America Being Eaten at Satan’s Table

I recently listened to a talk from American exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger. The link is here. In the talk, Father discusses the 5 demons who work directly under Satan. They are referred to in the realm of spiritual warfare as his 5 generals, or The Table.

One of the gifts of the Rite of Exorcism is that truths are often revealed in session. Once the Rite is approved by the Bishop, the demon or demons is/are at certain points bound to speak the truth even though they are liars by nature.

Sometimes our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or the Blessed Mother through the power given by her Son force the demons to reveal certain truths. One of the first things an exorcist priest will do once the Rite has been approved is work through prayer and commands with the authority given by Christ to force the demons to reveal themselves by name/names.

Demonic possession is rare, but it is not only Satan himself who possesses victims. When Lucifer fell, he took 1/3 of the angels with him. They are all demons. Just as there is a hierarchy of angels, the same applies to demons.

Possession cases often involve more than one demon. This is Biblical. Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” (Mark 5:9)

I urge you to listen to the entire talk by Father Ripperger. However, I am going to list the names of Satan’s 5 generals and briefly discuss the specific sins each specializes in tempting/destroying us and society with.

Please note: the purpose here is to create awareness, not fixation. You do not want to attempt to communicate or directly engage with these entities in any way.

The best way to battle these minions is by living your Catholic Faith which involves regular Mass, fasting and frequent Confession. The demonic attaches itself to us through sin, so we must do our best to stay in God’s Grace. To do so, we need the Sacraments.

So, let’s get to the list of Satan’s 5 generals and their MOs.:


This is the demon of impurity. We are constantly tempted to commit sinful sexual acts. However, after Vatican II, you had the free love movement of the 1960’s. This led to increase in divorce and cohabitation.

In fact, the Boomer elite preached to Gen-X constantly not to rush into marriage and to “play the field.”

This did not mean bring a different girl to next week’s sock hop. It meant go out and fornicate before settling down.

Now, it is not abnormal for a couple to be living together in the same bed in their late teens/early 20’s under a parent’s roof. As the normalization of fornication has increased, so has the divorce rate.


This is the demon of homosexuality in men. This used to be considered to the disorder that it is.

It is now not only normalized but promoted. Our boys are being groomed by the NEA to become sodomites. Even the seminaries were infiltrated by this starting in the 1960s.


This is the demon of female homosexuality, the butch-type. Our nation has been destroyed by the attack on the family.

Feminism has caused women to think that success is in their profession rather than being nurturers. Birth rates amongst American citizens are way down. We have been tricked by this demon into placing the merit of our little girls on competitive sports rather than homemaking.

Isn’t little Julie really growing in her independence by hitting that 3-pointer? I’m not sure. Does she know how to boil water?

BTW-the modern Chruch also seems to have been attacked by this demon evident by female Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers. I can recall some relativist Catholic school nuns that in hindsight may have been influenced by him.


This is the demon of the seductive type of lesbianism. The porn industry is littered with this. Female strippers performing lesbian acts is now commonplace. The rising consensual adultery of group sex and swingers is likely manipulated by this demon.


This is the demon of child sacrifice. Abortion, normalized pedophilia, open borders, child trafficking, puberty blockers and child genital mutilation are all poisons in today’s society.

As we are beaten over the head with the constant comparisons of every right-wing movement to the atrocities of the Holocaust which ended about 75 years ago, we have butchered over 60,000,000 unborn babies in this country since 1973.

So, there you have Satan’s 5 generals. America appears to be the main course on his Table.

Satan cannot operate without God’s permission. As we turn our backs on Christ for obsession with entertainment, acceptance of the mainstream, college admissions, youth sports and whatever other uselessness, we empower the demonic.

We need Christ’s intervention to save this country in 2024. I don’t know what His plans are for this nation.

What I do know is that we are more likely to receive Jesus’ intervention against worldly evil if we stop indulging in the lies of spiritual evil. Talk soon.
