  They were the warriors who protected our freedom.

However, we have been gradually eroding the warrior class that made the US military the best fighting machine on the planet.  The Brass and eggheads started handcuffing dominance with outrageous rules of engagement.

They prolong what should be an in-and-out strike to line their pockets with the blood of our troops.  Then came the social justice and the globo-homo agenda.

How do you think this is for morale?  I am sure some just brushed this stuff off as unimportant nonsense the way we all do at our civilian jobs knowing there is a bigger end to focus on.

Then they began purging freedom loving Americans by scouring social media for supporters of the legitimate President in order to create an army more faithful to the illegitimate gong show currently on Pennsylvania Ave.

Just in case there were lifers who insisted on staying like the old Italian lady who won’t leave a neighborhood where she is no longer welcome, they mandate that all soldiers receive a “vaccine” with questionable-at-best efficacy.

Who do you think is a more likely patriotic American warrior?  Would it be an independent thinker who takes care of his own health and immunity or the sheep who without question rolls up her sleeve?

Have you seen what is going on in Australia?  Think that can’t happen here?

Who do you think will enforce such lockdowns?  It will be the cops and the military, who the right has loved and backed for so long.

All you tough guys with the NRA stickers who think your gun collection adds inches to your dicks…if the tyrants find a way to alter the Second Amendment, who do you think is coming for your guns?  Social worker?  DNC?

Nope!  It will be cops and soldiers.  Oh that’s farfetched…

More farfetched than the government telling you when you can or can’t breathe properly?

We just found out that the top military official in the country reached out to China behind the back of the legitimate and then sitting Commander-in-Chief.

Have they shown any boundaries?  Why would you expect any going forward?

Those of you close to young people considering the military as a future should ask their reasons.  If the reason is patriotism, they may want to think that through.

Sad, but seemingly true.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Is The Military Still Patriotic?”

  1. Sadly, your message is spot on. It’s unlikely that a ‘woke’ & transgendered military was a natural progression. Our military has been intentionally weakened from within. I agree with your assessment that when the time comes, the US military (and our police forces) will turn against the American people. We are now considered enemies of the state.

    Marksmen, I fear we have run out of time. Everything is happening so quickly. We are being bombarded on so many levels. By the time we figure out a remedy for one thing, there’s another level to overcome.

    You’ve mentioned in the past, how important it is to form communities with people you trust – small and local. When this house of cards comes down, and it must, life as we know it will cease. We will need to be growing our own food to survive. We will need a source of fresh water or the ability to collect and sanitize it (bleach). The dollar will be worthless. We will need ways to barter and rebuild. That takes knowledge and raw materials. That bottle of vodka – don’t throw it out. It may be the only way to sterilize a wound. Do we have all this in place now?

    You mentioned Australia. I can’t believe what I’m seeing in Australia. Here in the US, the unvaccinated are being denied healthcare in hospitals and doctor’s offices. It’s downright dystopian.

    The Constitution actually says that We the People may overthrow our government if it is tyrannical. It prohibits a standing army for more than two years. Instead, it authorizes the formation of county militias throughout the Union. Young, patriotic men should think militia at this point in time. Otherwise, I fear that this country will betray these men.

    For anyone seriously interested in learning more about the US Constitution, I highly recommend The Provis Institute’s website. Dr. Richard Proctor’s books and podcasts are phenomenal. He knows the Constitution like the back of his hand. It’s really incredible to hear him speak. He’s also a bi-weekly guest on the

    Another excellent teaching on the US Constitution is by Krisanne Hall She received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Fla, served in the US Army as a Military Intelligence Cryptologic Linguist, was a Florida State Prosecutor for nearly a decade, worked with a national first amendment law firm defending Americans whose rights were violated by unlawful arrests and prosecutions, and has written six books on American History and the US Constitution.

    Sorry, I’m such a “Debbie Downer” today. Much love, Marksmen.

    1. Unfortunately there is little not to be down about other than Our Lord’s victory for us in the end. God Bless.

  2. I believe there are a great amount of patriots in the service,they are simply disgusted as we are with the Marxist movement going on in this country.General Milley would be court martialed if the constitution was being followed,which is being shredded by these pricks.Scary times indeed,I think it will get worse before it gets better.

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