The Brown Scapular

In my last article, I wrote about Satan’s top 5 generals and how America has given itself to them. Of course, the primary goal of the devil and his minions is to take as many of us to Hell to be tortured by/with them as they can.

In this article, I am going to talk about a sure way to avoid Hell and drastically shorten our time in Purgatory. About a month ago, I enrolled into the Brown Scapular Confraternity.

I can already hear the groans of my protestant readers. Here go these Catholics treating their icons as magic wands.

It is not as simple as throwing on a scapular and living any way you want. You must stick to a chaste and prayerful life to receive the benefit. Read this link for the details of enrollment, the requirements, the promises and the history.

I have heard it said that if you enroll in the Brown Scapular, you will either run from mortal sin or you will take it off. I have no plans of taking it off. Talk soon.
