Embracing Women’s Right to Choose

courtesy of scoopempire.com
courtesy of twitter







My whole life I have heard the promotion of women’s right to choose.  I am now embracing it.

I now fully support a woman’s right to choose.  No, no, no not the right to choose to butcher their own baby.

I think it’s long past time for women to choose between chivalry and equality.  For decades they have been living the best of both worlds.

Polite society still promotes the idea of ladies first or saving the women and children in an emergency.  I have no problem with this.

Polite society still promotes the idea that men should pay for the majority of meals and activities during courtship.  It is my natural instinct to grab the check.

However, if we are going to continue these customs, women must stop this equality bullshit.  On the other hand, they can be treated equally if that’s what they choose.

This means women have the same physical requirements to pass basic fitness tests as men during boot camp or police and fire tests.

This means the first one to the door goes through.  Oh you got the door slammed in your face sweetie?  Oh well.  You are equally strong and quick enough to catch the door as I am right?

This means there is ZERO reason for a woman to receive alimony in a divorce, correct?  You are strong, powerful and independent, so you should have no problem supporting yourself.

This means you split everything down the middle.  You don’t need a man right?

This means if you want to re-arrange your office you move the big heavy desk.  You don’t need Chad down the hall to help, right?  I mean you are strong, powerful and independent.  Let me hear you roar woman!

This also means if you have a few too many martinis and embarrass a man who tries to talk to you in a bar by publicly insulting him or throwing your drink on him to look cool to the gals, you are willing to accept a punch in the nose, right?

I don’t advocate violence on women; in fact, I hate it.  But in an equal society there are equal consequences.  You should be just as cautious as me about insulting someone twice my size.

Now on the other hand, there is always the choice of chivalry.  This means you get the ladies’ treatment from gentlemen.  However, this means that you act feminine.

You submit to the man rather than compete with him.  Your choice.

What will it be?  Chivalry or equality?  I think you know what the better bet is.  Talk soon.
